6,196 research outputs found

    Neutrino Mixing and CP Phase Correlations

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    A special form of the 3×33 \times 3 Majorana neutrino mass matrix derivable from μ−τ\mu - \tau interchange symmetry accompanied by a generalized CPCP transformation was obtained many years ago. It predicts θ23=π/4\theta_{23} = \pi/4 as well as δCP=±π/2\delta_{CP} = \pm \pi/2, with θ13≠0\theta_{13} \neq 0. Whereas this is consistent with present data, we explore a deviation of this result which occurs naturally in a recent proposed model of radiative inverse seesaw neutrino mass.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure

    Scotogenic Inverse Seesaw Model of Neutrino Mass

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    A variation of the original 2006 radiative seesaw model of neutrino mass through dark matter is shown to realize the notion of inverse seesaw naturally. The dark-matter candidate here is the lightest of three real singlet scalars which may also carry flavor.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures, version to appear in PL

    Dark Revelations of the [SU(3)]3[SU(3)]^3 and [SU(3)]4[SU(3)]^4 Gauge Extensions of the Standard Model

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    Two theoretically well-motivated gauge extensions of the standard model are SU(3)C×SU(3)L×SU(3)RSU(3)_C \times SU(3)_L \times SU(3)_R and SU(3)q×SU(3)L×SU(3)l×SU(3)RSU(3)_q \times SU(3)_L \times SU(3)_l \times SU(3)_R, where SU(3)qSU(3)_q is the same as SU(3)CSU(3)_C and SU(3)lSU(3)_l is its color leptonic counterpart. Each as three variations, according to how SU(3)RSU(3)_R is broken. It is shown here for the first time that a built-in dark U(1)DU(1)_D gauge symmetry exists in all six versions, and may be broken to discrete Z2Z_2 dark parity. The available dark matter candidates in each case include fermions, scalars, as well as {\it vector gauge bosons}. This work points to the unity of matter with dark matter, the origin of which is not {\it ad hoc}.Comment: 12 pages, no figur

    Alternative [SU(3)]4[SU(3)]^4 Model of Leptonic Color and Dark Matter

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    The alternative [SU(3)]4[SU(3)]^4 model of leptonic color and dark matter is discussed. It unifies at MU∼1014M_U \sim 10^{14} GeV and has the low-energy subgroup SU(3)q×SU(2)l×SU(2)L×SU(2)R×U(1)XSU(3)_q \times SU(2)_l \times SU(2)_L \times SU(2)_R \times U(1)_X with (u,h)R(u,h)_R instead of (u,d)R(u,d)_R as doublets under SU(2)RSU(2)_R. It has the built-in global U(1)U(1) dark symmetry which is generalized B−LB-L. In analogy to SU(3)qSU(3)_q quark triplets, it has SU(2)lSU(2)_l hemion doublets which have half-integral charges and are confined by SU(2)lSU(2)_l gauge bosons (stickons). In analogy to quarkonia, their vector bound states (hemionia) are uniquely suited for exploration at a future e−e+e^-e^+ collider.Comment: 23 pages, 2 figures, 2 tables. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1701.0704

    A Neural Index Reflecting the Amount of Cognitive Resources Available during Memory Encoding: A Model-based Approach

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    Humans have a limited amount of cognitive resources to process various cognitive operations at a given moment. The Source of Activation Confusion (SAC) model of episodic memory proposes that resources are consumed during each processing and once depleted they need time to recover gradually. This has been supported by a series of behavioral findings in the past. However, the neural substrate of the resources is not known. In the present study, over an existing EEG dataset of a free recall task (Kahana et al., 2022), we provided a neural index reflecting the amount of cognitive resources available for forming new memory traces. Unique to our approach, we obtained the neural index not through correlating neural patterns with behavior outcomes or experimental conditions, but by demonstrating its alignment with a latent quantity of cognitive resources inferred from the SAC model. In addition, we showed that the identified neural index can be used to propose novel hypothesis regarding other long-term memory phenomena. Specifically, we found that according to the neural index, neural encoding patterns for subsequently recalled items correspond to greater available cognitive resources compared with that for subsequently unrecalled items. This provides a mechanistic account for the long-established subsequent memory effects (SMEs, i.e. differential neural encoding patterns between subsequently recalled versus subsequently unrecalled items), which has been previously associated with attention, fatigue and properties of the stimuli

    Decomposition process in a FeAuPd alloy nanostructured by severe plastic deformation

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    The decomposition process mechanisms have been investigated in a Fe50Au25Pd25 (at.%) alloy processed by severe plastic deformation. Phases were characterized by X-ray diffraction and microstructures were observed using transmission electron microscopy. In the coarse grain alloy homogenized and aged at 450circC450 ^{circ}\mathrm{C}, the bcc \alpha-Fe and fcc AuPd phases nucleate in the fcc supersaturated solid solution and grow by a discontinuous precipitation process resulting in a typical lamellar structure. The grain size of the homogenized FeAuPd alloy was reduced in a range of 50 to 100nm by high pressure torsion. Aging at 450circC450 ^{circ}\mathrm{C} this nanostructure leads to the decomposition of the solid solution into an equi-axed microstructure. The grain growth is very limited during aging and the grain size remains under 100nm. The combination of two phases with different crystallographic structures (bcc \alpha-Fe and fcc AuPd) and of the nanoscaled grain size gives rise to a significant hardening of the allo

    Infrared behavior in systems with a broken continuous symmetry: classical O(N) model vs interacting bosons

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    In systems with a spontaneously broken continuous symmetry, the perturbative loop expansion is plagued with infrared divergences due to the coupling between transverse and longitudinal fluctuations. As a result the longitudinal susceptibility diverges and the self-energy becomes singular at low energy. We study the crossover from the high-energy Gaussian regime, where perturbation theory remains valid, to the low-energy Goldstone regime characterized by a diverging longitudinal susceptibility. We consider both the classical linear O(NN) model and interacting bosons at zero temperature, using a variety of techniques: perturbation theory, hydrodynamic approach (i.e., for bosons, Popov's theory), large-NN limit and non-perturbative renormalization group. We emphasize the essential role of the Ginzburg momentum scale pGp_G below which the perturbative approach breaks down. Even though the action of (non-relativistic) bosons includes a first-order time derivative term, we find remarkable similarities in the weak-coupling limit between the classical O(NN) model and interacting bosons at zero temperature.Comment: v2) 19 pages, 8 figure
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