12 research outputs found

    Sheep production during the rainy season in marandu palisadegrass swards previously utilized under deferred grazing

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    ABSTRACT The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu syn. Urochloa brizantha cv. Marandu (Marandu palisadegrass) in late winter on pasture structure, apparent selectivity, and sheep production during spring and early summer. The conditions of deferred pastures at the end of winter were: low (15.1cm and 4600kg/ha of DM), medium (23.2cm and 5940kg/ha of DM), high (31.4cm and 7640kg/ha of DM) and high/mowed (31.3cm and 7200kg/ha of DM, mowed to 8cm). The experiment was conducted in split plot design (sward conditions at the end of winter: low, medium, tall and tall/lowered) during time (early, middle and late spring/summer) and completely randomized design with three replications. The percentages of live leaf laminae in available forage and in simulated grazing samples were higher in tall/lowered sward and lower in high sward, oppositely to percentage of dead tissue. Only at the beginning of the grazing period the high/lowered sward had lower forage mass and bulk density. This remained high in high sward during all the grazing period. The sheep performance and the animal production per area were higher in low sward and lower in tall swards. The low sward has better structure and higher sheep production starting at spring. The lower of the marandu palisade grass at late winter improves this structure and increases sheep production during spring and early summer

    Composição corporal de cálcio e fósforo do útero gestante e da glândula mamária de ovelhas Santa Inês

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    Ovelhas Santa Inês com gestação simples e múltipla foram alimentadas com dietas formuladas para atender a 100% - grupo não restrito - e 85% - grupo restrito - das suas necessidades de energia metabolizável (EM) e proteína bruta (PB). Os animais foram abatidos aos 140 dias de gestação para a retirada do útero da glândula mamária e do útero gestante, os quais foram analisados para o conteúdo de cálcio e de fósforo em função dos tratamentos. A restrição nutricional não influenciou as concentrações de cálcio e fósforo no feto e no útero gestante. Foi observado um aumento de 11,68 gramas de cálcio e de 6,37 gramas de fósforo para cada quilograma de massa fetal produzido aos 140 dias de gestação. As concentrações de cálcio e de fósforo do útero e das membranas foram mais baixas nas ovelhas gestantes submetidas à restrição nutricional. O número de fetos e o manejo nutricional não resultaram em alterações na concentração nem no conteúdo de cálcio e fósforo nos fluidos fetais. O conteúdo de cálcio e de fósforo no útero gestante teve como principal fator de variação o tamanho da massa fetal produzida

    Sheep production during the rainy season in marandu palisadegrass swards previously utilized under deferred grazing

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    <div><p>ABSTRACT The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu syn. Urochloa brizantha cv. Marandu (Marandu palisadegrass) in late winter on pasture structure, apparent selectivity, and sheep production during spring and early summer. The conditions of deferred pastures at the end of winter were: low (15.1cm and 4600kg/ha of DM), medium (23.2cm and 5940kg/ha of DM), high (31.4cm and 7640kg/ha of DM) and high/mowed (31.3cm and 7200kg/ha of DM, mowed to 8cm). The experiment was conducted in split plot design (sward conditions at the end of winter: low, medium, tall and tall/lowered) during time (early, middle and late spring/summer) and completely randomized design with three replications. The percentages of live leaf laminae in available forage and in simulated grazing samples were higher in tall/lowered sward and lower in high sward, oppositely to percentage of dead tissue. Only at the beginning of the grazing period the high/lowered sward had lower forage mass and bulk density. This remained high in high sward during all the grazing period. The sheep performance and the animal production per area were higher in low sward and lower in tall swards. The low sward has better structure and higher sheep production starting at spring. The lower of the marandu palisade grass at late winter improves this structure and increases sheep production during spring and early summer.</p></div

    Comportamento ingestivo de ovelhas submetidas ou não à restrição nutricional durante a gestação #

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    This research was carried out in order to evaluate effects of pregnancy, fetus number and nutritional restriction on ingestive behavior of ewes. Were used 24 ewes of the breed Santa Ines evaluated at 90, 110 and 130 pregnancy days distributed among treatments according to fetus number. They received free or restricted diet, the last one with reduction of 15% of protein and energy requirements. Ewes were individually observed each five minutes for three days, being two periods of 24 h intercalated with 24 h of resting. During the observations was determinated the time spent in feeding, rumination, idle and chewing. Feed management did not influence time spent in feeding. In both pregnancy categories, at 90 days of pregnancy the animals spent less time in rumination and feeding. Ewes on nutritional restriction ruminate longer time and at 90 days of pregnancy spent less time ruminating. Ewes with twin fetus spent less time chewing than with single pregnancy. Pregnancy progress increased time spent to feeding, rumination ant chewing. Nutritional restriction increased idle time in ewes with one fetus. Ewes with single and twin pregnancy showed variable ingestive behavior at the studied phases.Foi avaliada a influência da gestação, do número de fetos e da restrição nutricional no comportamento ingestivo de 24 ovelhas Santa Inês avaliadas aos 90, 110 e 130 dias de gestação, divididas entre os tratamentos em função do número de fetos. Essas receberam dietas à vontade ou restritas, sendo essa com redução de 15% nos requisitos de proteína e energia. As ovelhas foram observadas individualmente, a cada 5 minutos, por 3 dias, sendo dois períodos de 24 h intercalado com 24 h de descanso. Durante as observações foram determinando os tempos gas- tos com ingestão, ruminação, ócio e mastigação. O manejo nutricional não influenciou o tempo gasto com a ingestão. Em ambas as categorias de prenhez, aos 90 dias de gestação, as ovelhas despenderam menos tempo para ingestão do ali- mento. Animais recebendo dieta restrita ruminaram mais tempo e aos 90 dias de gestação despenderam menos tempo ruminando. Ovelhas gestantes de dois fetos gastaram menos tempo mastigando do que as de gestação simples. O avanço da gestação aumentou o tempo despendido com ingestão, ruminação e mastigação. A restrição nutricional aumentou o tempo em ócio de ovelhas com um feto. Animais gestantes de um e dois fetos apresentaram comportamento ingestivo variável nas fases da gestação estudadas

    Níveis de fibra em detergente neutro forrageiro na alimentação de ovelhas Santa Inês gestantes Level of fiber on feeding of Santa Ines pregnant ewes

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    Avaliaram-se o consumo, a digestibilidade aparente e o comportamento ingestivo de ovelhas no terço final de gestação com dietas contendo diferentes níveis de fibra em detergente neutro forrageiro (FDNf). Foram utilizadas 16 ovelhas adultas da raça Santa Inês, distribuídas em um delineamento inteiramente ao acaso, com quatro tratamentos: 9, 17, 26 e 35% de FDNf. Os consumos de matéria seca, matéria orgânica, proteína bruta, energia bruta, energia digestível e energia metabolizável não foram influenciados pelos tratamentos, e os consumos de fibra em detergente neutro (FDN) e de fibra em detergente ácido (FDA) aumentaram com maiores níveis de FDNf. As digestibilidades do FDN e FDA e o tempo gasto pelos animais com ruminação também aumentaram com maiores níveis de FDNf na dieta. Dietas com maior quantidade de FDNf influenciaram comportamento ingestivo e digestibilidade de ovelhas em fase final de lactação.<br>The intake, apparent digestibility and feeding behavior of pregnant ewes ped diets containing different levels of neutral detergent fiber (NDF) were evaluated. Sixteen Santa Inês ewes were randomly assigned to four treatments with 9, 17, 26 e 35% of NDF. Dry matter (DM), organic matter, crude protein, crude energy, digestible energy and metabolizable energy intake were not affected by the level of NDF in the diet, however, NDF and acid detergent fiber (ADF) intake increased with the increase of NDF diet levels. The apparent digestibility of the NDF and ADF and rumination time increased with the NDF diet level. Higher NDF diet levels influenced feeding behavior and apparent digestibility of ewes at the end of the lactation period

    Evolução do peso testicular de cordeiros da raça Santa Inês alimentados com diferentes níveis de energia Testicle weight evolution of Santa Inês lambs fed different energy levels

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    Avaliou-se a evolução do peso testicular de cordeiros Santa Inês, alimentados com diferentes níveis de energia. Foram utilizados 64 cordeiros, distribuídos em quatro tratamentos: A - 8,7%; B - 17,3%; C - 26,0% e D - 34,7% de fibra em detergente neutro (FDN), proveniente da forragem na dieta, determinando a variação no consumo de energia metabolizável. Quatro animais de cada tratamento foram abatidos nas idades pré-determinadas de 43, 83, 123 e 173 dias de idade. Os testículos foram separados dos respectivos epidídimos e pesados separadamente. Os animais que receberam as dietas A e B foram os que apresentaram maior consumo de energia metabolizável (14,11Mcal/PV0,75), os mais pesados (18,89kg e 17,09kg, respectivamente) e os de maiores pesos dos testiculos (62,54g e 27,16g, respectivamente), indicando que o desenvolvimento testicular é altamente dependente do desenvolvimento corporal e da quantidade de energia metabolizável consumida. A predição do peso dos testículos por meio da circunferência escrotal mostrou ser mais eficiente do que por meio da idade e do peso vivo dos animais.<br>The development of the testicule weight of Santa Inês lambs, fed different energy levels, was evaluated. Sixty-four lambs were distributed in four treatments: A - 8.7%; B - 17.3%; C - 26.0% and D - 34.7% of neutral detergent fiber (NDF) supplied by the diet forage, determining the variation of the metabolizable energy intake. Four animals from each treatment were slaughtered at pre-defined ages of 43 days, 83 days, 123 days and 173 days. After slaughtering, the testicles were separated from the epididimous and individually weighted. The animals fed diets A and B presented higher metabolizable energy intake (14.11Mcal/LW0.75), higher live weight (18.89kg and 17.09kg, respectively) and higher testicules weight (62.54g and 27.16g, respectively), indicating that the testicular development is highly dependent on the body development and the quantity of metabolizable energy intake. The prediction of the testicules weight by the scrotal circumference showed to be more efficient than the age or the live weight of the animals