852 research outputs found

    School-based Professional Community Learning: An alternative to reinforce quality teachers

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    Abstract Teacher professional development is becoming an important issue in the education system of Indonesia as a result of an increase in teachers’ perceived importance. Consequently, various number of teacher professional development (PD) programs are designed. Most of the devised PD programs, however, are considered not very supportive, particularly in terms of putting things gained in the PD programs into practices in the classroom. It is therefore necessary to find an alternative program that enables schools to take part in reinforcing teacher PD programs. Among the alternatives is the school-based professional community learning. This type of PD program accentuates the roles of schools in providing possibility for teachers to put training or other PD programs materials into real practices. Keywords: teacher professional development, professional community learnin

    Pursuing a Common Goal: Measuring the Comfort Level of Educational Diagnosticians to Manage a Caseload of Students with Visual Impairments

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    This study was conducted to measure the level of comfort and knowledge that educational diagnosticians possess regarding the unique learning needs, assistive technology, special accommodations, agencies, required visual impairment related Individual Educational Plan documents, and special evaluation considerations appropriate for students with a vision loss. Teachers of students with visual impairments were surveyed to gauge their perception of educational diagnosticians’ knowledge of the field of visual impairment and diagnosticians were also surveyed to determine their comfort level in the management of a caseload of students with visual impairments. Research question were based on how TVIs rated the comfort level and knowledge of educational diagnosticians to effectively manage a caseload of students with visual impairments, how diagnosticians rated their own comfort level and knowledge to manage a caseload of students with visual impairments, where TVIs and diagnosticians agreed that there is a lack of knowledge or awareness on the part of the diagnostician when it comes to managing a caseload of students with visual impairments, and what TVIs and diagnosticians believe can be done to better prepare diagnosticians to work with students who are visually impaired. Data collected for this study found that collaboration among a team of professionals, including TVIs and diagnosticians, provided benefit to students who are visually impaired. Survey responses from diagnosticians indicated they would like more training in low-incidence disabilities such as visual impairment to prepare them to manage a caseload of students with visual impairments

    Parental Perceptions of Independence and Efficacy of their Children with Visual Impairments

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    Raising any child to become successful and self-sufficient presents challenges to all parents; however, the complexity of the decision-making in parenting may become more intricate for parents of children with visual impairments. It can be a challenge determining the balance between intense overprotection for reasons of safety versus the encouragement and attention to the participation in unique or challenging learning experiences. Parents of children with visual impairments may also struggle to find the fine line between viewing the child through he lens of the impairment (as other or less than) versus treating the child in the same manner other children are treated in relation to expectations and independence. The need to protect or limit the child with a visual impairment may be present in spite of awareness of the strong connection between experiences in physical and social activities as a means to develop self-determination, and independence. As for all children, for children with visual impairments, parental overprotection and the limiting of experiential activities can have negative implications on the degree of their children’s psychological-emotional and physical well-being sufficient to the development of optimal levels of independence and self-sufficiency. The purpose of this study was to examine the perceptions of parents and primary care-providers of this special population regarding their child’s ability to engage the environment independently (independence) and the degree to which the parents feel required to intervene in the oversight of their child’s activities various experiences (perceived efficacy). Survey results indicated that parents of children with visual impairments are not a monolithic group in terms of their perceptions of their children’s independence or in their perceptions of their child’s efficacy. Recommendations for future research address the need to consider implications for parenting, parent education, and the role of teachers of children with visual impairments, and orientation and mobility specialist

    Biofeedback and the Quantified Self-Movement

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    Overall Goals and Objectives: Identify recent advances in integrative medical care and discuss their application to clinical practice. Describe the latest data on complementary and alternative medical therapies that could improve patient outcomes. Discuss core integrative medicine topics that patients frequently ask physicians about. Presentation: 58:1

    Supporting First-Gen Students in Overcoming Career Readiness Barriers

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    First-generation college students face unique challenges in their career readiness, specifically in regard to securing internships and other experiential learning opportunities, finding mentors, and building a professional network. This session will discuss practical strategies that staff and faculty can utilize in an effort to support first-gen students in these areas of their career development

    Keterbatasan Memori dan Implikasinya dalam Mendesain Metode Pembelajaran Matematika

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    Proses kognitif melibatkan tiga unsur utama dalam sistem memori manusia, yaitu memori penginderaan, memori pekerja dan memori jangka panjang. Memori penginderaan dan memori bekerja mempunyai keterbatasan dalam menyimpan (menahan) informasi, baik jumlah maupun durasinya. Memori penginderaan berfungsi untuk mempersepsikan informasi yang diterima oleh alat indera, yang kemudian akan dipilih dan diberi makna oleh memori bekerja. Memori pekerja berfungsi untuk mengorganisasikan informasi tersebut, membentuk (mengkonstruksi) pengetahuan dan menyimpannya ke memori jangka panjang. Memori jangka panjang mempunyai ketakterbatasan dalam menyimpan informasi. Informasi di dalam memori jangka panjang berperan penting dalam proses-proses kognitif selanjutnya. Proses kognitif dalam sistem memori ini menentukan bagaimana pengetahuan dibangun dan disimpan dengan baik oleh seseorang. Oleh karenanya, prinsip kerja (fungsi) dari setiap unsur di sistem memori berkonsekuensi dalam penyajian materi pembelajaran. Sedangkan, teknik penyajian materi pembelajaran turut menentukan keefektifan metode pembelajaran yang dilaksanakan. Artikel ini akan membahas sistem memori yang terlibat dalam proses pembentukan pengetahuan dan implikasinya dalam mendesain metode pembelajaran matematika efektif. Kata kunci: proses kognitif, konstruksi pengetahuan, metode pembelajaran

    War of the Worlds Revisited: The Effect of Watching The Day After on Mood State

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    In the fall of 1983, The Day After, a fictional account of a nuclear attack on a civilian population, was broadcast on television in the United States and viewed by I00 million Americans . The Day After was said to differ from previous movie treatments of nuclear war by the vividness with which it forced its audience to experience the ground zero effects of a nuclear blast on human beings (I) . In what was described as the most horrifically searing footage ever to pass a network censor, the audience was shown group immolation, a carnage of mass vaporization and graphic images of death (I). It was widely predicted that this movie would have stressful psychological effects because it dealt with a potentially real disaster. Warnings of possible psychiatric side effects of the film were issued by the American Psychiatric Association , the American Academy of Child Psychiatry, the American Academy of Pediatrics, and the American Broadcasting Company (1,2,3). So seriously were these warnings taken that the Federal Emergency Management Agency increased its staffing in anticipation of the movie\u27s psychological fallout (2). After the movie was shown, however, there was little systematic documentation of its psychological effects on the public. Since similarly graphic movies addressing the effects of nuclear war continue to be released and a replanned for the future, we feel the issue of the psychological effects of these films remains salient

    History of Social and Emotional Learning

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    This article explores the history of Social and Emotional Learning (SEL). It includes an introduction to SEL, the historical content, with educational benefits, and lastly the improvements to student achievement in schools and a lifetime of outcomes for children that would be strengthened by social and emotional learning
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