11 research outputs found


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    Çalışmada; kabin tipi demonte mobilya köşe birleştirmelerinde delgi planlarının moment değerleri üzerine etkileri araştırılmıştır. Bu amaçla yapay kaplamalı yonga levha (YKYL) ve orta yoğunluktaki lif levhalardan (YKLL) 5 farklı örnek uzunluğunda ve her biri için 4 farklı stopta deney örnekleri hazırlanmıştır. Birleştirme elemanları olarak eksantrik çektirmeli minifiks ve kavela kullanılmıştır.  Deneyler ASTM 1037 esaslarına göre yürütülmüştür. Sonuç olarak; ortalama moment değerleri YKYL’da 13,96 Nm ve YKLL’da ise 19,54 Nm olarak belirlenmiştir. Levhalara ait moment değerleri genellikle örnek uzunlukları arttıkça artmış, stoplar arttıkça ise az miktarlarda azalmıştır

    Importance of saw blade geometry and technic conditions in machining of wood materials in circular saw machines

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    Daire testere makineleri genellikle bir yüzeyi ve kenarı düzeltilmiş parçaların istenilen ölçü ve açılarda boyutlandırılmasında, levha ölçülendirilmesinde, kanal, kiniş ve birleştirme yeri açılması vb. işlemlerde kullanılmaktadır. Bu amaçla, işlemede testere seçiminin; ürün kalitesi ve verimlilik bakımından çok önemli olduğu ortaya konulabilir. Testere seçimini etkileyen temel faktörler; malzeme yoğunluğu ve rutubeti, kesici uç malzeme tipi ve şekli ile kesme ve kama açısı olarak belirtilebilir. Bu çalışmada, ağaç malzemelerin daire testere makinelerinde işlenmesinde; testere kesici geometrisi ve seçimi ile işlemeyi etkileyen faktörler üzerinde durulmuştur. Aynı zamanda, ölçülendirme işlemlerinde daire testerelerde karşılaşılan sorunlar ve çözüm önerileri belirtilmiştirCircular saw machines are usually used for cutting of the edge flattened parts to desired dimensions and angles, sizing of panels, grooving, jointing, rebating, etc. For this purpose, it can be stated that the selection of the cutter in machining is very important in terms of product quality and efficiency. It can be indicated that the main factors affecting saw blade selection are material density and humidity, cutting edge shape and type with rake and tool angle. In this study, saw blade geometry, its selection and factors affecting the process were studied in the machining of wood materials in circular sawing machines. Also, the problems and solutions proposal encountered in the circular saws during in sizing are stated

    Optimization of cnc operating parameters to minimize surface roughness of Pinus sylvestris using integrated artificial neural network and genetic algorithm

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    The surface roughness of wood is affected by the processing conditions and the material structure. So, optimization of operation parameters is very crucial to have minimum surface roughness. In this study, modeling and optimization of surface roughness (Ra) of Scotch pine (Pinus sylvestris) was investigated. Firstly, the samples were cut under different conditions 8 mm, 9 mm and 11mm depth of cut and 12 mm, 14 mm and 16 mm axial depth of cut) in computer numerical control (CNC) machine, and then surface roughness (Ra) values of samples were calculated. Then a prediction model of surface roughness was developed using artificial neural networks (ANN). Optimization process was carried out to reach minimum surface roughness of wood samples by the genetic algorithm (GA) method. MAPE value of the ANN model was found lower than 4,0 %. The optimum CNC operation parameters were 1874,5 rad/s, 3,0 m/min feed rate, 9,7 mm depth of cut and 12 mm for axial depth of cut for minimum surface roughness. As a result of study, surface roughness of Scotch pine wood can be modeled and optimized using integrated ANN and GA methods by saving time and cost

    Wood propertıes and effect of wood propertıes on the wood fınıshıng

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    Ağaç malzeme odun; mobilya, doğrama ve ahşap yapıların ana hammaddesini oluşturmaktadır. Doğal bir malzeme olarak odun; yetişme yeri koşulları, gövde yapısı, kesme ve diğer üretim yöntemlerine göre türler arasında olduğu gibi aynı tür içerisinde de farklı özellikler göstermektedir. Odun özellikleri, doğal ve üretim karakteristikleri olarak iki kısımda incelenmekte ve bunlar yüzey işlem performansını etkilemektedir. Bunlardan; yıllık halka yapısı, özgül ağırlık, budaklar, rutubet miktarı, ekstraktifler ve genç odun doğal; lif yönü, tekstür ve kuruma ise üretim karakteristiklerini içermektedir. Bu çalışmada; odunun doğal ve üretime bağlı özelliklerinin malzemenin performansı üzerine etkisi incelenmiştirWood is basic raw material for furniture and joinery industries with wood structures. Wood is a biological material that has widely different properties depending on species, geographic area where the tree grew, the growth condition, size of the tree at harvest, sawing, and other manufacturing processes. Wood properties have been characterized within two groups as natural and manufacturing factors that effects finishing performance. Grow rate, density, knots, moisture content, extractives and juvenile wood are natural characteristics. Grain orientation, texture, drying and performance expectations are manufacturing characteristics. In this review, the effects of natural and manufacturing characteristics are discussed on the surface finishing performance of wood


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    Bu çalışmada, Türkiye mobilya endüstrisi büyük ölçekli işletmelerinin sorunları araştırılarak, çözümler önerilmiştir. Çalışma anketi açık uçlu ve likert tipi soruları içeren iki kısımdan oluşturulmuştur. Türkiye genelinde, 95 büyük ölçekli işletmeyle iletişim yapılarak 42 işletmeden anket cevapları alınmıştır. Sonuç olarak; mobilya endüstrisinin en önemli sorununun kalifiye eleman yetersizliği olduğu belirlenmiştir. Bunu; sırasıyla enerji, yasa ve yönetmeliklerdeki eksiklikler, hammadde, finansman yetersizliği ve tasarım sorunları izlemiştir. Sorunların; üniversiteler, meslek yüksekokulları, orta eğitim kurumları gibi devlet-sanayici-meslek odaları işbirliği ile çözülebileceği ortaya konulabilir.


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    Bu çalışmada, Türkiye mobilya endüstrisi küçük ve orta ölçekli işletmelerinin sorunları araştırılarak, çözümler önerilmiştir. Bu amaçla hazırlanan çalışma anketi Türkiye genelinde, 110 küçük ve orta ölçekli işletmeye iletilmiş 45 işletmeden anket cevapları alınmıştır. Sonuç olarak; mobilya endüstrisinin en önemli sorununun kalifiye eleman yetersizliği olduğu belirlenmiştir. Bunu; sırasıyla enerji maliyetinin yüksek olması, işçilerin dikkat eksikliği, finansman yetersizliği ve yasa ve yönetmeliklerdeki eksiklikler izlemiştir. Ayrıca, özgün tasarım eksikliği diğer bir sorun olarak ortaya çıkmıştır. Sonuç olarak, kalifiye eleman yetersizliği sorununun çözümünde meslek odalarının yanı sıra üniversitelerin, meslek yüksekokulları ile ortaöğretim kuruluşlarının eğitim-öğretim programları güncelleştirilerek, okul–sanayi işbirliğine süreklilik kazandırılmalıdır


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    This study was carried on the screw withdrawal resistance of stem wood material of Fagus orientalis Lipsky., Alnus glitunosa subsp. barbata (C.A.Mey) Yalt., Castenea sativa Mill., Picea orientalis (L.) Link., and Pinus sylvestris L. The wood samples of these tree species were collected from forest districts in Gümüshane, Trabzon and Artvin. Tests were carried out according to the TS 6094 and ASTM-D 143 and ASTM-D 1761 on 60 samples of each one of the tree species. Half of the samples were 12 % and the other half were 30 % moisture contents. The dimensions of wood materials on which the tests carried out are 50 x 50 x 150 mm. Screws used for withdrawal tests were 4.5 mm in diameter and 40 mm in length. Two screws were inserted into lead holes at right angles on the tangential surface, 26 mm penetration. The results showed that the highest screw withdrawal resistance was found for oriental beech among the five tree species. The order of screw withdrawal resistance from the higher to the lower was found as fallows; alder, chesnut, pine, spruce. In regards to moisture effects, the screw withdrawal resistance were found higher at 12 % moisture content

    The Effect of Distances Between the Minifixes and Edges of Member on the Bending Moment at Dowel Minifix Corner Joints in the Cabinet-Type Ready-to-Assemble Furniture

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    In this study, the effect of distances between the minifixes and edges of member (front and rear stops) has been examinated on the bending moment of L-type dowel minifix corner joints in the cabinet-type ready-to-assemble furniture. For this purpose, dowel and minifix fasteners and melamine-coated fiberboard (MCF) and melamine-coated particle board (MCP) materials are used for test specimens. Front and rear stops were determined as 60/36, 60/60 and 48/48 mm. Test specimens which prepared were subjected to tension and compression tests. According to the results, the bending moment values of the stops have been obtained the maximum in 60/60 group, the minimum in 60/36 group, and the medium in 48/48 group. The bending moment values obtained that the fiberboard were obtained higher than particleboard, and the tension was obtained higher than compression. As a result, the front and rear stop values are recommended as equal and 60 mm for 228 mm deep furniture


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    Wood is basic raw material for furniture and joinery industries with wood structures. Wood is a biological material that has widely different properties depending on species, geographic area where the tree grew, the growth condition, size of the tree at harvest, sawing, and other manufacturing processes. Wood properties have been characterized within two groups as natural and manufacturing factors that effects finishing performance. Grow rate, density, knots, moisture content, extractives and juvenile wood are natural characteristics. Grain orientation, texture, drying and performance expectations are manufacturing characteristics. In this review, the effects of natural and manufacturing characteristics are discussed on the surface finishing performance of wood

    Drilling bits and operations used in drilling machines in furniture industry

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    Kurtoğlu, Ahmet (Dogus Author) -- Conference full title: Proceedings of the International Forest Products Congress Trabzon, Turkey, 26-29 September 2018.Various manual, semi-automatic or fully automatic tools and machines which have different capacities are used for drilling operations in furniture, joinery, wooden and wood building industries. These show significant structural and functional changes based on traditional and advanced technologies. Especially in the last quarter of the 20th century, the use of CNC machines in the processing of wood and wood-based materials provided significant possibilities in production elasticity and capacity. These have high dimensional sensitivity and surface quality processing technology from the simplest to the most complex product geometries. Although CNC machines have advanced technologies, the interactions between cutting tools, machining conditions and materials have an important place in the machining of wood and wood-based materials for a good surface quality. Parameters of machining conditions are presented in a wide range with technical data, equations and graphics associated with surface quality for both traditional and modern machines. However, in practice, the machining conditions are usually based on the feed rate, rotation speed, grain direction, cutting width and material type according to cutter characteristics. In this study, it is focused on drilling bits and machines used in furniture industry. Problems and proposed solutions encountered with drilling operations were indicated