207 research outputs found

    Catalyst Schools: The Catholic Ethos and Public Charter Schools

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    During the past decade, Catholic leaders have been exploring options to revitalize the faltering Catholic school system especially in urban centers. One route being explored by dioceses and religious orders is opening what have been called “religious charter schools.” Though not technically religious schools, they integrate many of the same values and pedagogical approaches as found in faith-based schools. In this article, the authors examined three Chicago public charter schools that are modeled on the successful San Miguel Schools, which are run by the Christian Brothers and are located in impoverished urban areas. After interviewing 40 participants, observing 20 classrooms, and reviewing archival documents, the authors described the challenges faced, tensions experienced, and lessons learned while transferring a Lasallian (Christian Brother) educational model into the public sector. Résumé Au cours des dix dernières années, les responsables catholiques ont cherché par quels moyens revitaliser les écoles catholiques en difficulté, notamment dans les centres urbains. L’une des voies explorées par les diocèses et congrégations religieuses consiste à ouvrir ce que l’on appelle des « écoles religieuses sous contrat ». Bien qu’il ne s’agisse pas véritablement d’écoles religieuses, elles intègrent un grand nombre des valeurs et approches pédagogiques que l’on trouve dans les écoles confessionnelles. Dans cet article, les auteurs ont examiné trois écoles publiques sous contrat à Chicago, qui ont pris comme modèle le succès des écoles de San Miguel, dirigées par les Frères des écoles chrétiennes et situées dans des secteurs urbains déshérités. Après avoir interviewé 40 participants, observé 20 salles de classe et examiné des documents d’archives, les auteurs ont décrit les difficultés à surmonter, les tensions ressenties et les enseignements retirés lorsqu’un modèle éducatif lassalien (les Frères des écoles chrétiennes) est transféré dans un établissement public. Resumen Durante la última década, líderes católicos han explorado opciones para revitalizar el defectuoso sistema escolar católico, especialmente en centros urbanos. Las diócesis y órdenes religiosas han explorado una ruta: abrir lo que se llaman “escuelas chárter religiosas”. Aunque técnicamente no son escuelas religiosas, integran muchos de los mismos valores y enfoques pedagógicos tal y como se encuentran en las escuelas religiosas. En el presente artículo, los autores examinan tres escuelas chárter públicas de Chicago que se basan en el modelo exitoso de las escuelas San Miguel, gestionadas por los Christian Brothers (Hermanos Cristianos) y situada en zonas urbanas pobres. Tras entrevistar a 40 participantes, observar 20 aulas y revisar documentos de archivo, los autores describen los retos a los que se enfrentaron, las tensiones que experimentaron y las lecciones que aprendieron al transferir un modelo educativo lasaliano (Hermanos Cristianos) al sector público

    Cyclooxygenase-2 inhibition decreases primary and metastatic tumor burden in a murine model of orthotopic lung adenocarcinoma

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    AbstractObjectiveTo assess cyclooxygenase-2 inhibition on primary tumor and mediastinal metastases in a murine model of orthotopic lung adenocarcinoma.MethodsHuman lung adenocarcinoma cells (CRL5908, female nonsmoker with cyclooxygenase-2 expression by Western blot) were implanted under direct visualization through the parietal pleura in the upper lobe of the left lung (2 × 106 cells/animal) of SCID mice. Mice were randomly assigned to 2 groups, either untreated (n = 62) or celecoxib-treated (n = 60). Celecoxib, a selective cyclooxygenase-2 antagonist, was solubilized in the animals' drink (25 mg/kg per day). Mice were arbitrarily killed at 1, 2, 3, and 4 weeks. A blinded observer assessed primary tumor volume and metastatic disease grossly and histologically.ResultsGross metastatic lymph nodes were present at 3 weeks in none of 15 (0%) treated and 12 of 15 (80.0%) untreated animals (P < .0001). Mean primary tumor volumes at 3 weeks for treated mice were 7.9 ± 10.0 mm3 and for untreated mice were 533.1 ± 453.6 mm3 (mean ± SD, P < .0001). Gross metastatic lymph nodes were present at 4 weeks in 3 of 15 (20%) treated and 17 of 17 (100%) untreated animals (P < .0001). Mean primary tumor volumes at 4 weeks for treated mice were 37.1 ± 46.2 mm3 and for untreated mice were 809.6 ± 1226.4 mm3 (mean ± SD, P < .0001). Mean blood levels of celecoxib in treated mice were 236.8 ± 34.2 ng/mL (mean ± SD).ConclusionsCyclooxygenase-2 inhibition results in decreased primary and metastatic tumor burden in a murine model using human lung adenocarcinoma. Cyclooxygenase-2 inhibition has the potential to decrease tumor progression and metastases in patients with lung adenocarcinoma

    Interleukin-17D and Nrf2 mediate initial innate immune cell recruitment and restrict MCMV infection.

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    Innate immune cells quickly infiltrate the site of pathogen entry and not only stave off infection but also initiate antigen presentation and promote adaptive immunity. The recruitment of innate leukocytes has been well studied in the context of extracellular bacterial and fungal infection but less during viral infections. We have recently shown that the understudied cytokine Interleukin (IL)-17D can mediate neutrophil, natural killer (NK) cell and monocyte infiltration in sterile inflammation and cancer. Herein, we show that early immune cell accumulation at the peritoneal site of infection by mouse cytomegalovirus (MCMV) is mediated by IL-17D. Mice deficient in IL-17D or the transcription factor Nuclear factor (erythroid-derived 2)-like 2 (Nrf2), an inducer of IL-17D, featured an early decreased number of innate immune cells at the point of viral entry and were more susceptible to MCMV infection. Interestingly, we were able to artificially induce innate leukocyte infiltration by applying the Nrf2 activator tert-butylhydroquinone (tBHQ), which rendered mice less susceptible to MCMV infection. Our results implicate the Nrf2/IL-17D axis as a sensor of viral infection and suggest therapeutic benefit in boosting this pathway to promote innate antiviral responses

    The role of clathrin in post-golgi trafficking in toxoplasma gondii

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    Apicomplexan parasites are single eukaryotic cells with a highly polarised secretory system that contains unique secretory organelles (micronemes and rhoptries) that are required for host cell invasion. In contrast, the role of the endosomal system is poorly understood in these parasites. With many typical endocytic factors missing, we speculated that endocytosis depends exclusively on a clathrin-mediated mechanism. Intriguingly, in Toxoplasma gondii we were only able to observe the endogenous clathrin heavy chain 1 (CHC1) at the Golgi, but not at the parasite surface. For the functional characterisation of Toxoplasma gondii CHC1 we generated parasite mutants conditionally expressing the dominant negative clathrin Hub fragment and demonstrate that CHC1 is essential for vesicle formation at the trans-Golgi network. Consequently, the functional ablation of CHC1 results in Golgi aberrations, a block in the biogenesis of the unique secretory microneme and rhoptry organelles, and of the pellicle. However, we found no morphological evidence for clathrin mediating endocytosis in these parasites and speculate that they remodelled their vesicular trafficking system to adapt to an intracellular lifestyle

    A Novel Structural Assessment Technique to Prevent Damaged FRP-Wrapped Concrete Bridge Piers from Collapse

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    Repairing deteriorated concrete bridge piers using externally wrapped fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) composites have been proven as an effective approach. This technique has also been applied to low-rise building structures. Failures in FRP-wrapped concrete structures may occur by flexural failures of critical sections or by debonding of FRP plate from the concrete substrate. Debonding in the FRP/adhesive/concrete interface region may cause a significant decrease in member capacity leading to a premature failure of the system. In this chapter, a novel structural assessment technique aiming at inspecting the near-surface FRP debonding and concrete cracking of damaged FRP-wrapped concrete bridge piers to prevent the structures from collapse is presented. In the first part of this chapter, failure mechanisms of FRP-wrapped concrete systems are briefly discussed. The second part of this chapter introduces a novel structural assessment technique in which far-field airborne radar is applied. In this development, emphasis is placed on inspection of debonding in glass FRP (GFRP)-wrapped concrete cylinders, while the technique is also applicable to beams and slabs with bonded GFRP composites. Physical radar measurements on laboratory specimens with structural damages were conducted and used for validating the technique. Processed experimental measurements have shown promising results for the future application of the technique. Finally, research findings and issues are summarized.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant CMS-0324607)Lincoln Laborator

    Common polygenic variation in coeliac disease and confirmation of ZNF335 and NIFA as disease susceptibility loci

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    Coeliac disease (CD) is a chronic immune-mediated disease triggered by the ingestion of gluten. It has an estimated prevalence of approximately 1% in European populations. Specific HLA-DQA1 and HLA-DQB1 alleles are established coeliac susceptibility genes and are required for the presentation of gliadin to the immune system resulting in damage to the intestinal mucosa. In the largest association analysis of CD to date, 39 non-HLA risk loci were identified, 13 of which were new, in a sample of 12 014 individuals with CD and 12 228 controls using the Immunochip genotyping platform. Including the HLA, this brings the total number of known CD loci to 40. We have replicated this study in an independent Irish CD case–control population of 425 CD and 453 controls using the Immunochip platform. Using a binomial sign test, we show that the direction of the effects of previously described risk alleles were highly correlated with those reported in the Irish population, (P=2.2 × 10−16). Using the Polygene Risk Score (PRS) approach, we estimated that up to 35% of the genetic variance could be explained by loci present on the Immunochip (P=9 × 10−75). When this is limited to non-HLA loci, we explain a maximum of 4.5% of the genetic variance (P=3.6 × 10−18). Finally, we performed a meta-analysis of our data with the previous reports, identifying two further loci harbouring the ZNF335 and NIFA genes which now exceed genome-wide significance, taking the total number of CD susceptibility loci to 42

    Invasive fungal infections in neutropenic enterocolitis: A systematic analysis of pathogens, incidence, treatment and mortality in adult patients

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    BACKGROUND: Neutropenic enterocolitis is a life-threatening complication most frequently occurring after intensive chemotherapy in acute leukaemias. Gramnegative bacteria constitute the most important group of causative pathogens. Fungi have also been reported, but their practical relevance remains unclear. The guidelines do not address concrete treatment recommendations for fungal neutropenic enterocolitis. METHODS: Here, we conducted a metaanalysis to answer the questions: What are frequency and mortality of fungal neutropenic enterocolitis? Do frequencies and microbiological distribution of causative fungi support empirical antimycotic therapy? Do reported results of antimycotic therapy in documented fungal neutropenic enterocolitis help with the selection of appropriate drugs? Following a systematic search, we extracted and summarised all detail data from the complete literature. RESULTS: Among 186 articles describing patients with neutropenic enterocolitis, we found 29 reports describing 53 patients with causative fungal pathogens. We found no randomised controlled trial, no good quality cohort study and no good quality case control study on the role of antifungal treatment. The pooled frequency of fungal neutropenic enterocolitis was 6.2% calculated from all 860 reported patients and 3.4% calculated from selected representative studies only. In 94% of the patients, Candida spp. were involved. The pooled mortality rate was 81.8%. Most authors did not report or perform antifungal therapy. CONCLUSION: In patients with neutropenic enterocolitis, fungal pathogens play a relevant, but secondary role compared to bacteria. Evidence concerning therapy is very poor, but epidemiological data from this study may provide helpful clues to select empiric antifungal therapy in neutropenic enterocolitis

    IL-17RA Signaling Reduces Inflammation and Mortality during Trypanosoma cruzi Infection by Recruiting Suppressive IL-10-Producing Neutrophils

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    Members of the IL-17 cytokine family play an important role in protection against pathogens through the induction of different effector mechanisms. We determined that IL-17A, IL-17E and IL-17F are produced during the acute phase of T. cruzi infection. Using IL-17RA knockout (KO) mice, we demonstrate that IL-17RA, the common receptor subunit for many IL-17 family members, is required for host resistance during T. cruzi infection. Furthermore, infected IL-17RA KO mice that lack of response to several IL-17 cytokines showed amplified inflammatory responses with exuberant IFN-γ and TNF production that promoted hepatic damage and mortality. Absence of IL-17RA during T. cruzi infection resulted in reduced CXCL1 and CXCL2 expression in spleen and liver and limited neutrophil recruitment. T. cruzi-stimulated neutrophils secreted IL-10 and showed an IL-10-dependent suppressive phenotype in vitro inhibiting T-cell proliferation and IFN-γ production. Specific depletion of Ly-6G+ neutrophils in vivo during T. cruzi infection raised parasitemia and serum IFN-γ concentration and resulted in increased liver pathology in WT mice and overwhelming wasting disease in IL-17RA KO mice. Adoptively transferred neutrophils were unable to migrate to tissues and to restore resistant phenotype in infected IL-17RA KO mice but migrated to spleen and liver of infected WT mice and downregulated IFN-γ production and increased survival in an IL-10 dependent manner. Our results underscore the role of IL-17RA in the modulation of IFN-γ-mediated inflammatory responses during infections and uncover a previously unrecognized regulatory mechanism that involves the IL-17RA-mediated recruitment of suppressive IL-10-producing neutrophils