1,240 research outputs found
Secara sederhana, active living berarti berusaha untuk tetap aktif secara fisik setiap hari tanpa harus melakukannya, seperti penggunaan transportasi aktif untuk berjalan kaki atau bersepeda di jalur pedestrian. Menurut Government of Western Australia (2015), hal ini memiliki faktor yang mempengaruhi perilaku seseorang sehingga active living memberikan dampak triple-bottom-line baik dalam menghidupkan lingkungan pedestrian yang merupakan salah satu upaya mewujudkan healthy city.
Tujuan penelitian ini memfokuskan faktor utama yang paling mempengaruhi seseorang untuk bergerak aktif sepanjang jalur pedestrian Laksda John Lie berdasarkan teori triple-bottom-line, berlokasi di Kawasan komersial terbesar Kota Manado serta usulan dalam menaikan tingkat minat masyarakat terhadap active living. Metode yang digunakan adalah kualitatif dan kuantitatif, observasi lapangan dan kuisioner bersifat tertutup, pengumpulan sampel data menggunakan teknik purposive. Hasil penelitian ini mengemukakan bahwa secara umum masyarakat setuju tentang pentingnya active living dan faktor utama seseorang untuk bergerak aktif dalam sebuah lingkungan komersial adalah faktor lingkungan.
Kata kunci – active living, bergerak aktif, pedestrian
In simple terms, active living means trying to stay physically active every day without having to do so, such as the use of active transportation for walking or cycling on pedestrian paths. According to the Government of Western Australia (2015), this has factors that influence a person's behavior so that active living has a triple-bottom-line impact in reviving the pedestrian environment which is one of the efforts to realize a healthy city.
The purpose of this research is to focus on the main factors that most influence a person to move actively along the Laksda John Lie pedestrian path based on the triple-bottom-line theory, located in the largest commercial area of Manado City and suggestions in increasing the level of public interest in active living. The methods used are qualitative and quantitative, field observations and closed questionnaires, data sample collection using purposive techniques. The results of this study suggest that in general people agree about the importance of active living and the main factor for a person to move actively in a commercial environment is environmental factors.
Keywords – active living, move actively, pedestria
Temperature dependence of the spin and orbital magnetization density in around the spin-orbital compensation point
Non-resonant ferromagnetic x-ray diffraction has been used to separate the
spin and orbital contribution to the magnetization density of the proposed
zero-moment ferromagnet . The alignment of the
spin and orbital moments relative to the net magnetization shows a sign
reversal at 84K, the compensation temperature. Below this temperature the
orbital moment is larger than the spin moment, and vice versa above it. This
result implies that the compensation mechanism is driven by the different
temperature dependencies of the spin and orbital moments. Specific heat
data indicate that the system remains ferromagnetically ordered throughout
Gauges and Cosmological Backreaction
We present a formalism for spatial averaging in cosmology applicable to
general spacetimes and coordinates, and allowing the easy incorporation of a
wide variety of matter sources. We apply this formalism to a
Friedmann-LeMaitre-Robertson-Walker universe perturbed to second-order and
present the corrections to the background in an unfixed gauge. We then present
the corrections that arise in uniform curvature and conformal Newtonian gauges.Comment: 13 pages. Updated: reference added, typos corrected, exposition
clarified. Version 3: Replaced with version published by JCA
Primordial black hole production due to preheating
During the preheating process at the end of inflation the amplification of
field fluctuations can lead to the amplification of curvature perturbations. If
the curvature perturbations on small scales are sufficiently large, primordial
black holes (PBHs) will be overproduced. In this paper we study PBH production
in the two-field preheating model with quadratic inflaton potential. We show
that for many values of the inflaton mass m, and coupling g, small scale
perturbations will be amplified sufficiently, before backreaction can shut off
preheating, so that PBHs will be overproduced during the subsequent radiation
dominated era.Comment: 5 pages, 3 eps figures. Minor changes to match version to appear in
PRD as a rapid communicatio
The influence of lifestyle and gender on sickness absence in Brazilian workers
Background: Despite an increasing body of knowledge concerning gender and lifestyle factors as determinants of sickness absence in well-developed countries, the relationship between these variables has not been elucidated in emerging econ
Evaluating financial performance of insurance companies using rating transition matrices
YesFinancial performance of insurance companies is captured by changes in rating grades. An insurer is susceptible to a rating transition which is a signal depicting current financial conditions. We employ Rating Transition Matrices (RTM) to analyse these transitions. Within this context, credit quality can either improve, remain stable or deteriorate as reflected by a rating upgrade or downgrade. We investigate rating trends and forecast rating transitions for UK insurers. We also provide insights into the effects of the global financial crisis on financial performance of UK insurance companies, as reflected by rating changes. Our analysis shows a significant degree of rating changes, as reflected by rating fluctuations in rating matrices. We conclude that insurers with higher (better) rating grades depict rating stability over the long-run. An unexpected but interested finding shows that insurers with good rating grades are nevertheless susceptible to rating fluctuations. General insurers are more likely to be rated and they demonstrate higher levels of rating grade variations over the period studied. Using comparative rating transition matrices, we find more variations in rating movements in the post-financial crisis period. We also conclude that general insurers reflect less stable rating outlooks compared to life and general insurers
Pain-related changes in cutaneous innervation of patients suffering from bortezomib-induced, diabetic or chronic idiopathic axonal polyneuropathy
Consistent associations between the severity of neuropathic pain and cutaneous innervation have not been described. We collected demographic and clinical data, McGill Pain Questionnaires (MPQ) and skin biopsies processed for PGP9.5 and CGRP immunohistochemistry from patients with bortezomib-induced peripheral neuropathy (BiPN; n = 22), painful diabetic neuropathy (PDN; n = 16), chronic i
Superconductivity in the SU(N) Anderson Lattice at U=\infty
We present a mean-field study of superconductivity in a generalized N-channel
cubic Anderson lattice at U=\infty taking into account the effect of a
nearest-neighbor attraction J. The condition U=\infty is implemented within the
slave-boson formalism considering the slave bosons to be condensed. We consider
the -level occupancy ranging from the mixed valence regime to the Kondo
limit and study the dependence of the critical temperature on the various model
parameters for each of three possible Cooper pairing symmetries (extended s,
d-wave and p-wave pairing) and find interesting crossovers. It is found that
the d- and p- wave order parameters have, in general, very similar critical
temperatures. The extended s-wave pairing seems to be relatively more stable
for electronic densities per channel close to one and for large values of the
superconducting interaction J.Comment: Seven Figures; one appendix. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.
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