2,746 research outputs found

    Estrategias de desarrollo en torno a los recursos naturales: una revisión crítica de la literatura

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    Desde los albores de la ciencia económica, los recursos naturales han estado al centro del análisis de los académicos. En los últimos años, el auge del sector de extracción ha dado un renovado impulso al debate en torno a las implicaciones económicas de tales recursos, al tiempo que han proliferado una serie de iniciativas vinculadas con ese sector. El presente artículo estudia críticamente las principales aportaciones de la literatura científica acerca de la relación entre recursos naturales y estrategias de desarrollo. El propósito es identificar y sistematizar aquellas condiciones que pueden promover un proceso de desarrollo económico, entendido como cambio estructural, a partir de la explotación de tales recursos

    «Et questo mi pare quanto agli studij vostri»: una lettera inedita di Juan de Polanco a Pedro de Ribadeneyra (1547) alle origini della pedagogia gesuita

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    This essay presents an analysis of a previously unpublished letter, sent by Juan de Polanco to Pedro de Ribadeneira on 9 July 1547, now preserved at the Historical Archives of the Pontifical Gregorian University. The document constitutes a valuable addition to the patrimony of available sources concerning the early history of Jesuit education. The first part of the essay outlines the circumstances of the letter’s recovery, as well as its physical features. It then proceeds to an analysis of the text, which can be divided into two parts: Polanco’s didactic instructions containing a list of specific authors – some of whom appear for the first time among the early sources on Jesuit education — and subjects recommended for deeper study, both to be compared here with similar extant Jesuit documentation from the same period. The second part of the letter, instead, contains spiritual considerations associated with a life of study. The article concludes with some reflections about the significance of this document, and an appendix containing a full transcription of the letter

    Un «increscioso ma non trascurabile argomento»: la fine del matrimonio di Aldo Manuzio il Giovane e la sua mancata ammissione agli ordini sacri

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    The supposed admission to the holy orders of Aldus Manutius the Younger (1547-1597) has been already a subject of debate a few years after his death. Some unknown letters by Aldus to Antonio Maria Graziani (1537-1611) allow to shed new light about this event. Through the review of already known documents and with the help of unpublished sources it can be argued that Aldus’ decision was closely connected to the end of his marriage with Francesca Giunti. Niccolò Manassi, Aldus’ associate and manager of the Venetian shop ad signum Aldi, had a considerable role in their separation; after Aldus’ death he married Francesca and took the lead of what remained of the glorious Aldine Press

    Estrategias de desarrollo en torno a los recursos naturales: una revisión crítica de la literatura

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    From the dawn of the economic science, natural resources have been at the centre of the analysis by scholars. During last years, the boom of the extractive sector has given a renewed momentum to the debate about economic implications of those recourses, while a series of initiatives linked with that sector has been spreading. This paper critically studies the main contributions of the cientific literature on the relation between natural resources and development strategies. The objective is to identify and systematize those conditions that could promote an economic development process, defined as a structural change, based on the exploitation of thos resources.Desde los albores de la ciencia económica, los recursos naturales han estado al centro del análisis de los académicos. En los últimos años, el auge del sector de extracción ha dado un renovado impulso al debate en torno a las implicaciones económicas de tales recursos, al tiempo que han proliferado una serie de iniciativas vinculadas con ese sector. El presente artículo estudia críticamente las principales aportaciones de la literatura científica acerca de la relación entre recursos naturales y estrategias de desarrollo. El propósito es identificar y sistematizar aquellas condiciones que pueden promover un proceso de desarrollo económico, entendido como cambio estructural, a partir de la explotación de tales recursos

    Il progetto Clavius On The Web entra nelle scuole

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    Clavius on the web is a Digital Humanities project dedicated to the manuscripts of Christophorus Clavius – an important jesuit mathematician and one of most influential scholars of his time – preserved by the Historical Archive of the Pontifical Gregorian University. This paper describes Clavius@School, an initiative within the same project in which students from three high schools partecipate. Clavius@School aims not only to spread knowledge about Clavius’ works, but also to alert to a conscientious and aware use of digital techno

    Historical trends in abiotic and biotic resource flows in the EU (1990-2010)

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    In its Communication “Roadmap to a Resource Efficient Europe” the European Commission defined a vision for EU resource consumption by 2050: the economy will have grown compatibly with resource constraints and planetary boundaries, preserving a high standard of living and lowering the environmental impacts. Such vision entails the sustainable management of natural resources, i.e. raw materials, energy, water, air, land and soil as well as biodiversity and ecosystems. In this paper, we focus on analysing the trends of abiotic and biotic resource consumption within the EU27 over the past 20 years, beyond traditional mass-based approaches to resource accounting (e.g. Domestic Material Consumption DMC and total material requirements, TMR). In fact, our assessment is performed at inventory level (thus accounting for the biophysical flows of resources) and at impact assessment level, using different life-cycle impact assessment methods (LCIA) for resource depletion and scarcity. The resources considered in the analysis include only those extracted in EU territory, including: raw materials (metals and minerals), energy carriers, biotic and water resources and the timeframe is 20 years (1990-2010). The final aim is the assessment of the evolution of resource flows in the economy (LCI) and the related resource depletion (LCIA) due to European production and consumption. Trends of resource consumption and associated depletion as well as other existing indicators for monitoring resource efficiency are reported and analysed with the aim of: highlighting the occurrence of decoupling over time, both in absolute and relative terms and giving a comprehensive overview of trends related to different resources, usually handled separately in the existing literature. To complete the sustainability assessment of resource consumption research needs are listed, particularly concerning the need of complementing the study with the analysis of socio-economic drivers underpinning the resource consumption trends.JRC.H.8-Sustainability Assessmen

    Recursos naturales, tecnología y desarrollo económico: estudio del caso del sector petrolero de Brasil (1998-2015)

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    Esta Tesis aborda la relación entre explotación de recursos naturales, desarrollo tecnológico y desarrollo económico a través de un estudio de caso del sector petrolero brasileño. Nuestro objetivo general es determinar cómo la explotación del petróleo y el gas natural en Brasil contribuyó al desarrollo tecnológico en el sector petrolero entre 1998 y 2015. La hipótesis principal de investigación plantea que la cláusula establecida por la agencia reguladora del sector petrolero brasileño, que obliga las compañías petroleras a invertir en Investigación y Desarrollo (I+D) en el país, ha promovido la realización de proyectos de investigación los cuales han fomentado el desarrollo tecnológico. A partir de ella, derivamos tres hipótesis secundarias relativas al papel en este proceso de los varios actores implicados en la cláusula de I+D: compañías petroleras, empresas suministradoras de equipamientos y servicios petroleros, universidades y centros de investigación. La metodología de investigación consiste en un estudio de caso fundamentado en un trabajo de campo realizado en Brasil entre 2015 y 2016. Los datos primarios han sido recogidos a través de 76 entrevistas a informantes clave del sector petrolero brasileño y de una encuesta basada en un cuestionario completado por 176 coordinadores de proyectos financiados por la cláusula de I+D. Nuestros resultados corroboran las hipótesis planteadas..

    Integrated assessment of environmental impact of Europe in 2010: data sources and extrapolation strategies for calculating normalisation factors

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    Purpose. Assessing comprehensively the overall environmental impacts of a region remains a major challenge. Within life cycle assessment (LCA), this evaluation is performed calculating normalisation factors at different scales. Normalisation represents an optional step of LCA according to ISO 14040/44 which may help in understanding the relative magnitude of the impact associated to a product when compared to a reference value. In order to enhance the robustness and comprehensiveness of normalisation factors for Europe in 2010, this paper present a methodology for building an extended domestic inventory of emission and resources to be used in the context of Product Environmental Footprint Material and methods. The normalisation factors (NFs) for EU 27 in 2010 are based on extensive data collection and the application of extrapolation strategies for data gaps filling. The inventory is based on domestic emissions into air, water and soil and on resource extracted in EU, adopting a production based approach. A hierarchy hasebeen developed for data sources selection based on their robustness and data quality. Data gap filling has been based on proxy indicators, capitalizing existing statistics on pressure indicators. To calculate NFs, the inventory has been multiplied by the characterization factors at midpoint as recommended in International reference Life Cycle Data System (ILCD) Handbook (EC-JRC, 2011). Results and discussion. The resulting NFs presents several added values compared to prior normalization exercises, namely: more complete inventory; robustness evaluation of the data sources; more comprehensive coverage of the flows within each impact category; overall evaluation of the robustness of the final figures. Few flows (NOx, SOx, NH4 etc) are driving the impacts of several impact categories, and the choice of the data sources is particularly crucial, as this may lead to differences in the NFs. The adoption of domestic NFs may results in overestimating the relative magnitude of certain impacts, especially when those impacts are associated with traded goods from or to outside the EU 27. Conclusion. Normalisation factors may help identification of the relative magnitude of the impact. Nonetheless, several limitations still exist both at the inventory and at the impact assessment level. Those limitations should be clearly reported and understood by the users of normalisation factors in order to correctly interpret the results of their study. Indeed, the efforts towards more robust normalization reference are needed both at the inventory and at the impact assessment side, including more robust impact assessment methods as well as better coverage of substances for which an inventory data is available but the characterization is missing. Strenghts and limitations of the current exercize have, then, implications also in other application context where integrated assessment of impacts is needed and were data gap filling and estimation of potential environemntal impacts is needed.JRC.H.8-Sustainability Assessmen

    Religious architecture in Epirus outside of colonial centers. Archaeology and Architecture of a peripheral sacred landscape

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    Il paesaggio sacro dell'Epiro al di fuori dei centri di fondazione coloniale si caratterizza per una grande uniformità, determinata dall'esclusiva adozione delle forme templari non periptere. La ricerca si concentra sugli aspetti propriamente architettonici (planimetrici, tecnico-costruttivi, decorativi e formali) e sulle articolazioni funzionali dell'edilizia di culto regionale, troppo spesso trascurati nella storia degli studi a vantaggio di altre dimensioni dello spazio santuariale come quella religiosa o politico-istituzionale.The sacred landscape of Hellenistic Epirus, outside of colonial centers, shows an absolute prevalence of non-peripteral temples (closed-front oikoi, prostyle naiskoi, naiskoi in antis). Even the only supposed peripteral temple in the region, the so called “Temple of Zeus Areios” at Rodotopi (Ioannina) appears to a close analysis to be the product of the Roman monumentalization of a previous prostyle temple. This research focuses namely on the architectural aspects of this “peripheral” cultic landscape, which have generally been neglected by scholars when compared with other aspects such as religious or political ones