268 research outputs found

    The accuracy of NIRS in predicting chemical composition and fibre digestibility of hay-based total mixed rations

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    The aim of this study was to develop near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) prediction models for the estimation of chemical components and the fibre undegradable fractions (uNDF) of hay-based total mixed rations (TMR). A total of 205 TMR samples were used for the study. All the chemical components were measured using standard AOAC reference methods and expressed as percentages of dry matter (DM). Prediction models were developed using both cross- and independent validation and different mathematical treatments applied on spectral data. The best spectral treatment was chosen based on the method which simultaneously achieved the lowest root mean square error and the highest explained variance in cross-validation. The coefficient of determination in external validation (R2P) was the greatest for starch prediction model (R2P = 0.84), followed by acid detergent fibre (ADF; R2P = 0.79), and amylase-treated ash-corrected NDF with addition of sodium sulphite (aNDFom) and crude protein prediction models (CP; R2P = 0.73). The concordance correlation coefficient (CCC) in validation ranged from 0.66 (ash prediction model) to 0.92 (starch prediction model), indicating substantial to accurate models’ predictive ability. This study indicated that NIRS can be a screening method for the prediction of CP, Starch, aNDFom, ADF, acid detergent lignin (ADL), uNDF and Ash. The use of TMR utilised in various herds provided high variability for the NIRS calibration dataset, implying that the developed NIRS pre-diction models could be applicable to TMR collected from herds located in the Parmigiano Reggiano cheese production area.Highlights NIRS can be successfully employed to determine quickly and at cost-effective different compositional and digestibility traits in hay-based TMR. TMR analysis predicted by NIRS can support nutritionists in the formulation of diets containing a proper nutrient profile to sustain physiological, metabolic, and immunological processes. The use of NIR technology for TMR analysis can allow frequent monitoring of rations and increasingly timely corrections, maximising cows’ diet utilisation and conversion of the ingested feed

    Risk of Recurrence of Chronic Subdural Hematomas After Surgery: A Multicenter Observational Cohort Study

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    Background: Chronic Subdural Hematoma (CSDH) is a common condition in the elderly population. Recurrence rates after surgical evacuation range from 5 to 30%. Factors predicting recurrence remain debated and unclear. Objective: To identify factors associated with increased risk of recurrence. Methods: Cases of CSDHs that underwent surgical treatment between 2005 and 2018 in the Neurosurgery Units of two major Italian hospitals were reviewed. Data extracted from a prospectively maintained database included demographics, laterality, antithrombotic therapy, history of trauma, corticosteroid therapy, preoperative and postoperative symptoms, type of surgical intervention, use of surgical drain, and clinical outcomes. Results: A total of 1313 patients was analyzed. The overall recurrence rate was 10.1%. The risk of recurrence was not significantly different between patients with unilateral or bilateral CSDH (10.4 vs. 8.8%, p = 0.39). The risk of recurrence was higher in patients that underwent surgical procedure without postoperative drainage (16.1 vs. 5.4%, p < 0.01). No relationship was found between recurrence rates and therapy with antithrombotic drugs (p = 0.97). The risk of recurrence was increasingly higher considering craniostomy, craniectomy, and craniotomy (9.3, 11.3, and 18.9%, respectively, p = 0.013). Lower recurrence rates following Dexamethasone therapy were recorded (p = 0.013). Conclusion: No association was found between the risk of recurrence of CSDH after surgical evacuation and age, use of antithrombotic medication, or laterality. Burr-hole craniostomy was found to be associated with lower recurrence rates, when compared to other surgical procedures. Placement of surgical drain and Dexamethasone therapy were significantly associated with reduced risk of recurrence of CSDHs

    The role of dose size in a chemotherapy regimen (ProMECE-CytaBOM) for the first-line treatment of large B-cell lymphomas: a randomized trial by the Gruppo Italiano Studio Linfomi (GISL)

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    Background: It is still unclear the actual contribute of dose intensity (DI), dose size (DS) and dose density (DD) in the conventional chemotherapy of large, B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphomas. Methods: A prospective, randomized trial compared the cyclic schedule of ProMECE-CytaBOM chemotherapy (cyc-PC, 6 cycles) with a modified version of it, which administered the same drugs sequentially (seq-PC), with the same planned cumulative DI and an 83% DD, within the same time frame (113 days), but with three times higher DS of all the drugs except vincristine. Results: Fifty-six patients received cyc-PC and 52 seq-PC. The actual mean cumulative DI was 0.79 +/- 0.15 with cyc-PC, 0.78 +/- 0.17 with seq-PC. Response was complete in 59% and 52%, partial in 20% and 21%, null in 5% and 6%, respectively. There were four toxic deaths (two per arm). Relapses occurred in 36% and 37%, respectively. Toxicity was similar in both arms. Overall, failure-free, progression-free and disease-free survival (median follow-up: 54 months) were statistically indifferent. Conclusions: The very similar DI actually delivered in both arm seems to be the main common determinant of the indifferent results recorded. Increasing DS - at least within the limits clinically attainable without stem cell rescue - does not improve results

    Bone marrow stem cell damage after three different chemotherapy regimens for advanced Hodgkin's lymphoma

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the apoptotic damage to bone marrow cells caused by three chemotherapy regimens for advanced Hodgkin's lymphoma, ABVD, COPPEBVCAD and BEACOPP, which were randomly administered in the HD 2000 GISL trial. Bone marrow mononuclear cells (BMMCs) stained with anti-CD34 antibody and Annexin V, were evaluated by flow cytometry before starting chemotherapy, 30 days after completing chemotherapy and after 6 months. Results are expressed as the percentages of BMMCs positive to anti-CD34, to Annexin V or to both. Fourteen patients treated with ABVD, 11 with COPPEBVCAD and 13 with BEACOPP were evaluated before and 30 days after treatment. Late assessments were made in 6, 7 and 8 of them, respectively. No differences were found among the pretherapeutic flow cytometry findings in relation to the staging characteristics (marrow involvement included). All the regimens increased the apoptotic fraction of the whole mononuclear bone marrow cells (COPPEBVCAD did so significantly) and increased the CD34+ compartment (with significant early differences after ABVD and BEACOPP, tending to late persistence for ABVD, only). All the regimens increased the apoptotic CD34+ cells within the whole BMMC population (significantly after BEACOPP), although with a general trend to decrease in their percentage within the CD34+ compartment over time, even after the most dose-dense regimens. Based on the variations induced in the apoptotic fraction of all mononuclear and CD34+ cells, ABVD was the least toxic regimen and COPPEBVCAD the most toxic one

    Invited review: Bovine colostrum, a promising ingredient for humans and animals—Properties, processing technologies, and uses

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    Mammalian colostrum, known as “liquid gold,” is considered a valuable source of essential nutrients, growth factors, probiotics, prebiotics, antibodies, and other bioactive compounds. Precisely for this reason, bovine colostrum (BC) is an emerging ingredient for the feed, food, and pharmaceutical industries, being nowadays commercially available in a variety of forms in several countries. Moreover, quite a large number of functional foods and supplements for athletes, human medicines, pet nutrition plans, and complementary feed for some livestock categories, such as piglets and calves, contain BC. The amount of BC yielded by a cow after calving represents approximately 0.5% of the yearly output in dairy breeds. For its nutritional properties and low availability, BC is characterized by a greater market value and an increasing demand compared with other by-products of the dairy sector. However, information regarding the market size of BC for the food and pharmaceutical industries, as well as future developments and perspectives, is scarcely available in the scientific literature. This lack can be attributed to industrial secrecy as well as to the relatively small scale of the BC business when compared with other dairy products, which makes the BC market limited, specific, and intended for a restricted audience. From a legal perspective, regulations assign BC to the large family of milk-derived powders; thus, collecting specific production data, as well as import-export trend information, is not straightforward and can result in unprecise estimates. Given that the interest in BC is increasing in different fields, it is important to have an overview of the production steps and of pros and cons of this emerging ingredient. The present narrative review discloses why BC has started to be considered a product rather than a by-product of the dairy industry. Moreover, the present document aims to summarize the existing methodologies used to assess BC quality in terms of immunoglobulin concentration, the different applications of BC in the industry, and the BC processing technologies. Finally, a panoramic view of the current international market is provided for the first time for this dairy product


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    ABSTRAKPenduduk desa Menceh mayoritas bermata pencaharian sebagai petani. Saat ini ketersediaan pupuk pertanian cukup langka. Kelangkaan ini berdampak pada mahal nya harga pupuk kimia. Oleh karena itu, perlu dilakukan suatu inovasi penggantian pupuk kimia dengan pupuk organik. Sehingga perlu dilakukan suatu kegiatan untuk menambah wawasan masyarakat terkait manfaat dari pupuk organic. Adapun tujuan lain pelaksanaan kegiatan ini yakni untuk meningkatkan keterampilan masyarakat dalam pembuatan pupuk organic. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut maka kegiatan dilakukan dalam tiga tahapan utama. Tahap pertama melalui kegiatan sosialisasi peranan penting penggunaan pupuk organic terhadap kesuburan tanah. Tahap kedua dengan kegiatan pelatihan pembuatan pupuk organic. Dan tahapan terakhir yakni pendampingan secara berkala pembuatan pupuk, pengaplikasian pupuk, dan pengemasan pupuk. Adapun dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan digunakan beberapa metode pendekatan yaitu Model Participatory Rural Appraisal (MPRA), Model Community Development (MCD) dan edukatif. Melalui serangkaian tahapan dan metode pendekatan tersebut, hasil evaluasi menunjukkan bahwa masyarakat telah mamapu secara mandiri membuat, menggunakan, dan mengemas pupuk sesuai dengan arahan tim KKN. Dengan kemandirian tersebut diharapkan dapat mengurangi ketergantungan masyarakat terhadap penggunaan pupuk kimia. Kata kunci: sekam padi; kohe kambing; pelatihan ABSTRACTThe majority of Menceh villagers work as farmers. Currently, the availability of agricultural fertilizers is quite scarce. This scarcity has a direct impact on the high price of chemical fertilizers. Therefore, innovation is necessary to replace chemical fertilizers with organic fertilizers. Consequently, it is essential to elevate public knowledge regarding the benefits of natural fertilizer. In addition, the community needs to train on how to make organic fertilizer. Three main stages are conducted to achieve this goal. Firstly, the critical role of using organic fertilizers on soil fertility is introduced to the farmers. Also, peasants are taught how to create non-chemical fertilizers appropriately. Ultimately, the land workers are supervised regularly in making fertilizer, applying fertilizer, and packaging fertilizer. Several approaches are leveraged in the implementation processes: the Participatory Rural Appraisal Model (MPRA), the Community Development Model (MCD), and the educative. Through a series of stages and the approach method, the evaluation results reveal that the local community is able to fabricate, utilize, and wrap fertilizer independently according to the KKN team's directions. This independence is hoped to reduce the community's dependence on chemical fertilizers. Keywords: rice husks; goat kohe; trainin

    Rehabilitative treatment of patients with covid-19 infection: The p.a.r.m.a. evidence based clinical practice protocol

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    Background: The impact of the SARS-CoV-2 on the National Health System (NHS) required a reorganization of the various levels of care, which also involved the rehabilitation reality. Aim of the work: A clinical practice review of the literature was conducted to provide operational-rehabilitation guidelines adapt-ed to the local reality and to the recent corporate reorganization in the context of the COVID-19 emergency. Methods: A practice review of the available scientific evidence was regularly conducted from the start of the COVID-19 pandemic to periodically update the clinical practice guidelines. Articles that met the following inclusion criteria were included: studies conducted on human adult subjects with COVID-19 infection, un-dergoing rehabilitation in any hospitalization setting. Results: The results of this clinical practice update were periodically discussed with colleagues and collaborators in a multi-professional team, in order to guarantee a good clinical practice protocol, named P.A.R.M.A. Conclusions: The P.A.R.M.A. protocol is the result of a periodic review literature update, which has allowed us to take charge of patients affected by COVID-19 ac-cording to the most up-to-date clinical evidences, guaranteeing a shared and uniform treatment within a local reality in an era of health emergency. (www.actabiomedica.it)

    A Novel Mix of Polyphenols and Micronutrients Reduces Adipogenesis and Promotes White Adipose Tissue Browning via UCP1 Expression and AMPK Activation

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    Background: Obesity is a pandemic disease characterized by excessive severe body comorbidities. Reduction in fat accumulation represents a mechanism of prevention, and the replacement of white adipose tissue (WAT) with brown adipose tissue (BAT) has been proposed as one promising strategy against obesity. In the present study, we sought to investigate the ability of a natural mixture of polyphenols and micronutrients (A5(+)) to counteract white adipogenesis by promoting WAT browning. Methods: For this study, we employed a murine 3T3-L1 fibroblast cell line treated with A5(+), or DMSO as control, during the differentiation in mature adipocytes for 10 days. Cell cycle analysis was performed using propidium iodide staining and cytofluorimetric analysis. Intracellular lipid contents were detected by Oil Red O staining. Inflammation Array, along with qRT-PCR and Western Blot analyses, served to measure the expression of the analyzed markers, such as pro-inflammatory cytokines. Results: A5(+) administration significantly reduced lipids' accumulation in adipocytes when compared to control cells (p < 0.005). Similarly, A5(+) inhibited cellular proliferation during the mitotic clonal expansion (MCE), the most relevant stage in adipocytes differentiation (p < 0.0001). We also found that A5(+) significantly reduced the release of pro-inflammatory cytokines, such as IL-6 and Leptin (p < 0.005), and promoted fat browning and fatty acid oxidation through increasing expression levels of genes related to BAT, such as UCP1 (p < 0.05). This thermogenic process is mediated via AMPK-ATGL pathway activation. Conclusion: Overall, these results demonstrated that the synergistic effect of compounds contained in A5(+) may be able to counteract adipogenesis and then obesity by inducing fat browning
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