1,440 research outputs found

    Fertilizer policy in the developing countries: the case of Brazil

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    This paper deals initially with the role of mineral fertilizers in increasing agricultural production: the relationship between the two variables is illustrated within global, regional national and local contexts. The pattern and trends in fertilizer usage in Brazil are presented next, namely: increase in consumption in the period 1950/72; regional distribution; consumption as related to crops and cultivated land. It is shown that in less than a quarter or century fertilizer use has increased in the country nearly 12 fold, whereas world consumption was raised 7 fold, thus exceeding estimates based in several criteria. Steps taken to secure the raise in fertilizer consumption above the historical trend are discussed: research experience for outlining fertilization recomendations; the transfer of the knowledge to the farmer by the extension work both official and private; the credit policy and special incentives for the purchase of fertilizer; the national policy for minumum proces of agricultural products; the implantation of a national fertilizer industry. It is considered that the Brazilian experience adapted to similar local conditions in other developing countries, presents a possibility for achieving beneficial results without inflationary reflexes in the economy.o trabalho discute a importância dos adubos minerais na elevação dos rendimentos agrícolas. É mostrada em seguida a evolução do consumo de adubos minerais no Brasil acima da curva de tendência histórica e das metas fixadas, discutindo-se as possíveis causas do fenômeno. As perspectivas do consumo são discutidas. É sugerido que a experiência brasileira possa ser útil a outros países em desenvolvimento em condições semelhantes, com as adaptações necessárias

    Sobre a composição mineral do aguapé (Eichornia crassipes)

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    The concentration of macro and micronutrients in roots, stems and leaves of water hyacinth was determined. One kg of the whole plant contains the following quantities of elements: N-10.3g, P-1.6, K-49.0, Ca-25.8, Mg-10.5 and S-3.3; B-25mg, C@-10,436, Co-1.9, Cu-1.2; Fe-8,969, Mn-1,415, Mo-2.3, Ni-4.0 and Zn-41.6. After comparing the composition of water hyacinth with that of stable manure, its use as green manure is discussed.Tendo em vista a utilização do aguapé como adubo verde foram feitas determinações de macronutrientes (N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S) e de micronutrientes (B, Cl, Co, Cu, Fe, Mn, Mo, Ni, Zn) nas raízes, caules e folhas de amostras colhidas na zona rural de Ourofino, MG. Verificou-se que 1kg da planta inteira possui as seguintes quantidades de nutrientes: N-10,3g, P-1,6, K-49,0, Ca-25,8, Mg-10,5 e S-3,3; B-25mg, C@-10436mg, Co-l,9mg, Cu-10,2mg, Fe-8969mg, Mn-1415mg, Mo-2,3mg, Ni-4,0mg e Zn-41,6mg. Fez-se uma comparação entre os nutrientes contidos no aguapé e no esterco de curral e discute-se o seu possível uso como adubo verde, fonte de matéria orgânica e de minerais

    Relationship between body mass index and physical fitness in Italian prepubertal schoolchildren

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    The objective of this study was to investigate the association between physical fitness and body mass index categories (obesity, OB; overweight, OW; normal-weight, NW; and underweight, UW) in prepubertal children. Anthropometric and physical fitness characteristics were collected from a convenience sample of 30472 Italian schoolchildren (6\u201311 years old). Six field-based tests were used: L\ue9ger, agility shuttle, long jump, frontal throw of the basketball, Sit & Reach and standing balance. Significant differences were found in the anthropometric characteristics, physical fitness and weight status prevalence between girls and boys (p<0.05) and, except for flexibility, by age class (p<0.05). Obese children performed worse than their NW counterparts in aerobic capacity (p<0.001), agility (p<0.001), muscular power of the lower limb (p<0.001) and balance (p<0.001). Conversely, children with obesity showed greater upper limb power than NW children (p<0.001). The discrepancy in physical fitness between OB and NW children increased in older girls (flexibility, p = 0.002; muscular power of the lower and upper limb, p = 0.002 and p = 0.005) and boys (aerobic capacity, p = 0.009; agility, p = 0.006; standing balance, p = 0.019; muscular power of the lower and upper limb, p<0.001 and p = 0.011) compared to their younger counterparts. On the other hand, UW children performed worse than NW children mainly in terms of muscular power of the arms (p<0.001). Additionally, there was an increasing disparity in the frontal throw test scores of UW and NW girls (p = 0.003) and boys (p = 0.011) in older children compared to younger children. In conclusion, the effect of body mass index on children\u2019s physical fitness intensifies with age. OB and OW negatively affect aerobic capacity, agility, lower limb power and balance but positively affect upper limb power. UW negatively affects upper limb power. This study underscores the importance of preventing childhood OW, OB, and UW in early life to promote children\u2019s health and proper fitness development

    Estudos sobre a alimentação mineral do algodoeiro: V. efeito das carências combinadas no crescimento, aspecto e composição química

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    Symptoms of deficiencies of several macronutrients and binary combinations thereof were induced in the cotton plant. It was found that depending upon the particular combination the following picture developed: (a) individual symptoms are present according to the general pattern; (b) individual symptoms are present with a reversal of the general pattern with respect of distribution; (c) a combination of the individual symptoms shows up; (d) an individual symptom masks the other; (e) a different symptom develops. Chemical analysis of both upper and lower leaves has shown single and multiple effects depending upon the treatment considered.Foi estudado o efeito das carências combinadas de alguns macronutrientes no crescimento, aspecto e composição mineral do algodoeiro, Gossypium hirsutum L., var. IAC RMB. O trabalho regstra: sintomas foliares dos macronutrientes estudados nas folhas superiores e inferiores das plantas

    Application of Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectroscopy for Validation of the Novel (AN+DN) Solvent Polarity Scale

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    Based on solvation studies of polymers, the sum (1:1) of the electron acceptor (AN) and electron donor (DN) values of solvents has been proposed as an alternative polarity scale. To test this, the electron paramagnetic resonance isotropic hyperfine splitting constant, a parameter known to be dependent on the polarity/proticity of the medium, was correlated with the (AN+DN) term using three paramagnetic probes. The linear regression coefficient calculated for 15 different solvents was approximately 0.9, quite similar to those of other well-known polarity parameters, attesting to the validity of the (AN+DN) term as a novel “two-parameter” solvent polarity scale

    Lattice-Based Timed Cryptography

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    Timed cryptography studies primitives that retain their security only for a predetermined amount of time, such as proofs of sequential work and time-lock puzzles. This feature has proven to be useful in a large number of practical applications, e.g. randomness generation, sealed-bid auctions, and fair multi-party computation. However, the current state of affairs in timed cryptography is unsatisfactory: Virtually all efficient constructions rely on a single sequentiality assumption, namely that repeated squaring in unknown order groups cannot be parallelised. This is a single point of failure in the classical setting and is even false against quantum adversaries. In this work we put forward a new sequentiality assumption, which essentially says that a repeated application of the standard lattice-based hash function cannot be parallelised. We provide concrete evidence of the validity of this assumption and perform some initial cryptanalysis. We also propose a new template to construct proofs of sequential work, based on lattice techniques

    Efeitos do alumínio sobre o desenvolvimento e a composição mineral de quatro leguminosas forrageiras tropicais

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    With respect to the differential tolerance beyween the species, the following was observed: a) Stylosanthes and Galactia were shown to. be more tolerant. In fact, the highest dry matter production in the case of the latter took place in the presence of 5 ppm of Al; growth was not affected by the higher levels of the element. Stylosanthes did not show toxicity symptoms, maximum growth occuring in the presence of 20 ppm of Al in the nutrient soluction. b) Both glycine and Macroptilium proved to be sensitive. Lower levels of Al increased growth of the former; its dry matter yield, however, decreased when the element was given at the levels of 20 ppm. The growth of Macroptilium was reduced by 20 ppm of Al. Glycine showed toxicity symptons. especially in the root system which was seriously damaged by thehi gher Al level. c) Al additions caused decrease in the concentration of P, Ca, Mg and Mn in the roots and or in the tops. The Al of the root system was increased.Quatro leguminosas forrageiras tropicais (Galactia striata (Jacq) Urb. , Glycine wightii Verde. cv. Tinaroo, Macvoptilium atropurpureus cv. Siratro e Stylosanthes guianensis (Avbl) Swartz cv. IRI 1022) foram cultivadas em solução nutritiva recebendo doses de alumínio de 0,5 , 10 e 20 ppm, com o objetivo de se verificarem os efeitos das doses crescentes do elemento sobre as díferentes espécies. Submetendo-se os dados de produção de matéria seca e de concentrações de macro e micronutrientes à análise estatística, observou-se o seguinte: a) O estilosantes e a galactia mostraram-se mais tolerantes. A galactia apresentou a máxima produção em presença de 5 ppm de Alumínio, não sendo afetada pelas concentrações mais elevadas. O estilosantes apresentou a máxima produção em presença de 20 ppm de Alumínio. b) A soja e o siratro mostram-se sensíveis, notando-se uma queda na produção de matéria seca em presença de 20 ppm de Alumínio na solução. A soja mostrou sintomas mais graves de toxidez, apresentando seu sistema radicular totalmente danificado na concentração mais alta de Alumínio na solução. c) A adição de Alumínio provocou uma diminuição nas concentrações de fósforo, cálcio e magnésio nas raízes ou partes aéreas das plantas e de manganês nas raízes e uma elevação na concentração de Alumínio nas raízes

    Lattice-based Succinct Arguments from Vanishing Polynomials

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    Succinct arguments allow a prover to convince a verifier of the validity of any statement in a language, with minimal communication and verifier\u27s work. Among other approaches, lattice-based protocols offer solid theoretical foundations, post-quantum security, and a rich algebraic structure. In this work, we present some new approaches to constructing efficient lattice-based succinct arguments. Our main technical ingredient is a new commitment scheme based on vanishing polynomials, a notion borrowed from algebraic geometry. We analyse the security of such a commitment scheme, and show how to take advantage of the additional algebraic structure to build new lattice-based succinct arguments. A few highlights amongst our results are: - The first recursive folding (i.e. Bulletproofs-like) protocol for linear relations with polylogarithmic verifier runtime. Traditionally, the verifier runtime has been the efficiency bottleneck for such protocols (regardless of the underlying assumptions). - The first verifiable delay function (VDF) based on lattices, building on a recently introduced sequential relation. - The first lattice-based \emph{linear-time prover} succinct argument for NP, in the preprocessing model. The soundness of the scheme is based on (knowledge)-k-R-ISIS assumption [Albrecht et al., CRYPTO\u2722]