205 research outputs found

    The Shine-Dalgarno hybrid during initiation of translation and elongation

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    It was unknown whether a synthetic Shine-Dalgarno (SD) oligonucleotide labelled with ³²P at its 5'-end ([³²P]oct) would be able to reach the anti-SD sequence of 16S rRNA at the early stages of translation only or during elongation. To verify this, [³²P]oct was incubated with 30S ribosomal subunits (RSUs), 70S ribosomes and polysomes, separately, while the SD/anti-SD binding was checked in them through sucrose gradients. The anti-SD sequence resulted highly available in 30S RSUs and sufficiently available in ribosomes. In both 30S RSUs and ribosomes, the addition of a model 002 mRNA in equimolar proportions displaced [³²P]oct for about 50 %. However, in ribosomes the presence of initiation factors (IFs) and fMet-tRNA influence neither the binding of [³²P]oct nor the competition coming from mRNA. In polysomes, [³²P]oct was unable to hybridize the anti-SD sequence, in agreement with the hypothesis that mRNA and 16S rRNA are involved in the SD/anti-SD interaction also during elongation.Невідомо, чи будуть синтетичні олігонуклеотиди Шайна-Дальгарно (SD) мічені ³² P по 5'-кінця ([ ³² P]-окт) досягати анти-SD послідовності 16S рРНК на ранній стадії трансляції або тільки під час елонгації. Дла перевірки даної гіпотези, [ ³² P] окт інкубували з 30S субодиницями рибосом (RSUs) і 70S рибосом і полісом, окремо, SD / анти-SD зв'язування детектувати в градієнти сахарози. Анти-SD послідовності призвело високої доступності в 30-і RSUs і досить доступні в рибосоми. В обох 30S RSUs і рибосом, додавання модель 002 мРНК в еквімолярних кількостей зміщені [ ³² P] окт близько 50%. Тим не менш, в рибосомах присутність факторів ініціації (МФ) і fMet-тРНК не впливають на зв'язування [ ³² P] окт і не конкурують з мРНК. У полісоми, [ ³² P] окт не зміг провести гібридизацію анти-SD послідовності, відповідно до гіпотезою, що мРНК і 16S рРНК беруть участь в SD / анти-SD взаємодія також під час елонгації.Неизвестно, будут ли синтетические олигонуклеотиды Шайна-Дальгарно (SD) меченные ³²P по 5'-концу ([³²P]-окт) достигать анти-SD последовательности 16S рРНК на ранней стадии трансляции или только во время элонгации. Дла проверки данной гипотезы, [³²P] окт инкубировали с 30S субъединицами рибосом (RSUs) и 70S рибосом и полисом, по отдельности, SD / анти-SD связывание детектировали в градиенты сахарозы. Анти-SD последовательности привело высокой доступности в 30-е RSUs и достаточно доступны в рибосомы. В обоих 30S RSUs и рибосом, добавление модель 002 мРНК в эквимолярных количеств смещены [³²P] окт около 50%. Тем не менее, в рибосомах присутствие факторов инициации (МФ) и fMet-тРНК не влияют на связывание [³²P] окт и не конкурируют с мРНК. В полисоме, [³²P] окт не смог провести гибридизацию анти-SD последовательности, в соответствии с гипотезой, что мРНК и 16S рРНК участвуют в SD / анти-SD взаимодействие также во время элонгации

    Smith-Magenis sindrome and growth hormone deficiency

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    Smith-Magenis syndrome (SMS) is a multiple congenital anomaly/mental retardation syndrome including physical and neurobehavioural features. The disease is commonly associated with a ca. 3.7 Mb interstitial deletion of chromosome 17p11.2, while a 1.1 Mb critical region has been identified, containing about 20 genes expressed in multiple tissues. Haploinsufficiency of one of them, RAI1, seems to be responsible for the neurobehavioural, craniofacial and otolaryngological features of the syndrome, but not for short stature, commonly seen in SMS patients with chromosome deletion, implying the role of other genes in the 17p11.2 region. Growth failure is a final result of several different mechanisms involving decreased growth hormone (GH) production, reduced tissue response to GH, or impaired activity of epistatic factors. To our knowledge, the association of GH deficiency with SMS has never been reported and rarely investigated, despite the very short stature of SMS patients. We describe a girl with a full SMS phenotype and a typical 3.7 Mb deletion of 17p11.2 who also has GH deficiency. After starting replacement therapy, growth has significantly improved, her stature being now above both the 10th percentile and her genetic target. CONCLUSION: we suggest that an investigation of both growth hormone secretion and function is carried out in patients with Smith-Magenis syndrome and 17p11.2 deletion

    Adult case of partial trisomy 9q

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    Background: \ud Complete and partial trisomy 9 is the fourth most common chromosomal disorder. It is also associated with various congenital characteristics affecting the cranio-facial, skeletal, central nervous, gastrointestinal, cardiac and renal systems. Very few cases have been reported in adults. Partial trisomy 9q is also associated with short stature, poor growth and growth hormone deficiency. This is the first reported case of an extensive endocrinology investigation of short stature in trisomy 9q and the outcome of growth hormone treatment.\ud \ud Case Presentation: \ud The case involves a 23-year-old female of pure partial trisomy 9q. The case involves a 23-year old female with pure partial trisomy 9q involving a duplication of 9q22.1 to q32, de novo, confirmed by genetic studies using fluorescene in situ hybridization (FISH) method. The diagnosis was at 6 years of age. She did not demonstrate all the congenital morphologies identified with trisomy 9q disorders especially in relation to multi-organ morphologies. There is also a degree of associated intellectual impairment. At prepuberty, she was referred for poor growth and was diagnosed with partial growth hormone deficiency. She responded very well to treatment with growth hormone and is currently living an independent life with some support.\ud \ud Conclusions: \ud Trisomy 9q is associated with short stature and failure to thrive. Growth hormone deficiency should be identified in cases of trisomy 9q and treatment offered. This is the first reported case of response to growth hormone replacement in partial trisomy 9

    Guida alla redazione degli atti amministrativi

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    La "Guida alla redazione degli atti amministrativi" intende fornire indicazioni per la redazione degli atti per tutti i funzionari della pubblica amministrazione. Si articola in tre parti: (a) la lingua degli atti, (b) la struttura del provvedimento amministrativo, (c) il rinvio ad altri atti. Ne è autore un gruppo di linguisti e giuristi facenti capo all'ITTIG-CNR (Istituto per le Tecniche e Tecnologie dell'Informazione Giuridica) e dell'Accademia della Crusca

    Telomere disruption results in non-random formation of de novo dicentric chromosomes involving acrocentric human chromosomes

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    Copyright: © 2010 Stimpson et al.Genome rearrangement often produces chromosomes with two centromeres (dicentrics) that are inherently unstable because of bridge formation and breakage during cell division. However, mammalian dicentrics, and particularly those in humans, can be quite stable, usually because one centromere is functionally silenced. Molecular mechanisms of centromere inactivation are poorly understood since there are few systems to experimentally create dicentric human chromosomes. Here, we describe a human cell culture model that enriches for de novo dicentrics. We demonstrate that transient disruption of human telomere structure non-randomly produces dicentric fusions involving acrocentric chromosomes. The induced dicentrics vary in structure near fusion breakpoints and like naturally-occurring dicentrics, exhibit various inter-centromeric distances. Many functional dicentrics persist for months after formation. Even those with distantly spaced centromeres remain functionally dicentric for 20 cell generations. Other dicentrics within the population reflect centromere inactivation. In some cases, centromere inactivation occurs by an apparently epigenetic mechanism. In other dicentrics, the size of the alpha-satellite DNA array associated with CENP-A is reduced compared to the same array before dicentric formation. Extrachromosomal fragments that contained CENP-A often appear in the same cells as dicentrics. Some of these fragments are derived from the same alpha-satellite DNA array as inactivated centromeres. Our results indicate that dicentric human chromosomes undergo alternative fates after formation. Many retain two active centromeres and are stable through multiple cell divisions. Others undergo centromere inactivation. This event occurs within a broad temporal window and can involve deletion of chromatin that marks the locus as a site for CENP-A maintenance/replenishment.This work was supported by the Tumorzentrum Heidelberg/Mannheim grant (D.10026941)and by March of Dimes Research Foundation grant #1-FY06-377 and NIH R01 GM069514

    The inv dup (15) or idic (15) syndrome (Tetrasomy 15q)

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    The inv dup(15) or idic(15) syndrome displays distinctive clinical findings represented by early central hypotonia, developmental delay and intellectual disability, epilepsy, and autistic behaviour. Incidence at birth is estimated at 1 in 30,000 with a sex ratio of almost 1:1. Developmental delay and intellectual disability affect all individuals with inv dup(15) and are usually moderate to profound. Expressive language is absent or very poor and often echolalic. Comprehension is very limited and contextual. Intention to communicate is absent or very limited. The distinct behavioral disorder shown by children and adolescents has been widely described as autistic or autistic-like. Epilepsy with a wide variety of seizure types can occur in these individuals, with onset between 6 months and 9 years. Various EEG abnormalities have been described. Muscle hypotonia is observed in almost all individuals, associated, in most of them, with joint hyperextensibility and drooling. Facial dysmorphic features are absent or subtle, and major malformations are rare. Feeding difficulties are reported in the newborn period

    De Novo Unbalanced Translocations in Prader-Willi and Angelman Syndrome Might Be the Reciprocal Product of inv dup(15)s

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    The 15q11-q13 region is characterized by high instability, caused by the presence of several paralogous segmental duplications. Although most mechanisms dealing with cryptic deletions and amplifications have been at least partly characterized, little is known about the rare translocations involving this region. We characterized at the molecular level five unbalanced translocations, including a jumping one, having most of 15q transposed to the end of another chromosome, whereas the der(15)(pter->q11-q13) was missing. Imbalances were associated either with Prader-Willi or Angelman syndrome. Array-CGH demonstrated the absence of any copy number changes in the recipient chromosome in three cases, while one carried a cryptic terminal deletion and another a large terminal deletion, already diagnosed by classical cytogenetics. We cloned the breakpoint junctions in two cases, whereas cloning was impaired by complex regional genomic architecture and mosaicism in the others. Our results strongly indicate that some of our translocations originated through a prezygotic/postzygotic two-hit mechanism starting with the formation of an acentric 15qter->q1::q1->qter representing the reciprocal product of the inv dup(15) supernumerary marker chromosome. An embryo with such an acentric chromosome plus a normal chromosome 15 inherited from the other parent could survive only if partial trisomy 15 rescue would occur through elimination of part of the acentric chromosome, stabilization of the remaining portion with telomere capture, and formation of a derivative chromosome. All these events likely do not happen concurrently in a single cell but are rather the result of successive stabilization attempts occurring in different cells of which only the fittest will finally survive. Accordingly, jumping translocations might represent successful rescue attempts in different cells rather than transfer of the same 15q portion to different chromosomes. We also hypothesize that neocentromerization of the original acentric chromosome during early embryogenesis may be required to avoid its loss before cell survival is finally assured

    Autism associated with tetrasomy 15: A further report

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    Association of autism with tetrasomy of chromosome 15 has recently been described in six males. In this report, we describe the occurrence of autism in a girl with tetrasomy of chromosome 15. The patient showed hyperactivity, hand-flapping, short-stature, eye abnormalities, and hypotonia, which have been reported in males with tetrasomy of chromosome 15. This suggests that autism may be associated in both sexes with a distinct syndrome characterized by tetrasomy of chromosome 15, mental retardation and characteristic physical features. L'association d'autisme avec une tétrasomie du chromosome 15 a été décrite récemment chez six garçons. Dans cet article, nous décrivons la survenue d'un autisme chez une fille avec une tétrasomie du chromosome 15. La patiente présentait une hyperactivité, un battement des mains, une petite taille, des anormalités des yeux et une hypotonie qui ont été rapportées chez des garçons avec tétrasomie du chromosome 15. Ceci suggère que l'autisme peut être associé dans les deux sexes avec un syndrome distinct caractérisé par une tétrasomie du chromosome 15, un retard mental et des traits physiques caractéristiques. Kürzlich wurde eine Assoziation einer Tetrasomie des Chromosoms 15 mit Autismus bei 6 männlichen Individuen beschrieben. In dem vorliegenden Fallbericht wird das Vorkommen eines Autismus bei einem Mädchen mit einer Tetrasomie des Chromosoms 15 dargestellt. Die Patientin zeigte Hyperaktivität, Handstereotypien, ophthalmologische Auffälligkeiten und Hypotonie. Diese Auffälligkeiten sind auch bei den männlichen Individuen mit einer Tetrasomie 15 beschrieben worden. Diese Befunde legen nahe, daß bei beiden Geschlechtern Autismus mit einem eigenständigen Syndrom im Falle des Vorliegens einer Tetrasomie 15 einhergeht, dessen wesentliche Merkmale geistige Behinderung und charakteristische Auffälligkeiten sind.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/41756/1/787_2005_Article_BF02098582.pd

    A Dominant X-Linked QTL Regulating Pubertal Timing in Mice Found by Whole Genome Scanning and Modified Interval-Specific Congenic Strain Analysis

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    BACKGROUND: Pubertal timing in mammals is triggered by reactivation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) axis and modulated by both genetic and environmental factors. Strain-dependent differences in vaginal opening among inbred mouse strains suggest that genetic background contribute significantly to the puberty timing, although the exact mechanism remains unknown. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We performed a genome-wide scanning for linkage in reciprocal crosses between two strains, C3H/HeJ (C3H) and C57BL6/J (B6), which differed significantly in the pubertal timing. Vaginal opening (VO) was used to characterize pubertal timing in female mice, and the age at VO of all female mice (two parental strains, F1 and F2 progeny) was recorded. A genome-wide search was performed in 260 phenotypically extreme F2 mice out of 464 female progeny of the F1 intercrosses to identify quantitative trait loci (QTLs) controlling this trait. A QTL significantly associated was mapped to the DXMit166 marker (15.5 cM, LOD = 3.86, p<0.01) in the reciprocal cross population (C3HB6F2). This QTL contributed 2.1 days to the timing of VO, which accounted for 32.31% of the difference between the original strains. Further study showed that the QTL was B6-dominant and explained 10.5% of variation to this trait with a power of 99.4% at an alpha level of 0.05.The location of the significant ChrX QTL found by genome scanning was then fine-mapped to a region of approximately 2.5 cM between marker DXMit68 and rs29053133 by generating and phenotyping a panel of 10 modified interval-specific congenic strains (mISCSs). CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Such findings in our study lay a foundation for positional cloning of genes regulating the timing of puberty, and also reveal the fact that chromosome X (the sex chromosome) does carry gene(s) which take part in the regulative pathway of the pubertal timing in mice

    ICF, An Immunodeficiency Syndrome: DNA Methyltransferase 3B Involvement, Chromosome Anomalies, and Gene Dysregulation

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    The immunodeficiency, centromeric region instability, and facial anomalies syndrome (ICF) is the only disease known to result from a mutated DNA methyltransferase gene, namely, DNMT3B. Characteristic of this recessive disease are decreases in serum immunoglobulins despite the presence of B cells and, in the juxtacentromeric heterochromatin of chromosomes 1 and 16, chromatin decondensation, distinctive rearrangements, and satellite DNA hypomethylation. Although DNMT3B is involved in specific associations with histone deacetylases, HP1, other DNMTs, chromatin remodelling proteins, condensin, and other nuclear proteins, it is probably the partial loss of catalytic activity that is responsible for the disease. In microarray experiments and real-time RT-PCR assays, we observed significant differences in RNA levels from ICF vs. control lymphoblasts for pro- and anti-apoptotic genes (BCL2L10, CASP1, and PTPN13); nitrous oxide, carbon monoxide, NF-κB, and TNFa signalling pathway genes (PRKCH, GUCY1A3, GUCY1B3, MAPK13; HMOX1, and MAP4K4); and transcription control genes (NR2F2 and SMARCA2). This gene dysregulation could contribute to the immunodeficiency and other symptoms of ICF and might result from the limited losses of DNA methylation although ICF-related promoter hypomethylation was not observed for six of the above examined genes. We propose that hypomethylation of satellite 2at1qh and 16qh might provoke this dysregulation gene expression by trans effects from altered sequestration of transcription factors, changes in nuclear architecture, or expression of noncoding RNAs