3 research outputs found

    Notificação da violência como estratégia de vigilância em saúde : perfil de uma metrópole do Brasil

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    A violência é um problema de saúde pública e sua notificação é fundamental para a vigilância epidemiológica e para a definição de políticas públicas de prevenção e promoção de saúde. O estudo objetivou caracterizar a ocorrência de violência doméstica, sexual e de outras, a partir das informações do banco de dados do Sistema Informação de Agravos de Notificação (SINAN), das fichas de notificação de violência da cidade de Belém (PA), no período de janeiro de 2009 a dezembro de 2011. Foram sistematizadas 3.267 notificações, representando um aumento de 240% de 2009 a 2011. Em relação ao sexo das vítimas, observou-se que, em média, 83,2% dos casos atingiram as mulheres, proporçViolence is a serious public health problem and notification of incidents is fundamental for epidemic surveillance and for the definition of priorities and public politics of health prevention and promotion. The study sought to characterize the occurrence of domestic violence, sexual and other forms of violence, based on the information of the database of the Information System of Notification of Offences (Sinan), on the records of violence of the city of Belém in the state of Pará, in the period from January 2009 to December 2011. In this period 3,267 notifications were recorded, which represented an increase of 240% in the number of notifications of the year 2009 compared to 2011. In relation to the sex of the victims it was observed that, on average, 83.2% of cases against women and this proportion was similar in all three years analyzed. Sexual violence was the most prevalent with 41.8% of reported cases; followed by psychological violence at 26.3% and physical violence at 24%. The results show that notification is fundamental for understanding the profile of violence and for intervention and elaboration of integrated public politics that promote health and the quality of life in this area of Brazil

    Brazilian mothers` socialization goals: Intracultural differences in seven Brazilian cities

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    The present study aimed to investigate Brazilian mothers` socialization goals. The participants in the study were 349 primiparous mothers, whose ages ranged from 17 to 47 years (mean = 26.6 years), who had children aged between 1 and 48 months (mean = 16.4 months). The families were living in seven different cities representing each of the five geographical regions of the country. A scale to evaluate the families` socio-economic status and an interview about socialization goals were used. The answers were coded in five categories defined in previous studies: self-maximization, self-control, lovingness, proper demeanor, and decency. Comparison of the means showed that Brazilian mothers gave more emphasis to self-maximization and proper demeanor than to the other categories, presenting a pattern that fosters the development of children`s autonomous-relational selves. The intracultural variation found was related to the different cities studied. GLM results showed main effects of both city size and mothers` educational level on their socialization goals. These findings contribute to the understanding of characteristics of socialization goals related with autonomy and sociocentrism

    Primiparous mothers’ knowledge about child development of different brazilian urban centers

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    Cognições parentais constituem importante componente do contexto sociocultural em que se dá o desenvolvimento infantil, e a literatura brasileira sobre o tema é ainda escassa. O objetivo deste estudo é analisar a relação entre conhecimento sobre desenvolvimento infantil e variáveis da mãe e do bebê. Foi estudada uma amostra de 405 mães primíparas, com filhos menores de um ano, distribuída por seis cidades em diferentes regiões do Brasil. Utilizou-se o Inventário do Conhecimento do Desenvolvimento Infantil (KIDI). Foram encontrados efeitos significativos de escolaridade materna e centro urbano. O efeito significativo de escolaridade materna foi verificado em todas as cidades, menos em Porto Alegre, possivelmente pelas políticas de atenção materno-infantil aí implementadas. Estes resultados contribuem para o conhecimento de aspectos do contexto de desenvolvimento de crianças brasileiras, e têm implicações para o planejamento de programas de intervenção que visem à promoção de saúde.Parental cognitions are important components of the sociocultural context of child development. The Brazilian literature regarding this subject is still scarce. The purpose of this research is to analyze the relationship between knowledge of infant development and different variables concerning the mother and the infant. Four hundred and five primiparous mothers with their children less than 1 year old, in six cities of different regions of Brazil, took part in the study. The Knowledge of Infant Development Inventory (KIDI) was used. Mothers’ educational level and urban center where they lived showed significant effects. This result was found for groups of all urban centers studied, with the exception of Porto Alegre. This result may reflect the different public policies concerning child and maternal care in that city. These findings contribute towards understanding important aspects of the developmental context of Brazilian children. They have implications for planning health promotion intervention programs