11 research outputs found

    Sunflower nutrition irrigated with domestic sewage treated

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    This study aimed to evaluate the nutritional status of the sunflower (Helianthus annus L.) irrigated with domestic effluents. The study was performed in a pilot sewage treatment plant, where the treatments were composed by the combination of two factors: types of water (A1 - effluent treated by UASB reactor; A2 – effluent treated with digester decant and anaerobic filtering; A3 – effluent treated with anaerobic filtering; and A4 – water supply) and irrigation depths (L1 - equal to the crop evapotranspiration (ETc) and L2 – 1.2 ETc. The experimental design was in randomized blocks, in a 4 x 2 factorial scheme, with four replications. At 96 days after sowing, the leaves, capitulum, and achenes were collected for the concentration evaluation of N, P, K, Ca, Mg and S. The analyses of variance were performed based on the concentration of the nutrients in the respective organs; when significant, they were analyzed by orthogonal contrasts. The sunflower nutritional status was influenced by the types of treatment for the domestic sewage, especially regarding N, Ca and S, and by the irrigation depths; the sunflower crop presented a better nutritional balance when irrigated with treated domestic effluents; with the application of the water supply only, the nutritional supply of the P and S, is necessary.This study aimed to evaluate the nutritional status of the sunflower (Helianthus annus L.) irrigated with domestic effluents. The study was performed in a pilot sewage treatment plant, where the treatments were composed by the combination of two factors: types of water (A1 - effluent treated by UASB reactor; A2 – effluent treated with digester decant and anaerobic filtering; A3 – effluent treated with anaerobic filtering; and A4 – water supply) and irrigation depths (L1 - equal to the crop evapotranspiration (ETc) and L2 – 1.2 ETc. The experimental design was in randomized blocks, in a 4 x 2 factorial scheme, with four replications. At 96 days after sowing, the leaves, capitulum, and achenes were collected for the concentration evaluation of N, P, K, Ca, Mg and S. The analyses of variance were performed based on the concentration of the nutrients in the respective organs; when significant, they were analyzed by orthogonal contrasts. The sunflower nutritional status was influenced by the types of treatment for the domestic sewage, especially regarding N, Ca and S, and by the irrigation depths; the sunflower crop presented a better nutritional balance when irrigated with treated domestic effluents; with the application of the water supply only, the nutritional supply of the P and S, is necessary

    Management of water deficit in the irrigated production of the green pepper

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    ABSTRACT Information on irrigation management is essential for achieving satisfactory results when cultivating the green pepper. The aim of this study, therefore, was to evaluate the effects of water deficit, which varies according to phenological stage, on the production, growth and physiology of a crop of green peppers. The experimental design was completely randomised, with seven treatments, four repetitions, and plots comprising two plants. The treatments consisted of replacing the water demand during phenological phases I, II, III and IV (in terms of percentage ETc): T1 - 100%/I, 100%/II, 100%/III and 100%/IV; T2 - 100%/I, 75%/II, 100%/III and 75%/IV; T3 - 100%/I, 75%/II, 75%/III and 75%/IV; T4 - 100%/I, 75%/II, 75%/III and 50%/IV; T5 - 100%/I, 50%/II, 75%/III and 50%/IV; T6 - 100%/I, 50%/II, 50%/III and 50%/IV; T7 - 100%/I, 50%/II, 50%/III and 25%/IV. The plants were grown in the field under drip irrigation. The following variables were analysed: plant height; stem diameter, leaf area, shoot dry weight, number of fruits per plant, soluble solids, fruit length, fruit diameter, fruit weight, productivity, relative chlorophyll index, gas exchange, and water use efficiency. Compared to T1, management based on T2, T3 and T4 did not reduce expression of the vast majority of the vegetative variables or of gas exchange. The water deficit from T2 can be employed without any significant reduction in productivity and affords water savings of 12.5% in relation to T1. T1 and T2 give the highest values for water use efficiency. Management based on T1 and T2 is therefore recommended for cultivating the green pepper under field conditions

    Atributos químicos de um Neossolo Regolítico distrófico em função das doses e tempos de aplicação de vinhaça.

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    A vinhaça é um resíduo proveniente do processo de destilação do álcool, rico em matéria orgânica e nutrientes e, por isso, é muito utilizado para fertirrigação nos próprios canaviais. Entretanto, se aplicado em doses excessivamente altas pode desequilibrar o complexo sortivo do solo e, se descartado indiscriminadamente no solo, pode trazer sérios riscos ao ambiente. Objetivou-se avaliar o efeito de doses crescentes de vinhaça (0; 59; 119; 237 e 474 m3 ha-1) e diferentes tempos de incubação (30 e 60 dias) nos atributos químicos de um Neossolo Regolítico distrófico. Durante o estudo, foram avaliadas as seguintes variáveis: condutividade elétrica do extrato de saturação do solo (CEes), pH e teores de K+ e Na+ trocáveis do solo. Ao final do estudo, foi possível concluir que os tempos de incubação de vinhaça no solo só afetaram significativamente as variáveis estudadas quando foi utilizada a maior dose de tal resíduo. Os teores de K+ e Na+ presentes no solo foram influenciados significativamente em decorrência da aplicação das doses crescentes de vinhaça, entretanto o pH e a CEes foram pouco afetados independente das doses utilizadas deste resíduo. A aplicação das lâminas de lixiviação provocou maior lixiviação de K+ do que Na+ do solo, fato que pode ocasionar a sodicidade do solo em função da aplicação de altas doses de vinhaça


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    Cassava wastewater is the liquid residue of the cassava flour processing and its application to the soil as fertilizer for agricultural crops is a good alternative to sources of nutrients for plants. In this context, the objective of this work was to evaluate the growth and seed yield of sunflower on soil fertilized with cassava wastewater. A randomized block experimental design with four replications was used, with six cassava wastewater rates (0, 8.5, 17, 34, 68 and 136 m3 ha-1) and six plant sampling times (15, 30, 45, 60, 75 and 90 days after sowing), using the sunflower cultivar Helio-250. The evaluated variables were total leaf area, leaf area index, leaf area ratio, specific leaf area, leaf weight ratio, shoot dry mass and sunflower seed yield. The use of cassava wastewater rate of 136 m3 ha-1 increases the seed yield, leaf area, leaf area index and shoot dry mass, and results in lower leaf area ratio, specific leaf area and leaf weight ratio of sunflower (cv. Helio-250) crops

    Sunflower nutrition irrigated with domestic sewage treated

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    This study aimed to evaluate the nutritional status of the sunflower (Helianthus annus L.) irrigated with domestic effluents. The study was performed in a pilot sewage treatment plant, where the treatments were composed by the combination of two factors: types of water (A1 - effluent treated by UASB reactor; A2 – effluent treated with digester decant and anaerobic filtering; A3 – effluent treated with anaerobic filtering; and A4 – water supply) and irrigation depths (L1 - equal to the crop evapotranspiration (ETc) and L2 – 1.2 ETc. The experimental design was in randomized blocks, in a 4 x 2 factorial scheme, with four replications. At 96 days after sowing, the leaves, capitulum, and achenes were collected for the concentration evaluation of N, P, K, Ca, Mg and S. The analyses of variance were performed based on the concentration of the nutrients in the respective organs; when significant, they were analyzed by orthogonal contrasts. The sunflower nutritional status was influenced by the types of treatment for the domestic sewage, especially regarding N, Ca and S, and by the irrigation depths; the sunflower crop presented a better nutritional balance when irrigated with treated domestic effluents; with the application of the water supply only, the nutritional supply of the P and S, is necessary

    Production and morphological components of sunflower on soil fertilized with cassava wastewater

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    ABSTRACT Agroindustrial residues, such as cassava wastewater, have been used as soil fertilizers, reducing environmental pollution and recovering nutrients. The objective of this work was to evaluate production and morphological components and oil yield of sunflower (Helianthus annuus), hybrid Helio-250, fertilized with cassava wastewater. The experiment was conducted at the Experimental Station of the Instituto Agronomico de Pernambuco, Vitória de Santo Antão, State of Pernambuco, Brazil. A randomized block experimental design was used, with six cassava wastewater rates (0, 8.5, 17.0, 34.0, 68.0 and 136 m3 ha-1) and four replications. The variables evaluated were shoot fresh and dry weight, capitulum fresh and dry weight, capitulum diameter, seed yield, oil yield and seed oil content. The use cassava wastewater as soil fertilizer improved the production and morphological variables evaluated, except the seed oil content, which decreased with application of cassava wastewater rates above 25 m3 ha-1


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    The present work aimed to study the environment genotype interaction and estimate the componentssimple and complex of interaction as well as identify watermelon cultivars with phenotypic stability. Seven cultivars of watermelon were evaluated in six environments during the years of 1996, 1997 and 1998 in two location of Rio Grande do Norte State. The trait evaluated was the commercial fruits yield. The interaction Cultivar x Year wasn¿t significant, amount only to 3, 26 % of the total sum of square sum total of the source of variation. There wasn't interaction Cultivar x Location significant, however it explained 11,68 % of the total variation. The triple interaction was significant and explained 13,67 % of the total observed variation. The simple component was responsible for the most part of Cultivar x Environment interaction with about 61% of the total variation. The hybrid Jetstream had the best perfeormance with linear regression coeficient equal to unit, with regression deviation not significant, high coeficient of determination and average yield above the check

    Production and morphological components of sunflower on soil fertilized with cassava wastewater

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    ABSTRACT Agroindustrial residues, such as cassava wastewater, have been used as soil fertilizers, reducing environmental pollution and recovering nutrients. The objective of this work was to evaluate production and morphological components and oil yield of sunflower (Helianthus annuus), hybrid Helio-250, fertilized with cassava wastewater. The experiment was conducted at the Experimental Station of the Instituto Agronomico de Pernambuco, Vitória de Santo Antão, State of Pernambuco, Brazil. A randomized block experimental design was used, with six cassava wastewater rates (0, 8.5, 17.0, 34.0, 68.0 and 136 m3 ha-1) and four replications. The variables evaluated were shoot fresh and dry weight, capitulum fresh and dry weight, capitulum diameter, seed yield, oil yield and seed oil content. The use cassava wastewater as soil fertilizer improved the production and morphological variables evaluated, except the seed oil content, which decreased with application of cassava wastewater rates above 25 m3 ha-1

    Análise comparativa de métodos de estimativa de área foliar em beterraba

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    Este estudio, realizado en el Departamento de Ciencias Vegetales de la Universidad Federal Rural do Semi-Árido, el objetivo de evaluar la exactitud de los cinco métodos para estimar el área foliar en el cultivo de la remolacha. 30 hojas se han utilizado sin el limbo, tomadas al azar en el campo. Las hojas se cosecharon a los 45 días después del trasplante. Los métodos para estimar el área foliar se utilizaron: el método de discos de hojas, largo x ancho, método de los cuadrados, de fotos, escáner, medidor de área foliar. Los métodos de prueba se compararon con el método de referencia (escáner), con base en el criterio del coeficiente de determinación de la regresión lineal (R2). El método que está más cerca del área de la hoja de referencia era el método de cuadrados, lo que proporciona un coeficiente de regresión R2 = 0.9836.O presente trabalho, realizado no Departamento de Ciências Vegetais da Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Árido, teve como finalidade avaliar a precisão de cinco métodos de estimativa de área foliar na cultura da beterraba. Foram utilizadas 30 folhas sem limbo, retiradas aleatoriamente do campo. As folhas foram coletadas aos 45 dias após o transplantio. Os métodos de estimativa de área foliar utilizados foram: método dos discos foliares, comprimento x largura, método dos quadrados, fotografia, scanner, integrador de área foliar. Os métodos avaliados foram comparados com o método considerado de referência (scanner), com base no critério de coeficiente de determinação da regressão linear (R2 ). O método que mais se aproximou da área foliar de referência foi o método dos quadrados, que proporcionou um coeficiente de regressão R2 = 0,9836.This work was conducted at the Department of Plant Sciences, Rural Federal University of Semi-Arid Region, aimed at evaluating the accuracy of five methods for estimating leaf area in sugar beet growing. 30 leaves were used without limbo, taken randomly from the field. The leaves were harvested at 45 days after transplanting. The methods for estimating leaf area were used: method of leaf discs, length x width, squares, photo, scanner, a leaf area meter. All methods were compared with the reference method (scanner), based on the criterion of determination coefficient of linear regression (R2 ). The method that is closer to the leaf area of reference was the method of squares, which provided a regression coefficient R2 = 0,9836


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    O presente trabalho, realizado no Departamento de Ciências Vegetais da Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Árido, teve como finalidade avaliar a precisão de cinco métodos de estimativa de área foliar na cultura da beterraba. Foram utilizadas 30 folhas sem limbo, retiradas aleatoriamente do campo. As folhas foram coletadas aos 45 dias após o transplantio. Os métodos de estimativa de área foliar utilizados foram: método dos discos foliares, comprimento x largura, método dos quadrados, fotografia, scanner, integrador de área foliar. Os métodos avaliados foram comparados com o método considerado de referência (scanner), com base no critério de coeficiente de determinação da regressão linear (R2). O método que mais se aproximou da área foliar de referência foi o método dos quadrados, que proporcionou um coeficiente de regressão R2 = 0,9836