338 research outputs found

    Transmission and dose–response experiments for social animals: a reappraisal of the colonization biology of Campylobacter jejuni in chickens

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    Dose-response experiments characterize the relationship between infectious agents and their hosts. These experiments are routinely used to estimate the minimum effective infectious dose for an infectious agent, which is most commonly characterized by the dose at which 50 per cent of challenged hosts become infected-the ID(50). In turn, the ID(50) is often used to compare between different agents and quantify the effect of treatment regimes. The statistical analysis of dose-response data typically makes the assumption that hosts within a given dose group are independent. For social animals, in particular avian species, hosts are routinely housed together in groups during experimental studies. For experiments with non-infectious agents, this poses no practical or theoretical problems. However, transmission of infectious agents between co-housed animals will modify the observed dose-response relationship with implications for the estimation of the ID(50) and the comparison between different agents and treatments. We derive a simple correction to the likelihood for standard dose-response models that allows us to estimate dose-response and transmission parameters simultaneously. We use this model to show that: transmission between co-housed animals reduces the apparent value of the ID(50) and increases the variability between replicates leading to a distinctive all-or-nothing response; in terms of the total number of animals used, individual housing is always the most efficient experimental design for ascertaining dose-response relationships; estimates of transmission from previously published experimental data for Campylobacter spp. in chickens suggest that considerable transmission occurred, greatly increasing the uncertainty in the estimates of dose-response parameters reported in the literature. Furthermore, we demonstrate that accounting for transmission in the analysis of dose-response data for Campylobacter spp. challenges our current understanding of the differing response of chickens with respect to host-age and in vivo passage of bacteria. Our findings suggest that the age-dependence of transmissibility between hosts-rather than their susceptibility to colonization-is the mechanism behind the 'lag-phase' reported in commercial flocks, which are typically found to be Campylobacter free for the first 14-21 days of life.A.J.K.C. is funded by DEFRA grant PU/T/WL/07/46 - SE3230, sponsored by the Veterinary Laboratories Agency. This research was developed during an earlier project funded by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council/Defra Government Partnership Award, grants BB/500852/1 and BB/500936/1

    Decolorization of synthetic melanoidins-containing wastewater by a bacterial consortium

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    The presence of melanoidins in molasses wastewater leads to water pollution both due to its dark brown color and its COD contents. In this study, a bacterial consortium isolated from waterfall sediment was tested for its decolorization. The identification of culturable bacteria by 16S rDNA based approach showed that the consortium composed of Klebsiella oxytoca, Serratia mercescens, Citrobacter sp. and unknown bacterium. In the context of academic study, prevention on the difficulties of providing effluent as well as its variations in compositions, several synthetic media prepared with respect to color and COD contents based on analysis of molasses wastewater, i.e., Viandox sauce (13.5% v/v), caramel (30% w/v), beet molasses wastewater (41.5% v/v) and sugarcane molasses wastewater (20% v/v) were used for decolorization using consortium with color removal 9.5, 1.13, 8.02 and 17.5%, respectively, within 2 days. However, Viandox sauce was retained for further study. The effect of initial pH and Viandox concentration on decolorization and growth of bacterial consortium were further determined. The highest decolorization of 18.3% was achieved at pH 4 after 2 day of incubation. Experiments on fresh or used medium and used or fresh bacterial cells, led to conclusion that the limitation of decolorization was due to nutritional deficiency. The effect of aeration on decolorization was also carried out in 2 L laboratory-scale suspended cell bioreactor. The maximum decolorization was 19.3% with aeration at KLa = 2.5836 h-1 (0.1 vvm)

    Local deformation in a hydrogel induced by an external magnetic field

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    The aim of this study is to prove the feasibility of a system able to apply local mechanical loading on cells seeded in a hydrogel for tissue engineering applications. This experimental study is based on a previously developed artificial cartilage model with different concentrations of poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) that simulates the cartilage extracellular matrix (ECM). Poly(l-lactic acid) (PLLA) microspheres with dispersed magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) were produced with an emulsion method. These microspheres were embedded in aqueous PVA solutions with varying concentration to resemble increased viscosity of growing tissue during regeneration. The ability to induce a local deformation in the ECM was assessed by applying a steady or an oscillatory magnetic field gradient to different PVA solutions containing the magnetic microparticles, similarly as in ferrogels. PLLA microparticle motion was recorded, and the images were analyzed. Besides, PVA gels and PLLA microparticles were introduced into the pores of a polycaprolactone scaffold, and the microparticle distribution and the mechanical properties of the construct were evaluated. The results of this experimental model show that the dispersion of PLLA microparticles containing MNPs, together with cells in a supporting gel, will allow applying local mechanical stimuli to cells during tissue regeneration. This local stimulation can have a positive effect on the differentiation of seeded cells and improve tissue regeneration.The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness through the MAT2013-46467-C4-1-R project, including the Feder funds. CIBER-BBN is an initiative funded by the VI National R&D&I Plan 2008-2011, Iniciativa Ingenio 2010, Consolider Program. CIBER Actions are financed by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III with assistance from the European Regional Development Fund. The authors thank "Servicio de Microscopia Electronica" of Universitat Politecnica de Valencia for their invaluable help. The translation of this paper was funded by the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Spain.Vikingsson, L.; Vinals Guitart, Á.; Valera Martínez, A.; Riera Guasp, J.; Vidaurre Garayo, AJ.; Gallego Ferrer, G.; Gómez Ribelles, JL. (2016). Local deformation in a hydrogel induced by an external magnetic field. Journal of Materials Science. 51(22):9979-9990. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10853-016-0226-8S997999905122Eyre D (2002) Collagen of articular cartilage. Arthritis Res 4:30–35Roughley PJ, Lee ER (1994) Cartilage proteoglycans: structure and potential functions. Microsc Res Tech 28:385–397Gillard GC, Reilly HC, Bell-Booth PG, Flint MH (1979) The influence of mechanical forces on the glycosaminoglycan content of the rabbit flexor digitorum profundus tendon. 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Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, PhiladelphiaBrady MA, Waldman SD, Ethier CR (2015) The application of multiple biophysical cues to engineer functional neocartilage for treatment of osteoarthritis. Part I: cellular response. Tissue Eng Part B Rev 21:1–19Valhmu WB, Stazzone EJ, Bachrach NM, Saed-Nejad F, Fischer SG, Mow VC, Ratcliffe A (1998) Load-controlled compression of articular cartilage induces a transient stimulation of aggrecan gene expression. Arch Biochem Biophys 353:29–36Ingber DE (1997) Tensegrity: the architectural basis of cellular mechanotransduction. Ann Rev Physiol 59:575–599Khan S, Sheetz MP (1997) Force effects on biochemical kinetics. Ann Rev Biochem 66:785–805Hutmacher DW (2000) Scaffolds in tissue engineering bone and cartilage. Biomaterials 21:2529–2543Crick FHC, Hughes AFW (1950) The physical properties of cytoplasm: a study by means of the magnetic particle method. 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Biophys J 80:2649–2657Li L, Yang G, Li J, Ding S, Zhou S (2014) Cell behaviors on magnetic electrospun poly-d, l-lactide nano fibers. Mater Sci Eng, C 34:252–261Fuhrer R, Hofmann S, Hild N, Vetsch JR, Herrmann IK, Grass RN, Stark WJ (2013) Pressureless mechanical induction of stem cell differentiation is dose and frequency dependent. PLoS One 8:e81362Cezar CA, Roche ET, Vandenburgh HH, Duda GN, Walsh CJ, Mooney DJ (2016) Biologic-free mechanically induced muscle regeneration. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 113:1534–1539Vikingsson L, Gallego Ferrer G, Gómez-Tejedor JA, Gómez Ribelles JL (2014) An in vitro experimental model to predict the mechanical behaviour of macroporous scaffolds implanted in articular cartilage. J Mech Behav Biomed Mater 32:125–131Vikingsson L, Gomez-Tejedor JA, Gallego Ferrer G, Gomez Ribelles JL (2015) An experimental fatigue study of a porous scaffold for the regeneration of articular cartilage. J Biomech 48:1310–1317Vikingsson L, Claessens B, Gómez-Tejedor JA, Gallego Ferrer G, Gómez Ribelles JL (2015) Relationship between micro-porosity, water permeability and mechanical behavior in scaffolds for cartilage engineering. J Mech Behav Biomed Mater 48:60–69Li F, Su YL, Shi DF, Wang CT (2010) Comparison of human articular cartilage and polyvinyl alcohol hydrogel as artificial cartilage in microstructure analysis and unconfined compression. Adv Mater Res Trans Tech Publ 87:188–193Grant C, Twigg P, Egan A, Moody A, Eagland D, Crowther N, Britland S (2006) Poly(vinyl alcohol) hydrogel as a biocompatible viscoelastic mimetic for articular cartilage. Biotechnol Prog 22:1400–1406Weeber R, Kantorovich S, Holm C (2015) Ferrogels cross-linked by magnetic nanoparticles—Deformation mechanisms in two and three dimensions studied by means of computer simulations. J Magn Magn Mater 383:262–266Lebourg M, Suay Antón J, Gómez Ribelles JL (2008) Porous membranes of PLLA–PCL blend for tissue engineering applications. Eur Polym J 44:2207–2218Santamaría VA, Deplaine H, Mariggió D, Villanueva-Molines AR, García-Aznar JM, Gómez Ribelles JL, Doblaré M, Gallego Ferrer G, Ochoa I (2012) Influence of the macro and micro-porous structure on the mechanical behavior of poly (l-lactic acid) scaffolds. J Non Cryst Solids 358:3141–3149Panadero JA, Vikingsson L, Gomez Ribelles JL, Lanceros-Mendez S, Sencadas V (2015) In vitro mechanical fatigue behaviour of poly-ε-caprolactone macroporous scaffolds for cartilage tissue engineering. Influence of pore filling by a poly(vinyl alcohol) gel. J Biomed Mater Res Part B Appl Biomater 103:1037–1043Hassan CM, Peppas NA (2000) Structure and applications of poly(vinyl alcohol) hydrogels produced by conventional crosslinking or by freezing/thawing methods. 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    Optical effects of exposing intact human lenses to ultraviolet radiation and visible light

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The human lens is continuously exposed to high levels of light. Ultraviolet radiation is believed to play a causative role in the development of cataract. In vivo, however, the lens is mainly exposed to visible light and the ageing lens absorbs a great part of the short wavelength region of incoming visible light. The aim of the present study was to examine the optical effects on human lenses of short wavelength visible light and ultraviolet radiation.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Naturally aged human donor lenses were irradiated with UVA (355 nm), violet (400 and 405 nm) and green (532 nm) lasers. The effect of irradiation was evaluated qualitatively by photography and quantitatively by measuring the direct transmission before and after irradiation. Furthermore, the effect of pulsed and continuous laser systems was compared as was the effect of short, intermediate and prolonged exposures.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Irradiation with high intensity lasers caused scattering lesions in the human lenses. These effects were more likely to be seen when using pulsed lasers because of the high pulse intensity. Prolonged irradiation with UVA led to photodarkening whereas no detrimental effects were observed after irradiation with visible light.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Irradiation with visible light does not seem to be harmful to the human lens except if the lens is exposed to laser irradiances that are high enough to warrant thermal protein denaturation that is more readily seen using pulsed laser systems.</p

    Health-related quality of life in French adolescents and adults: norms for the DUKE Health Profile

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The continual monitoring of population health-related quality of life (HRQoL) with validated instruments helps public health agencies assess, protect, and promote population health. This study aimed to determine norms for the French adolescent and adult general population for the Duke Health Profile (DUKE) questionnaire in a large representative community sample.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We randomly selected 17,733 French people aged 12 to 75 years old in 2 steps, by households and individuals, from the National Health Barometer 2005, a periodic population study by the French National Institute for Prevention and Health Education. Quality of life and other data were collected by computer-assisted telephone interview.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Normative data for the French population were analyzed by age, gender and self-reported chronic disease. Globally, function scores (best HRQoL=100) for physical, mental, social, and general health, as well as perceived health and self-esteem, were 72.3 (SEM 0.2), 74.6 (0.2), 66.8 (0.1), 71.3 (0.1), 71.3 (0.3), 76.5 (0.1), respectively. Dysfunction scores (worst HRQoL=100) for anxiety, depression, pain and disability domains were 30.9 (0.1), 27.6 (0.2), 34.3 (0.3), 3.1 (0.1), respectively.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The French norms for adolescents and adults for the DUKE could be used as a reference for other studies assessing HRQoL, for specific illnesses, in France and for international comparisons.</p

    Adaptive Evolution of Escherichia coli to an α-Peptide/β-Peptoid Peptidomimetic Induces Stable Resistance.

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    Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) and synthetic analogues thereof target conserved structures of bacterial cell envelopes and hence, development of resistance has been considered an unlikely event. However, recently bacterial resistance to AMPs has been observed, and the aim of the present study was to determine whether bacterial resistance may also evolve against synthetic AMP analogues, e.g. α-peptide/β-peptoid peptidomimetics. E. coli ATCC 25922 was exposed to increasing concentrations of a peptidomimetic (10 lineages), polymyxin B (10 lineages), or MilliQ water (4 lineages) in a re-inoculation culturing setup covering approx. 500 generations. All 10 lineages exposed to the peptidomimetic adapted to 32 × MIC while this occurred for 8 out of 10 of the polymyxin B-exposed lineages. All lineages exposed to 32 × MIC of either the peptidomimetic or polymyxin B had a significantly increased MIC (16-32 ×) to the selection agent. Five transfers (≈ 35 generations) in unsupplemented media did not abolish resistance indicating that resistance was heritable. Single isolates from peptidomimetic-exposed lineage populations displayed MICs against the peptidomimetic from wild-type MIC to 32 × MIC revealing heterogeneous populations. Resistant isolates showed no cross-resistance against a panel of membrane-active AMPs. These isolates were highly susceptible to blood plasma antibacterial activity and were killed when plasma concentrations exceeded ≈ 30%. Notably, MIC of the peptidomimetic against resistant isolates returned to wild-type level upon addition of 25% plasma. Whole-genome sequencing of twenty isolates from four resistant lineages revealed mutations, in murein transglycosylase D (mltD) and outer-membrane proteins, which were conserved within and between lineages. However, no common resistance-conferring mutation was identified. We hypothesise that alterations in cell envelope structure result in peptidomimetic resistance, and that this may occur via several distinct mechanisms. Interestingly, this type of resistance result in a concomitant high susceptibility towards plasma, and therefore the present study does not infer additional concern for peptidomimetics as future therapeutics

    Targeting of human interleukin-12B by small hairpin RNAs in xenografted psoriatic skin

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory skin disorder that shows as erythematous and scaly lesions. The pathogenesis of psoriasis is driven by a dysregulation of the immune system which leads to an altered cytokine production. Proinflammatory cytokines that are up-regulated in psoriasis include tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFα), interleukin-12 (IL-12), and IL-23 for which monoclonal antibodies have already been approved for clinical use. We have previously documented the therapeutic applicability of targeting TNFα mRNA for RNA interference-mediated down-regulation by anti-TNFα small hairpin RNAs (shRNAs) delivered by lentiviral vectors to xenografted psoriatic skin. The present report aims at targeting mRNA encoding the shared p40 subunit (IL-12B) of IL-12 and IL-23 by cellular transduction with lentiviral vectors encoding anti-IL12B shRNAs.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Effective anti-IL12B shRNAs are identified among a panel of shRNAs by potency measurements in cultured cells. The efficiency and persistency of lentiviral gene delivery to xenografted human skin are investigated by bioluminescence analysis of skin treated with lentiviral vectors encoding the luciferase gene. shRNA-expressing lentiviral vectors are intradermally injected in xenografted psoriatic skin and the effects of the treatment evaluated by clinical psoriasis scoring, by measurements of epidermal thickness, and IL-12B mRNA levels.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Potent and persistent transgene expression following a single intradermal injection of lentiviral vectors in xenografted human skin is reported. Stable IL-12B mRNA knockdown and reduced epidermal thickness are achieved three weeks after treatment of xenografted psoriatic skin with lentivirus-encoded anti-IL12B shRNAs. These findings mimick the results obtained with anti-TNFα shRNAs but, in contrast to anti-TNFα treatment, anti-IL12B shRNAs do not ameliorate the psoriatic phenotype as evaluated by semi-quantitative clinical scoring and by immunohistological examination.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our studies consolidate the properties of lentiviral vectors as a tool for potent gene delivery and for evaluation of mRNA targets for anti-inflammatory therapy. However, in contrast to local anti-TNFα treatment, the therapeutic potential of targeting IL-12B at the RNA level in psoriasis is questioned.</p