19,184 research outputs found

    Addressing Minority Health Disparities in Richmond: Results from a Health Needs Assessment of a Southside Community

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    Background: Evidence shows the effectiveness of integrating community health workers (CHWs) into care models serving high-risk patients to reduce emergency department (ED) use, increase primary care use, and address adverse social determinants of health (SDH). The Southwood Resource Center, part of a network of clinics established by Richmond City Health Department, utilizes CHWs to address disparities affecting underserved populations through primary care referrals and additional resource linkages. Local student-volunteers in partnership with CHWs conducted a community needs assessment to identify patient resource gaps, aid in design and implementation of SDH interventions, and examine the relationship between chronic disease management and ED use reductions. Methods: English and Spanish-language surveys were conducted during patient visits to the SRC, in addition to other settings to facilitate representative sampling. A total of 134 responses were received, with Blacks (34%) and Hispanic/Latinos (65%) well represented. Results: Significant social determinants identified by the needs assessment included housing stability, and transportation and food access. Respondents indicated need for support managing chronic conditions including heart disease, diabetes, mental health and asthma. 1 in 3 respondents (31%) reported using the ED for primary care, and nearly 2 in 3 (66%) reported not having a family doctor. Barriers to health care included cost (35.6%), insurance status (50.4%) and transportation access (29.6%). Conclusions: CHWs play an important role in identifying community strengths and resource gaps and linking patients to additional resources. Opportunities for service improvements include bilingual care coordination, chronic care management, health insurance navigation, food subsistence resources, and transportation support.https://scholarscompass.vcu.edu/gradposters/1104/thumbnail.jp

    Optimal Choice of Product Scope for Multiproduct Firms under Monopolistic Competition

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    In this paper we develop a monopolistic competition model where firms exercise their market power across multiple products. Even with CES preferences, markups are endogenous. Firms choose their optimal product scope by balancing the net profits from a new variety against the costs of "cannibalizing" their own sales. With identical costs across firms, opening trade leads to fewer firms surviving in each country but more varieties produced by each of those firms. With heterogeneous costs, the number of firms surviving in equilibrium is quite insensitive to the market size. When trade is opened, more firms initially enter, but the larger market size reduces the cannibalization effect and expands the optimal scope of products. As a result, the less efficient firms exit, and the larger market is accommodated by more efficient firms that produce more varieties per firm on average.

    Adaptive Monotone Shrinkage for Regression

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    We develop an adaptive monotone shrinkage estimator for regression models with the following characteristics: i) dense coefficients with small but important effects; ii) a priori ordering that indicates the probable predictive importance of the features. We capture both properties with an empirical Bayes estimator that shrinks coefficients monotonically with respect to their anticipated importance. This estimator can be rapidly computed using a version of Pool-Adjacent-Violators algorithm. We show that the proposed monotone shrinkage approach is competitive with the class of all Bayesian estimators that share the prior information. We further observe that the estimator also minimizes Stein's unbiased risk estimate. Along with our key result that the estimator mimics the oracle Bayes rule under an order assumption, we also prove that the estimator is robust. Even without the order assumption, our estimator mimics the best performance of a large family of estimators that includes the least squares estimator, constant-λ\lambda ridge estimator, James-Stein estimator, etc. All the theoretical results are non-asymptotic. Simulation results and data analysis from a model for text processing are provided to support the theory.Comment: Appearing in Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI) 201

    Renminbising China's Foreign Assets

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    Since the 2008 global financial crisis, China has rolled out a number of initiatives to actively promote the international role of the renminbi and to denominate more of its international claims away from the US dollar and into the renminbi. This paper discusses the factors shaping the prospects of internationalising the renminbi from the perspective of the currency composition of China’s international assets and liabilities. These factors include, among others, underlying valuation and management of the renminbi.renminbi internationalisation, net international asset position, convertibility, exchange rate uncertainty, dollar peg

    A subdivision-based implementation of non-uniform local refinement with THB-splines

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    Paper accepted for 15th IMA International Conference on Mathematics on Surfaces, 2017. Abstract: Local refinement of spline basis functions is an important process for spline approximation and local feature modelling in computer aided design (CAD). This paper develops an efficient local refinement method for non-uniform and general degree THB-splines(Truncated hierarchical B-splines). A non-uniform subdivision algorithm is improved to efficiently subdivide a single non-uniform B-spline basis function. The subdivision scheme is then applied to locally hierarchically refine non-uniform B-spline basis functions. The refined basis functions are non-uniform and satisfy the properties of linear independence, partition of unity and are locally supported. The refined basis functions are suitable for spline approximation and numerical analysis. The implementation makes it possible for hierarchical approximation to use the same non-uniform B-spline basis functions as existing modelling tools have used. The improved subdivision algorithm is faster than classic knot insertion. The non-uniform THB-spline approximation is shown to be more accurate than uniform low degree hierarchical local refinement when applied to two classical approximation problems

    Control systems for WRASPA.

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    The paper discusses the need for a wave energy converter (WEC) to sense and respond to its environment in order to survive and to produce its maximum useful output. Such systems are described for Wraspa, a WEC being developed at Lancaster University and first reported at ICCEP in 2007. The main control system that continually monitors and optimises the power-take-off is termed ldquoStepwise Controlrdquo and seeks to continually adjust the damping force applied to the collector to suit the wave force that drives it. The complete instrumentation and control system that will be needed is considered briefly, including the above PTO control system; direction sensing and heading control; tide level compensation; condition monitoring and provisions for access and maintenance

    World Trade Flows: 1962-2000

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    We document a set of bilateral trade data by commodity for 1962-2000, which is available from www.nber.org/data (International Trade Data, NBER-UN world trade data). Users must agree not to resell or distribute the data for 1984-2000. The data are organized by the 4-digit Standard International Trade Classification, revision 2, with country codes similar to the United Nations classification. This dataset updates the Statistics Canada World Trade Database as described in Feenstra, Lipsey, and Bowen (1997), which was available for years 1970-1992. In that database, Statistics Canada had revised the United Nations trade data, mostly derived from the export side, to fit the Canadian trade classification and in some cases to add data not available from the export reports. In contrast, in the new NBER-UN dataset we give primacy to the trade flows reported by the importing country, whenever they are available, assuming that these are more accurate than reports by the exporters. If the importer report is not available for a country-pair, however, then the corresponding exporter report is used instead. Corrections and additions are made to the United Nations data for trade flows to and from the United States, exports from Hong Kong and China, and imports into many other countries.

    Contractual Versus Non-Contractual Trade: The Role of Institutions in China

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    Recent research has demonstrated the importance of institutional quality at the country level for both the volume of trade and the ability to trade in differentiated goods that rely on contract enforcement. This paper takes advantage of cross-provincial variation in institutional quality in China, and export data that distinguishes between foreign and domestic exporters and processing versus ordinary trade, to show that institutional quality is a significant factor in determining Chinese provincial export patterns. Institutions matter more for processing trade, and more for foreign firms, just as we would expect from a greater reliance on contracts in these cases.
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