20 research outputs found


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    The paper deals with regularities of formation and location of zeolite-containing deposits of the Gazakh trough of the Lesser Caucasus. The Aydag deposit is located in the Tauz district of Azerbaijan, 7 km away from the Tauz city. The Aydag deposit productive stratum of natural zeolitized ash tuffs in combination with the same characteristics of the enclosing rocks can be classified as a complex deposit with a relatively non-uniform composition and structure of the productive stratum. The mineral and chemical compositions of zeolite-bearing rocks of the Aydag deposit have been thoroughly studied. Special feature of this deposit is the high content of clinoptilolite. According to X-ray diffractometry and mineralogical analysis of average samples, its content is around 70-80%. The porosity of this rock is around 15-20%, or even more, and does not depend on the stratigraphic level. It was found that the high-silica zeolitites of the Upper Cretaceous strata of the Lok-Karabagh zone belong to the hydrothermal-epigenetic type, which formed after the uplift of the enclosing strata, and generally the resource material for the formation of zeolites used to be volcanic glass of acidic, medium, rarely basic composition, contained in tuffs.В статье рассматриваются закономерности образования и размещения цеолитсодержащих отложений Газахского прогиба Малого Кавказа. Айдагское месторождение расположено в Таузском районе Азербайджана, в 7-ми км от города Тауз. Продуктивная толща Айдагского месторождения природных цеолитизированных пепловых туфов в совокупности с теми же характеристиками вмещающих пород относится к сложным месторождениям с относительно неоднородной по составу и строению полезной толщей. Детально изучен минеральный и химический состав цеолитсодержащих пород Айдагского месторождения и выявлено, что отличительной особенностью этого месторождения является высокое содержание клиноптилолита. Показано, что в цеолитовых месторождениях Газахского прогиба содержание клиноптилолита или морденита по данным дифрактометрического фазового анализа достигает 70-80%, а иногда 90% и более. Пористость этих пород независимо от стратиграфического уровня нахождения равна 15-20%, а иногда и более. Выяснено, что крупные залежи высоко-кремнистых цеолитов Лок-Карабахской зоны относятся главным образом к гидротермально-эпигенетическому генетическому типу, возникшему после воздымания вмещающих толщ, а исходным материалом для образования цеолитов, как правило, служит вулканическое стекло кислого, среднего, редко основного состава, содержащееся в туфах

    Caracterização da eletrodeposição de filmes finos de CdTe sobre Pt em meio ácido

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    RESUMO A eletrodeposição tem sido empregada para a obtenção de materiais semicondutores; todavia, ainda não estão bem esclarecidos os mecanismos envolvidos neste processo. Neste sentido, este trabalho apresenta a investigação deste processo, evidenciando a caracterização do CdTe eletrodepositado sobre substrato platina em solução ácida. A deposição ocorre a partir de 0,0 V, em relação ao eletrodo Ag/AgCl,KClsat, com etapas de controle ativado e de difusão. Os filmes finos de CdTe foram eletrodepositados sobre o substrato de platina a temperatura ambiente (~24°C) a partir de uma solução ácida. A influência do potencial aplicado foi investigada utilizando técnicas de caracterização de superfície, como a difração de raios X e Microscopia eletrônica de varredura. A caracterização elétrica foi realizada por medidas de capacitância (Mott-Schottky). Os filmes finos de CdTe apresentaram pico de maior intensidade no plano (220), demostrando ter um crescimento preferencial para esse plano. Os filmes apresentam uma morfologia granular influenciado pelo potencial de deposição e uma condutividade característica de um semicondutor tipo n

    Role of "green" logistics in providing ecological safety of arctic resources: Social and economic aspect

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    This article is a review of basic logistic and technological solutions that must be implemented to rationalize surface management in the European Arctic. On the basis of stating the article materials, the following conclusions were obtained: • The Arctic Regions are the world heritage and "climate laboratory" of the planet. That is why the reclamation of the resourceful, industrial and transportation and logistics potential of this region must be based on "green" technologies, • At the present time reserves of hydrocarbon resources concentrated in the European Arctic cannot be extracted without consequences of ecological nature. The access to these resources is limited because the transportation component is not developed, • The Arctic Regions have a considerable transportation and logistics potential whose reclamation is also obstructed due to objective circumstances (underdevelopment of the infrastructure, severe climate conditions, etc.) and due to the fact that traditional logistics can make greater ecological damage to the Arctic eco-system, and • The article considers four ecologically-focused areas (formation of the material and technical base, establishment of the safe icebreaking fleet, development of new systems of navigation and communications, and power supply) that will allow to reclaim industrial and transportation and logistics potential of the Arctic Regions with the minimum technogenic loading

    Role of "green" logistics in providing ecological safety of arctic resources: Social and economic aspect

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    This article is a review of basic logistic and technological solutions that must be implemented to rationalize surface management in the European Arctic. On the basis of stating the article materials, the following conclusions were obtained: • The Arctic Regions are the world heritage and "climate laboratory" of the planet. That is why the reclamation of the resourceful, industrial and transportation and logistics potential of this region must be based on "green" technologies, • At the present time reserves of hydrocarbon resources concentrated in the European Arctic cannot be extracted without consequences of ecological nature. The access to these resources is limited because the transportation component is not developed, • The Arctic Regions have a considerable transportation and logistics potential whose reclamation is also obstructed due to objective circumstances (underdevelopment of the infrastructure, severe climate conditions, etc.) and due to the fact that traditional logistics can make greater ecological damage to the Arctic eco-system, and • The article considers four ecologically-focused areas (formation of the material and technical base, establishment of the safe icebreaking fleet, development of new systems of navigation and communications, and power supply) that will allow to reclaim industrial and transportation and logistics potential of the Arctic Regions with the minimum technogenic loading


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    The goal of the article is to carry out a comprehensive study of theoretical and practical development of innovative technologies in the energy industry through the energy trilemma "energy efficiency - energy security - environmental sustainability". Transformation of the world energy industry is accompanied by a change in the dominant types of fuel in the energy balance, technological and organizational innovations, expansion and optimization of the supply chain. The current stage of the international energy market transformation is described by a growth of demand for energy supply, intensified use of renewable energy sources, and increase in the energy efficiency. Respectively, the investments in the energy industry should be spent on the creation and implementation of solutions that will meet the growing demand, compensation of the decline in energy supply production from the existing oil and gas fields, and the development of the infrastructure of traditional and renewable energy resources. The article uses the content, analytical, statistical and functional methods of research to explore the current state and trends in the transformation of the global energy industry, the main areas of which are the development of nontraditional hydrocarbon (shale gas and oil sands) and renewable energy sources (RES); the use of these sources on the basis of technological innovation is considered to be more efficient. The following conclusions have been made based on the materials presented in the article: the use of various nonconventional hydrocarbon fields will spread in the energy industry in the coming decades; the specific weight of new technologies applied to production and consumption of energy derived from renewable sources, in particular, will increase; transition from the use of renewable energy sources of the first order to the use of renewable energy of the second order should be expected in the long term; and new energy servicing technologies based on the concept of smart grids will be introduced, along with the development of technologies for the extraction of energy resources

    Prevalence of Lipid Metabolism Disorders in the Urban Population of Ukraine Depending on the Degree and Type of Obesity

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    The objective of this study was subanalysis of the prevalence of lipid metabolism disorders among a cohort of respondents with overweight and obesity depending on the degree and type of obesity in a large population determination of risk factors we have carried out in Ukraine on urban population in 2009–2013. It was found that in the urban Ukrainian population being analyzed only 29.3 % had a normal body weight, and 70.7 % summarily had overweight and obesity I–III degree. Upward trend in the prevalence of overweight and obesity has been detected with aging of subjects, among both men and women. It was found that with increasing body weight and the age, a proportion of the lipid metabolism disorders in the population rises. The prevalence of hypercholesterolemia in the population was 69.4 %, and all manifestations of the lipid metabolism disorders increased with increasing degree of obesity and age. It was found that in parallel with an increase in body weight, there is an increase in the prevalence of isolated hypertriglyceridemia on the background of reduced isolated hypercholesterolemia, which is caused by redistribution, in parallel with increasing body mass index, of lipid metabolism disorders due to increasing the share of combined dyslipidemia detection — from 7.9 % at normal body weight to 44.4 % at obesity III degree. It has been established that the occurrence and progression of abdominal type of obesity in men is associated with increased lipid metabolism disorders, whereas in women similar clear patterns were not found