5 research outputs found

    Nouveaux Orthoptères (Ensifera, Insecta) du Trias des Vosges (France)

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    Trois nouveaux Orthoptera, Ensifera (Hagloidea et Gryllavoidea) du Grès à Voltzia (Buntsandstein supérieur, Trias inférieur/moyen) des Vosges (France) représentés par des ailes antérieures, sont décrits. Galliagryllavus vogesiacus n. gen., n.sp. (Gryllavidae) montre des affinités avec Gryllavus madyge nicus SHAROV 1968 du Trias de Madygen (Kirghizistan). Triassoparacyrtophyllites bifurcatus n. gen., n.sp. (Tuphellidae) présente des analogies avec Pa racyrtophillites undulatus SHAROV 1968 du Jurassique supérieur de Karatau (Kazakhstan). Voltziahagla pseudoveinosa n. gen., n.sp. (Haglidae) semble proche du genre Archaboilus MARTYNOV 1937 du Jurassique inférieur de Shurab (Tadjikistan). Ces trois Ensifera qui appartiennent à des familles distinctes mettent en évidence la diversité de ce groupe à la limite du Trias inférieur/moyen. Une révision cladistique des Hagloidea et des Gryllavoidea serait nécessaire pour pouvoir déterminer les relations phylogénétiques entre ces différentes familles.Three new Orthoptera, Ensifera (Hagloidea and Gryllavoidea) from the Grés à Voltzia (Upper Buntsandstein, transition Lower / Middle Triassic) of the Vosges (France) are described based on forewings. Galliagryllavus vogesiacus n.gen., n.sp. (Gryllavidae) shows affinities with Gryllavus madygenicus SHAROV 1968 from the Triassic of Madygen (Kirghizistan). Triassoparacyrtophyllites bifurcatus n.gen., n.sp. (Tuphellidae) displays some similarities with Paracyrtophillites undulatus SHAROV 1968 from the Upper Jurassic of Karatau (Kazakhstan). Voltziahagla pseudoveinosa n.gen., n.sp. (Haglidae) seems close to the genus Archaboilus MARTYNOV 1937 from the Lower Jurassic of Shurab (Tadjikistan). These three Ensifera which belong to distinct families underscore the diversity of the Hagloidea and the Gryllavoidea at the boundary between the Lower and Middle Triassic. A cladistic study would be necessary to determine the phylogenetical relationships between the different families

    Nouveaux Orthoptères (Ensifera, Insecta) du Trias des Vosges (France)

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    Three new Orthoptera, Ensifera (Hagloidea and Gryllavoidea) from the Grés à Voltzia (Upper Buntsandstein, transition Lower / Middle Triassic) of the Vosges (France) are described based on forewings. Galliagryllavus vogesiacus n.gen., n.sp. (Gryllavidae) shows affinities with Gryllavus madygenicus SHAROV 1968 from the Triassic of Madygen (Kirghizistan). Triassoparacyrtophyllites bifurcatus n.gen., n.sp. (Tuphellidae) displays some similarities with Paracyrtophillites undulatus SHAROV 1968 from the Upper Jurassic of Karatau (Kazakhstan). Voltziahagla pseudoveinosa n.gen., n.sp. (Haglidae) seems close to the genus Archaboilus MARTYNOV 1937 from the Lower Jurassic of Shurab (Tadjikistan). These three Ensifera which belong to distinct families underscore the diversity of the Hagloidea and the Gryllavoidea at the boundary between the Lower and Middle Triassic. A cladistic study would be necessary to determine the phylogenetical relationships between the different families

    Changes to the Fossil Record of Insects through Fifteen Years of Discovery

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    The first and last occurrences of hexapod families in the fossil record are compiled from publications up to end-2009. The major features of these data are compared with those of previous datasets (1993 and 1994). About a third of families (>400) are new to the fossil record since 1994, over half of the earlier, existing families have experienced changes in their known stratigraphic range and only about ten percent have unchanged ranges. Despite these significant additions to knowledge, the broad pattern of described richness through time remains similar, with described richness increasing steadily through geological history and a shift in dominant taxa, from Palaeoptera and Polyneoptera to Paraneoptera and Holometabola, after the Palaeozoic. However, after detrending, described richness is not well correlated with the earlier datasets, indicating significant changes in shorter-term patterns. There is reduced Palaeozoic richness, peaking at a different time, and a less pronounced Permian decline. A pronounced Triassic peak and decline is shown, and the plateau from the mid Early Cretaceous to the end of the period remains, albeit at substantially higher richness compared to earlier datasets. Origination and extinction rates are broadly similar to before, with a broad decline in both through time but episodic peaks, including end-Permian turnover. Origination more consistently exceeds extinction compared to previous datasets and exceptions are mainly in the Palaeozoic. These changes suggest that some inferences about causal mechanisms in insect macroevolution are likely to differ as well