353 research outputs found

    How Software Practitioners Use Informal Local Meetups to Share Software Engineering Knowledge

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    Informal technology "meetups" have become an important aspect of the software development community, engaging many thousands of practitioners on a regular basis. However, although local technology meetups are well-attended by developers, little is known about their motivations for participating, the type or usefulness of information that they acquire, and how local meetups might differ from and complement other available communication channels for software engineering information. We interviewed the leaders of technology-oriented Meetup groups, and collected quantitative information via a survey distributed to participants in technology-oriented groups. Our findings suggest that participants in these groups are primarily experienced software practitioners, who use Meetup for staying abreast of new developments, building local networks and achieving transfer of rich tacit knowledge with peers to improve their practice. We also suggest that face to face meetings are useful forums for exchanging tacit knowledge and contextual information needed for software engineering practice

    Avaliação dos impactos das mudanças climáticas no zoneamento agrícola utilizando anomalias de temperatura e precipitação dos modelos HADCM3 e IPCM4.

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    O trabalho teve o objetivo principal de aprimorar a metodologia utilizada para gerar cenários de impactos de mudanças climáticas no zoneamento agrícola do Brasil. A área de estudo foi o Estado de São Paulo e os modelos escolhidos foram o HADCM3 e o IPCM4. Foram empregadas anomalias de temperatura e/ou precipitação e as culturas anuais escolhidas foram arroz, feijão, milho, soja, sorgo, trigo e cevada. Foi desenvolvido um sistema de simulação que permitiu a geração de 25.488 mapas de risco colocados à disposição na internet. O desempenho das simulações foi distinto para os dois modelos climáticos utilizados, ressaltando a importância da escolha deles nos estudos de impactos das mudanças climáticas. As anomalias de temperatura do IPCM4 e as de precipitação do HADCM3 foram as que produziram as maiores reduções das áreas de baixo risco climático. A forma de incorporação das anomalias de precipitação nas simulações é uma contribuição do trabalho que pode ser útil em trabalhos futuros.CBA 2011

    Diagonal Ladders: A New Class of Models for Strongly Coupled Electron Systems

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    We introduce a class of models defined on ladders with a diagonal structure generated by npn_p plaquettes. The case np=1n_p=1 corresponds to the necklace ladder and has remarkable properties which are studied using DMRG and recurrent variational ansatzes. The AF Heisenberg model on this ladder is equivalent to the alternating spin-1/spin-1/2 AFH chain which is known to have a ferrimagnetic ground state (GS). For doping 1/3 the GS is a fully doped (1,1) stripe with the holes located mostly along the principal diagonal while the minor diagonals are occupied by spin singlets. This state can be seen as a Mott insulator of localized Cooper pairs on the plaquettes. A physical picture of our results is provided by a tpJpt_p-J_p model of plaquettes coupled diagonally with a hopping parameter tdt_d. In the limit tdt_d \to \infty we recover the original tJt-J model on the necklace ladder while for weak hopping parameter the model is easily solvable. The GS in the strong hopping regime is essentially an "on link" Gutzwiller projection of the weak hopping GS. We generalize the tpJptdt_p-J_p-t_d model to diagonal ladders with np>1n_p >1 and the 2D square lattice. We use in our construction concepts familiar in Statistical Mechanics as medial graphs and Bratelli diagrams.Comment: REVTEX file, 22 pages (twocolumn), 35 figures inserted in text. 12 Table

    Effect of chloroquine on gene expression of Plasmodium yoelii nigeriensis during its sporogonic development in the mosquito vector

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The anti-malarial chloroquine can modulate the outcome of infection during the <it>Plasmodium </it>sporogonic development, interfering with <it>Plasmodium </it>gene expression and subsequently, with transmission. The present study sets to identify <it>Plasmodium </it>genes that might be regulated by chloroquine in the mosquito vector.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Differential display RT-PCR (DDRT-PCR) was used to identify genes expressed during the sporogonic cycle that are regulated by exposure to chloroquine. <it>Anopheles stephensi </it>mosquitoes were fed on <it>Plasmodium yoelii nigeriensis</it>-infected mice. Three days post-infection, mosquitoes were fed a non-infectious blood meal from mice treated orally with 50 mg/kg chloroquine. Two differentially expressed <it>Plasmodium </it>transcripts (Pyn_chl091 and Pyn_chl055) were further characterized by DNA sequencing and real-time PCR analysis.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Both transcripts were represented in <it>Plasmodium </it>EST databases, but displayed no homology with any known genes. Pyn_chl091 was upregulated by day 18 post infection when the mosquito had a second blood meal. However, when the effect of chloroquine on that transcript was investigated during the erythrocytic cycle, no significant differences were observed. Although slightly upregulated by chloroquine exposure the expression of Pyn_chl055 was more affected by development, increasing towards the end of the sporogonic cycle. Transcript abundance of Pyn_chl055 was reduced when erythrocytic stages were treated with chloroquine.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Chloroquine increased parasite load in mosquito salivary glands and interferes with the expression of at least two <it>Plasmodium </it>genes. The transcripts identified contain putative signal peptides and transmembrane domains suggesting that these proteins, due to their location, are targets of chloroquine (not as an antimalarial) probably through cell trafficking and recycling.</p

    Parkinson's Disease DJ-1 L166P Alters rRNA Biogenesis by Exclusion of TTRAP from the Nucleolus and Sequestration into Cytoplasmic Aggregates via TRAF6

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    Mutations in PARK7/DJ-1 gene are associated to autosomal recessive early onset forms of Parkinson's disease (PD). Although large gene deletions have been linked to a loss-of-function phenotype, the pathogenic mechanism of missense mutations is less clear. The L166P mutation causes misfolding of DJ-1 protein and its degradation. L166P protein may also accumulate into insoluble cytoplasmic aggregates with a mechanism facilitated by the E3 ligase TNF receptor associated factor 6 (TRAF6). Upon proteasome impairment L166P activates the JNK/p38 MAPK apoptotic pathway by its interaction with TRAF and TNF Receptor Associated Protein (TTRAP). When proteasome activity is blocked in the presence of wild-type DJ-1, TTRAP forms aggregates that are localized to the cytoplasm or associated to nucleolar cavities, where it is required for a correct rRNA biogenesis. In this study we show that in post-mortem brains of sporadic PD patients TTRAP is associated to the nucleolus and to Lewy Bodies, cytoplasmic aggregates considered the hallmark of the disease. In SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells, misfolded mutant DJ-1 L166P alters rRNA biogenesis inhibiting TTRAP localization to the nucleolus and enhancing its recruitment into cytoplasmic aggregates with a mechanism that depends in part on TRAF6 activity. This work suggests that TTRAP plays a role in the molecular mechanisms of both sporadic and familial PD. Furthermore, it unveils the existence of an interplay between cytoplasmic and nucleolar aggregates that impacts rRNA biogenesis and involves TRAF6

    Guia de implantação do modelo corporativo de processos de software da Embrapa (MCPSE).

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    Este Guia reúne informações para que os processos de software sejam adotados corporativamente, conforme definido no modelo corporativo de processos de software da Embrapa (MCPSE), garantindo a qualidade dos produtos gerados pelas equipes dos projetos de desenvolvimento de software da Empresa.bitstream/item/100418/1/DOC-400.pd