395 research outputs found

    'VEEP' in children with Hodgkin's disease--a regimen to decrease late sequelae.

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    In an attempt to decrease the risk of second malignancies and future infertility in children with Hodgkin's disease (HD) while retaining acceptable remission rates, an anthracycline based regimen containing no alkylating agent has been devised. VEEP contains vincristine, epirubicin, etoposide and prednisolone given at 3 weekly intervals. Forty-four patients, aged 2-15 years, have been treated: ten relapsed patients and 34 previously untreated with chemotherapy (including three relapsed stage I treated initially with radiotherapy). The median follow up for all patients is 25 months (range 6-52 months). The response rate in previously treated patients was 80% (95% CI 44-97%) and five remain alive in remission. The response rate in untreated patients was 88% (95% CI 72-97%) with 62% CR + CR(u) (uncertain/unconfirmed) (95% CI 44-77%). Of four patients who had a final response of CR(u) three have relapsed at 9, 16 and 38 months. Two of the children in CR have relapsed at 6 and 16 months. The relapse free rate at 3 years is 67% (95% CI 17-82%). In this pilot study the event free survival appears somewhat poorer than conventional combinations and further follow up is required to confirm the salvagability of relapsed patients

    The first legal mortgagor: a consumer without adequate protection?

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    This article contends that the UK government’s attempt to create a well-functioning consumer credit market will be undermined if it fails to reform the private law framework relating to the first legal mortgage. Such agreements are governed by two distinct regulatory regimes that are founded upon very different conceptions of the mortgagor. The first, the regulation of financial services overseen by the Financial Conduct Authority, derives from public law and is founded upon a conception of the mortgagor as “consumer”. The other is land law, private law regulation implemented by the judiciary and underpinned by a conception of the mortgagor as “landowner”. Evidence suggests that the operation of these two regimes prevents mortgagors from receiving fair and consistent treatment. The current reform of financial services regulation therefore will change only one part of this governance regime and will leave mortgagors heavily reliant upon a regulator that still has to prove itself. What this article argues is that reform of the rules of private law must also be undertaken with the aim of initiating a paradigm shift in the conception of the mortgagor from “landowner” to “consumer”. Cultural shifts of this kind take time but the hope is that this conceptual transformation will occur in time to deter the predicted rise in mortgage possessions

    Interpretation of heart rate variability via detrended fluctuation analysis and alpha-beta filter

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    Detrended fluctuation analysis (DFA), suitable for the analysis of nonstationary time series, has confirmed the existence of persistent long-range correlations in healthy heart rate variability data. In this paper, we present the incorporation of the alpha-beta filter to DFA to determine patterns in the power-law behaviour that can be found in these correlations. Well-known simulated scenarios and real data involving normal and pathological circumstances were used to evaluate this process. The results presented here suggest the existence of evolving patterns, not always following a uniform power-law behaviour, that cannot be described by scaling exponents estimated using a linear procedure over two predefined ranges. Instead, the power law is observed to have a continuous variation with segment length. We also show that the study of these patterns, avoiding initial assumptions about the nature of the data, may confer advantages to DFA by revealing more clearly abnormal physiological conditions detected in congestive heart failure patients related to the existence of dominant characteristic scales.Comment: 18 pages, 14 figure

    Cerebrospinal fluid neurofilament light predicts longitudinal diagnostic change in patients with psychiatric and neurodegenerative disorders

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    OBJECTIVE: People with neuropsychiatric symptoms often experience delay in accurate diagnosis. Although cerebrospinal fluid neurofilament light (CSF NfL) shows promise in distinguishing neurodegenerative disorders (ND) from psychiatric disorders (PSY), its accuracy in a diagnostically challenging cohort longitudinally is unknown. METHODS: We collected longitudinal diagnostic information (mean = 36 months) from patients assessed at a neuropsychiatry service, categorising diagnoses as ND/mild cognitive impairment/other neurological disorders (ND/MCI/other) and PSY. We pre-specified NfL > 582 pg/mL as indicative of ND/MCI/other. RESULTS: Diagnostic category changed from initial to final diagnosis for 23% (49/212) of patients. NfL predicted the final diagnostic category for 92% (22/24) of these and predicted final diagnostic category overall (ND/MCI/other vs. PSY) in 88% (187/212), compared to 77% (163/212) with clinical assessment alone. CONCLUSIONS: CSF NfL improved diagnostic accuracy, with potential to have led to earlier, accurate diagnosis in a real-world setting using a pre-specified cut-off, adding weight to translation of NfL into clinical practice

    Diagnostics of the Synchronization of Self-Oscillatory Systems by an External Force with Varying Frequency with the Use of Wavelet Analysis

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    A diagnostics method based on a continuous wavelet transform is proposed. This method makes it possible to diagnose the presence of synchronization of the oscillations of a self-excited oscillator locked by an external force with a linearly modulated frequency and to distinguish such a situation from the case when an external signal leaks into self-oscillations; i.e., the signals are summed without a change in the self-oscillation frequency. The method's efficiency is shown with the use of a Van der Pol generator and experimental physiological data as examples.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figure

    Raised tone reveals ATP as a sympathetic neurotransmitter in the porcine mesenteric arterial bed

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    The relative importance of ATP as a functional sympathetic neurotransmitter in blood vessels has been shown to be increased when the level of preexisting vascular tone or pressure is increased, in studies carried out in rat mesenteric arteries. The aim of the present study was to determine whether tone influences the involvement of ATP as a sympathetic cotransmitter with noradrenaline in another species. We used the porcine perfused mesenteric arterial bed and porcine mesenteric large, medium and small arteries mounted for isometric tension recording, because purinergic cotransmission can vary depending on the size of the blood vessel. In the perfused mesenteric bed at basal tone, sympathetic neurogenic vasocontractile responses were abolished by prazosin, an α1- adrenoceptor antagonist, but there was no significant effect of α,ÎČ-methylene ATP, a P2X receptor-desensitizing agent. Submaximal precontraction of the mesenteric arterial bed with U46619, a thromboxane A2 mimetic, augmented the sympathetic neurogenic vasocontractile responses; under these conditions, both α,ÎČ-methylene ATP and prazosin attenuated the neurogenic responses. In the mesenteric large, medium and small arteries, prazosin attenuated the sympathetic neurogenic contractile responses under conditions of both basal and U46619-raised tone. α,ÎČ-Methylene ATP was effective in all of these arteries only under conditions of U46619- induced tone, causing a similar inhibition in all arteries, but had no significant effect on sympathetic neurogenic contractions at basal tone. These data show thatATP is a cotransmitter with noradrenaline in porcine mesenteric arteries; the purinergic component was revealed under conditions of partial precontraction, which is more relevant to physiological conditions

    Enrichment of trace elements in the clay size fraction of mining soils

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    Reactive waste dumps with sulfide minerals pro- 14 mote acid mine drainage (AMD), which results in water and 15 soil contamination by metals and metalloids. In these systems, 16 contamination is regulated by many factors, such as mineral- 17 ogical composition of soil and the presence of sorption sites 18 on specific mineral phases. So, the present study dedicates 19 itself to understanding the distribution of trace elements in 20 different size fractions (<2-mm and <2-ÎŒm fractions) of min- 21 ing soils and to evaluate the relationship between chemical 22 and mineralogical composition. Cerdeirinha and Penedono, 23 located in Portugal, were the waste dumps under study. The 24 results revealed that the two waste dumps have high degree of 25 contamination by metals and arsenic and that these elements 26 are concentrated in the clay size fraction. Hence, the higher 27 degree of contamination by toxic elements, especially arsenic 28 in Penedono as well as the role of clay minerals, jarosite, and 29 goethite in retaining trace elements has management implica- 30 tions. Such information must be carefully thought in the reha- 31 bilitation projects to be planned for both waste dumps

    Revealing Real-Time Emotional Responses: a Personalized Assessment based on Heartbeat Dynamics

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    Emotion recognition through computational modeling and analysis of physiological signals has been widely investigated in the last decade. Most of the proposed emotion recognition systems require relatively long-time series of multivariate records and do not provide accurate real-time characterizations using short-time series. To overcome these limitations, we propose a novel personalized probabilistic framework able to characterize the emotional state of a subject through the analysis of heartbeat dynamics exclusively. The study includes thirty subjects presented with a set of standardized images gathered from the international affective picture system, alternating levels of arousal and valence. Due to the intrinsic nonlinearity and nonstationarity of the RR interval series, a specific point-process model was devised for instantaneous identification considering autoregressive nonlinearities up to the third-order according to the Wiener-Volterra representation, thus tracking very fast stimulus-response changes. Features from the instantaneous spectrum and bispectrum, as well as the dominant Lyapunov exponent, were extracted and considered as input features to a support vector machine for classification. Results, estimating emotions each 10 seconds, achieve an overall accuracy in recognizing four emotional states based on the circumplex model of affect of 79.29%, with 79.15% on the valence axis, and 83.55% on the arousal axis

    Schuldig landschap. Over de toeristische aantrekkingskracht van Baantjer, Wallander en Inspector Morse

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    De opnamelokaties van tv-detectives genieten een toenemende populariteit onder toeristen. In dit artikel wordt, op basis van een tekstuele analyse van ‘Baantjer’, ‘Inspector Morse’ en ‘Wallander’, onderzocht welke inhoudelijke kenmerken van deze tv-detectives mogelijk als ‘trigger’ fungeren. Uit de analyse blijkt dat plaats en beweging een centrale rol vervullen binnen de narratieve structuur van dit genre. Door zelf de lokaties te bezoeken, kunnen toeristen het spoor nalopen van hun geliefde detective om aldaar, vanuit een veilige positie, tijdelijk op te gaan in het schemergebied tussen fictie en werkelijkheid
