98 research outputs found

    George Steiner ou le comparatiste en tant qu’interprète universel

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    George Steiner, décédé récemment, est né à Paris en 1929 et, tout au long de son œuvre immense d’essayiste, a été toujours très attaché à la littérature et, en général, à la culture française. Maître à penser, européen convaincu, polyglotte, érudit, Steiner a été professeur de littérature comparée à l’université d’Oxford. Comparatiste attitré, toujours à la recherche des « arts du sens », il a consacré une grande partie de ses recherches à l’étude de la fonction du lecteur en tant qu’interprète de l’« autre ». Le point de départ de ces recherches spécifiquement comparatistes est son chef-d’œuvre After Babel (1975), où il approfondit la notion de la fonction du traducteur en tant qu’interprète des œuvres littéraires et des cultures étrangères à travers les siècles. Le long parcours de ces recherches s’étend jusqu’en 1994, année de la publication d’un texte spécifique sur la fonction du comparatiste intitulé, dans l’édition française du livre No Passion Spent (Essays 1978-1996), « Lire en frontalier », leçon inaugurale de la première chaire de littérature comparée à l’Université d’Oxford.George Steiner, who died recently, was born in Paris in 1929 and, throughout his immense work as an essayist, was always very attached to literature and, in general, to French culture. Maître à penser, convinced European, polyglot and scholar, Steiner was a professor of comparative literature at the University of Oxford. A dedicated comparatist, always in search of the “arts of meaning”, he devoted a large part of his research to the study of the function of the reader as an interpreter of the “other”. The starting point for this specifically comparative research is his masterpiece After Babel (1975), in which he deepens the notion of the translator’s function as an interpreter of literary works and foreign cultures over the centuries. The long course of this research extends until 1994, the year of the publication of a specific text on the function of the comparatist entitled, in the French edition of the book No Passion Spent (Essays 1978-1996), “Reading across borders”, inaugural lesson of the first chair of comparative literature at the University of Oxford

    O iberismo e a França como cultura intermediária em Oliveira Martins

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    pp. 89-95Cerca de trinta anos depois, alguns textos dispersos mas significativos em termos teóricos dum outro historiador português, representante da chamada geração de 70, Oliveira Martins, transformam esta rígida, demasiado solene e um tanto abstracta heroicidade lusitana oposta à hegemonia espanhola em ampla visão cultural ibérica. E essa transformação processa- se através sobretudo duma cultura latina intermediária, a cultura francesa, veiculando uma cultura não latina que, no interior do próprio iberismo. Oliveira Martins adapta a Portugal: a cultura romântica alemã, com predominância da filosofia da história aplicada à literatur

    O tema do mar no mito de Prometeu. Victor Hugo e Antero

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    Neste breve apontamento teórico, o autor propõe-se abordar a relação entre tema e mito, partindo do tema do mar nas obras poéticas de Victor Hugo e Antero de Quental. Concentrar-se-á em questões metodológicas especificamente relacionadas com a Literatura Comparada, directamente decorrentes da sua prática de autor e de crítico literário, bem como da sua larga experiência de ensino; situará a sua reflexão no vasto campo de investigação das relações entre a literatura portuguesa e a literatura francesa no século XIX.In this short article, the author intends to study the relation between theme and myth, based on the theme of the sea in the poetry of Victor Hugo and Antero de Quental. He will focus on methodological subjects specifically connected with Comparative Literature, and based on his own creative and critical literary works, as well as on his vast teaching experience of Literature; The comparative relations between Portuguese Literature and French Literature of the XIX century will be his investigative field of study

    Reinventando o "francesismo": estratégias de ensino e de leitura

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    Este texto aborda a questão da imagem e da influência da França como herança de um “francesismo” caracteristicamente oitocentista, não só na literatura e na cultura portuguesas em geral, mas também no ensino e na prática da leitura. Sob uma óptica comparatista, o estudo percorre essas imagens, interrogando-as no âmbito do presente e também de um futuro próximo

    Invasões Francesas e Pré-Romantismo Português - Francofobia e Anglomania

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    A par da invasão, real e histórica, de Portugal por Napoleão nos anos 1807 – 1810 podemos constatar a existência de pelo menos duas evasões: uma real e histórica - a fuga da família real para o Brasil - e outra imaginária, mas igualmente real, a do nascimento do pré-romantismo português claramente dependente de uma imagem da França Revolucionária iluminista e enciclopedista, que se perderá com a invasão francesa. Em consequência, surge uma francofobia generalizada até à revolução liberal de 1820; a partir daí é antes a imagem idealizada da Inglaterra que cresce e cujas grandes obras começam a ser traduzidas, tendo frequentemente por original, como por ironia, as traduções francesas!While the real and historic invasions of Portugal by Napoleon were taking place, between the years 1807 and 1810, we can also note two other evasions: a real and historical one – the royal family’s escape to Brazil – and an imaginary, but equally real, one: the birth of Portuguese Pre-Romanticism, clearly dependent on an Enlightenment and revolutionary image of the Revolutionary France, which will then be lost with the French invasion. As a consequence, a widespread francophobia arises, which would last until the liberal revolution in 1820. From then on, the idealized image of England grows stronger and English works start being translated from, ironically, French versions

    Critical events in mechanically ventilated patients

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    Mechanical Ventilation is an artificial way to help a Patient to breathe. This procedure is used to support patients with respiratory diseases however in many cases it can provoke lung damages, Acute Respiratory Diseases or organ failure. With the goal to early detect possible patient breath problems a set of limit values was defined to some variables monitored by the ventilator (Average Ventilation Pressure, Compliance Dynamic, Flow, Peak, Plateau and Support Pressure, Positive end-expiratory pressure, Respiratory Rate) in order to create critical events. A critical event is verified when a patient has a value higher or lower than the normal range defined for a certain period of time. The values were defined after elaborate a literature review and meeting with physicians specialized in the area. This work uses data streaming and intelligent agents to process the values collected in real-time and classify them as critical or not. Real data provided by an Intensive Care Unit were used to design and test the solution. In this study it was possible to understand the importance of introduce critical events for Mechanically Ventilated Patients. In some cases a value is considered critical (can trigger an alarm) however it is a single event (instantaneous) and it has not a clinical significance for the patient. The introduction of critical events which crosses a range of values and a pre-defined duration contributes to improve the decision-making process by decreasing the number of false positives and having a better comprehension of the patient condition.- Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia within the Project Scope UID/CEC/00319/2013 . The authors would like to thank FCT (Foundation of Science and Technology, Portugal) for the financial support through the contract PTDC/EEI-SII/1302/2012 (INTCare II

    Technology independent ASIC based time to digital converter

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    This paper proposes a design methodology for a synthesizable, fully digital TDC architecture. The TDC was implemented using a hardware description language (HDL), which improves portability between platforms and technologies and significantly reduces design time. The proposed design flow is fully automated using TCL scripting and standard CAD tools configuration files. The TDC is based on a Tapped Delay Line architecture and explores the use of Structured Data Path (SDP) as a way to improve the TDL linearity by homogenizing the routing and parasitic capacitances across the multiple TDL’s steps. The studied approach also secures a stable, temperature independent measurement operation. The proposed TDC architecture was fabricated using TSMC 180nm CMOS process technology, with a 50MHz reference clock and a supply voltage of 1.8V. The fabricated TDC achieved an 111ps RMS resolution and a single-shot precision of 54ps (0.48 LSB) and 279ps (2.51 LSB), with and without post-measurement software calibration, respectively. The DNL across the channel is mostly under 0.3 LSB and a maximum of 8 LSB peak-to-peak INL was achieved, when no calibration is applied.- (037902

    Real-time decision support in intensive medicine: an intelligent approach for monitoring data quality

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    Intensive Medicine is an area where big amounts of data are generated every day. The process to obtain knowledge from these data is extremely difficult and sometimes dangerous. The main obstacles of this process are the number of data collected manually and the quality of the data collected automatically. Information quality is a major constrain to the success of Intelligent Decision Support Systems (IDSS). This is the case of INTCare an IDSS which operates in real-time. Data quality needs to be ensured in a continuous way. The quality must be assured essentially in the data acquisition process and in the evaluation of the results obtained from data mining models. To automate this process a set of intelligent agents have been developed to perform a set of data quality tasks. This paper explores the data quality issues in IDSS and presents an intelligent approach for monitoring the data quality in INTCare system.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

    Assessment of technology acceptance in intensive care units

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    The process of deploy a technology in critical services need to be very careful planned and processed. As an example it is the Intensive Care Unit (ICU). In the ICU the patients are in critically ill condit ions and there aren’t available time to make experiences or to develop incomplete systems. With the objective to improve the implementation process, the same should be accompanied in order to understand the environment and user behaviour. In this case and with the goal to evaluate the implementation process, an assessment model was applied to a real system called INTCare. INTCare is a Pervasive Intelligent Decision Support System (PIDSS). It was deployed in the ICU of Centro Hospitalar do Porto and was evaluated using the Technology Acceptance Model 3 (TAM). This assessment was made using the four constructs proposed by the TAM and a questionnaire-based approach guided by the Delphi Methodology. The results obtained so far show that although the users are satisfied with the offered information recognizing this importance, they demand for a faster system. This work present the main results achieved and suggest one way to follow when some technology is deployed in an environment like is ICU

    Predicting plateau pressure in intensive medicine for ventilated patients

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    Barotrauma is identified as one of the leading diseases in Ventilated Patients. This type of problem is most common in the Intensive Care Units. In order to prevent this problem the use of Data Mining (DM) can be useful for predicting their occurrence. The main goal is to predict the occurence of Barotrauma in order to support the health professionals taking necessary precautions. In a first step intensivists identified the Plateau Pressure values as a possible cause of Barotrauma. Through this study DM models (classification) where induced for predicting the Plateau Pressure class (>=30 cm2O) in a real environment and using real data. The present study explored and assessed the possibility of predicting the Plateau pressure class with high accuracies. The dataset used only contained data provided by the ventilators. The best models are able to predict the Plateau Pressure with an accuracy ranging from 95.52% to 98.71%.This work has been supported by FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia within the Project Scope UID/CEC/00319/2013. The authors would like to thank FCT (Foundation of Science and Technology, Portugal) for the financial support through the contract PTDC/EEI-SII/1302/2012 (INTCare II)