895 research outputs found


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    A study was conducted to determine the transformational practices of school leaders of city schools in the Division of First District of Laguna, Philippines. Further, the research aimed also to determine the extent of transformational leadership practices among public elementary    school heads and teachers  in terms of: Idealized Influence,Inspirational Motivation,Intellectual Stimulation and Individualized Consideration; assessed the performance of public elementary schools  in terms of: Drop Out Rate , Cohort Survival Rate,  Completion Rate, and  Achievement Rate and determined the  significant relationship between transformational leadership practices and the performance of public elementary schools. The descriptive correlational research design was employed and involved 44 school heads and 591 public elementary teachers. All the practices were  assessed by the teacher respondents as highly observed.  The schools’ Drop-out rate andCohort Survival Rate with an average of 2.49 and 84.82% respectively  were  interpreted as Very Satisfactory; and Completion rate of 94.5%  as Outstanding.  The  schools’ National Achievement Test (NAT )is interpreted as Average Proficiency Level.Further studies could be conducted in other districts of Laguna and Region IV-A in order to verify the results as well as to develop a comprehensive training program for teachers as part of the School Improvement Plan.&nbsp

    Growth of Ordered Iron Oxide Nanowires for Photo-electrochemical Water Oxidation

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    This work reports the synthesis of ordered and vertically aligned iron oxide nanowires for photo-electrochemical (PEC) water oxidation. The nanowires exhibited promising PEC activity for water oxidation with saturated photocurrents of ∼0.8 mA cm-2 at 1.23 V vs RHE. Various factors inevitably affect their photochemical activity such as crystallinity, morphology, compositional gradient, and surface states. They were studied with HRTEM, EELS, and Raman shift techniques. The nanowires had complex compositional and morphological structures at nano and atomic scales. The nanowires annealed at 350 °C had an outer shell dominated by Fe3+ cations, while the core had mixed oxidation states of iron cations (+2 and +3). In contrast, nanowires annealed at 450 °C are fully oxidized with Fe3+ cations only and were found to be more active. At the same time, we observed anisotropic compositional gradients of nickel cations inside the iron oxide, originating from the nickel support film. Our work shows that the methodology used can affect the composition of the surface and near surface of the grown nanowires. It therefore points out the importance of a detailed analysis, in order to obtain a realistic structure-activity relationship in photo-electrocatalysis

    Measuring Enzymatic HIV-1 Susceptibility to Two Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors as a Rapid and Simple Approach to HIV-1 Drug-Resistance Testing

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    Simple and cost-effective approaches for HIV drug-resistance testing are highly desirable for managing increasingly expanding HIV-1 infected populations who initiate antiretroviral therapy (ART), particularly in resource-limited settings. Non-nucleoside reverse trancriptase inhibitor (NNRTI)-based regimens with an NRTI backbone containing lamivudine (3TC) or emtricitabine (FTC) are preferred first ART regimens. Failure with these drug combinations typically involves the selection of NNRTI- and/or 3TC/FTC- resistant viruses. Therefore, the availability of simple assays to measure both types of drug resistance is critical. We have developed a high throughput screening test for assessing enzymatic resistance of the HIV-1 RT in plasma to 3TC/FTC and NNRTIs. The test uses the sensitive “Amp-RT” assay with a newly-developed real-time PCR format to screen biochemically for drug resistance in single reactions containing either 3TC-triphosphate (3TC-TP) or nevirapine (NVP). Assay cut-offs were defined based on testing a large panel of subtype B and non-subtype B clinical samples with known genotypic profiles. Enzymatic 3TC resistance correlated well with the presence of M184I/V, and reduced NVP susceptibility was strongly associated with the presence of K103N, Y181C/I, Y188L, and G190A/Q. The sensitivity and specificity for detecting resistance were 97.0% and 96.0% in samples with M184V, and 97.4% and 96.2% for samples with NNRTI mutations, respectively. We further demonstrate the utility of an HIV capture method in plasma by using magnetic beads coated with CD44 antibody that eliminates the need for ultracentifugation. Thus our results support the use of this simple approach for distinguishing WT from NNRTI- or 3TC/FTC-resistant viruses in clinical samples. This enzymatic testing is subtype-independent and can assist in the clinical management of diverse populations particularly in resource-limited settings

    The effect of temperature on the elastic precursor decay in shock loaded FCC aluminium and BCC iron

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    EPSRC under Established Career Fellowship grant EP/N025954/1. Trinity College Cambridge Institute of Shock Physics Research Board and the Faculty of Engineering Dean’s office at the American University of Beiru

    Evidence for Shape Co-existence at medium spin in 76Rb

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    Four previously known rotational bands in 76Rb have been extended to moderate spins using the Gammasphere and Microball gamma ray and charged particle detector arrays and the 40Ca(40Ca,3pn) reaction at a beam energy of 165 MeV. The properties of two of the negative-parity bands can only readily be interpreted in terms of the highly successful Cranked Nilsson-Strutinsky model calculations if they have the same configuration in terms of the number of g9/2 particles, but they result from different nuclear shapes (one near-oblate and the other near-prolate). These data appear to constitute a unique example of shape co-existing structures at medium spins.Comment: Accepted for publication in Physics Letters

    La utilització dels sistemes de control electrònic monitorat a la població penada a Catalunya

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    http://cejfe.gencat.cat/web/.content/home/publicacions/butlleti_invesbreu/invesbreu43.pdfLa present recerca té per objecte l'estudi de la utilització dels sistemes de control electrònic monitorat a la població penada a Catalunya. L'interès en la realització d'aquest estudi deriva de la constatació, per una banda, de l'existència d'una àmplia oferta de sistemes tecnològics, en constant desenvolupament i millora, que permeten un seguiment i control dels individus en la comunitat, i per altra banda, de la progressiva incorporació d'aquestes tecnologies en la legislació penal i penitenciària.Esta investigación quiere estudiar la utilización que se ha hecho de los sistemas de control electrónico monitorado en la población penada en Catalunya. El interés por la realización de este estudio viene por la constatación que existe una amplia oferta de sistemas tecnológicos en constante desarrollo y mejora que permiten un seguimiento y control de los individuos en la comunidad, y por otro lado, la progresiva incorporación de estas tecnologías en la legislación penal y penitenciaria

    Loss of lag-response curvilinearity of indices of heart rate variability in congestive heart failure

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    BACKGROUND: Heart rate variability (HRV) is known to be impaired in patients with congestive heart failure (CHF). Time-domain analysis of ECG signals traditionally relies heavily on linear indices of an essentially non-linear phenomenon. Poincaré plots are commonly used to study non-linear behavior of physiologic signals. Lagged Poincaré plots incorporate autocovariance information and analysis of Poincaré plots for various lags can provide interesting insights into the autonomic control of the heart. METHODS: Using Poincaré plot analysis, we assessed whether the relation of the lag between heart beats and HRV is altered in CHF. We studied the influence of lag on estimates of Poincaré plot indices for various lengths of beat sequence in a public domain data set (PhysioNet) of 29 subjects with CHF and 54 subjects with normal sinus rhythm. RESULTS: A curvilinear association was observed between lag and Poincaré plot indices (SD1, SD2, SDLD and SD1/SD2 ratio) in normal subjects even for a small sequence of 50 beats (p value for quadratic term 3 × 10(-5), 0.002, 3.5 × 10(-5 )and 0.0003, respectively). This curvilinearity was lost in patients with CHF even after exploring sequences up to 50,000 beats (p values for quadratic term > 0.5). CONCLUSION: Since lagged Poincaré plots incorporate autocovariance information, these analyses provide insights into the autonomic control of heart rate that is influenced by the non-linearity of the signal. The differences in lag-response in CHF patients and normal subjects exist even in the face of the treatment received by the CHF patients

    Retention of foreign body in the gut can be a sign of congenital obstructive anomaly: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Small smooth objects that enter the gut nearly always pass uneventfully through the gastrointestinal tract. Retention of foreign objects may occur due to congenital obstructive anomaly of the gut.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>We report here a child who presented with features of small gut obstruction which were attributed to a foreign body impacted in the intestine. At surgery, an annular pancreas was detected and the foreign body was found to be lodged in the distended proximal duodenum.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The reported case highlights the fact that an impacted radio-opaque foreign body in a child should warn the pediatrician to the possibility of an obstructive congenital anomaly.</p

    Factors Influencing the Emergence and Spread of HIV Drug Resistance Arising from Rollout of Antiretroviral Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP)

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    Background: The potential for emergence and spread of HIV drug resistance from rollout of antiretroviral (ARV) pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) is an important public health concern. We investigated determinants of HIV drug resistance prevalence after PrEP implementation through mathematical modeling. Methodology: A model incorporating heterogeneity in age, gender, sexual activity, HIV infection status, stage of disease, PrEP coverage/discontinuation, and HIV drug susceptibility, was designed to simulate the impact of PrEP on HIV prevention and drug resistance in a sub-Saharan epidemic. Principal Findings: Analyses suggest that the prevalence of HIV drug resistance is influenced most by the extent and duration of inadvertent PrEP use in individuals already infected with HIV. Other key factors affecting drug resistance prevalence include the persistence time of transmitted resistance and the duration of inadvertent PrEP use in individuals who become infected on PrEP. From uncertainty analysis, the median overall prevalence of drug resistance at 10 years was predicted to be 9.2% (interquartile range 6.9%-12.2%). An optimistic scenario of 75% PrEP efficacy, 60% coverage of the susceptible population, and 5% inadvertent PrEP use predicts a rise in HIV drug resistance prevalence to only 2.5% after 10 years. By contrast, in a pessimistic scenario of 25% PrEP efficacy, 15% population coverage, and 25% inadvertent PrEP use, resistance prevalence increased to over 40%. Conclusions: Inadvertent PrEP use in previously-infected individuals is the major determinant of HIV drug resistance prevalence arising from PrEP. Both the rate and duration of inadvertent PrEP use are key factors. PrEP rollout programs should include routine monitoring of HIV infection status to limit the spread of drug resistance. © 2011 Abbas et al