28 research outputs found

    Mixtures of the Biologically Active Substances as Model Systems for Animal Blood Diagnostics

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    There are numerous biochemical and physical methods for agrobio- and nanomedical sciences. The real-time interfacial tension (RTIT) of various liquids is a powerful analytical method. The main aims of the present work are the following: to study the parameters of the RTIT of the mixtures based on some proteins, lipids, salts as the model systems for animal blood diagnostics. The greatest differences in the RTIT values observed at different concentrations for the aqueous dispersions: albumin: lipid: salt “at the short time of existence of the surface”. The high salt concentrations have some particular effects on RTIT values for these mixtures at all times. The changes in albumin concentration influence all RTIT values, but the changes in lipid concentration have insignificant influence and only “at the long time of existence of the surface”. Such data have high importance both for fundamental studies and for possible applications in animal and human medicine


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    Associations of small and large mammals derived from marine and subaqueous sediments of Maeotian and Pontian regional stages of the Eastern Paratethys from the North-Eastern Sea of Azov and the North Caucasus regions are reviewed. They are correlated with the middle-late Turolian faunas, zones MN12- MN13, from Ukraine and Western Europe. The most representative collections are from localities Forshtadt (MN 12, the middle Maeotian), Morskaya-2 (terminal MN12 – early MN13, Maeotian/Pontian boundary) and Solnechnodolsk (MN13, Pontian). Several index forms of lagomorphs, rodents, carnivores, proboscideans, and cervids are briefl y described.Рассматриваются ассоциации мелких и крупных млекопитающих, происходящих из морских и субаквальных отложений региоярусов Восточного Паратетиса мэотиса и понта с территории Северо- Восточного Приазовья и Северного Кавказа. Они коррелируются со средне-позднетуролийскими фаунами зоны MN12-13 с территории Украины и Западной Европы. Наиболее представительными являются сборы из местонахождений Форштадт (MN 12, средний мэотис), Морская-2 (конец MN12 или начало MN13, граница мэотиса и понта) и Солнечнодольск (MN13, понт). Приводится краткое описание ряда руководящих форм зайцеобразных, грызунов, хищных, хоботных и оленеобразных.Розглядаються асоціації дрібних і крупних ссавців, що походять з морських і субаквальних відкладів регіоярусів Східного Паратетіса меотису та понту з території Північно-Східного Приазов’я і Північного Кавказу. Вони корелюються з середньо-пізньотуролійськими фаунами зони MN12-13 з території України і Західної Європи. Найбільш представницькими є збори з місцезнаходжень Форштадт (MN 12, середній меотис), Морська-2 (кінець MN12 або початок MN13, межа меотису і понту) і Солнечнодольск (MN13, понт). Наводиться короткий опис ряду керівних форм зайцеподібних, гризунів, хижих, хоботних і оленеподібних

    Predomestication and Wolf-human relationships in the arctic Siberia of 30, 000 years ago: Evidence from the yana palaeolithic site

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    To study the early stages of wolf domestication, we investigated the remains of large canids from the Yana site. Morphologically they cannot be called dogs, but there are certain indicators of the wolves' relationship with people, favorable to the start of domestication. The sample is dominated by animals with worn, partially missing teeth and various bone pathologies. Often these animals are medium-sized. One skull of a nearly adult individual demonstrates juvenile characteristics. The morphologic and morphometric anomalies observed can be explained by commensalism (deficient and young animals using the resources of human settlement as an alternative food source). On the other hand, pathologies could have been an indirect result of commensalism, rather than its cause. Due to the risk of conflict with humans, only the most tolerant animals could live near their settlement. Experiments with living animals show, that tolerance comes at the cost of accumulating morphologic pathologies, genetically associated with tolerance, which was observed in many Yana wolves. High sociality and vocal behavior allowed wolves to approach human settlements, becoming some of the earliest domesticated animals. The site yielded evidence of a special attitude towards wolves, perhaps indicating a totemic cult. The Yana site material, interpreted in light of the biological characteristics of wolves, demonstrates for the first time the earliest stages of domestication, which can be characterized as self-domestication. © Stratum plus

    Predomestication and Wolf-human relationships in the arctic Siberia of 30, 000 years ago: Evidence from the yana palaeolithic site

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    To study the early stages of wolf domestication, we investigated the remains of large canids from the Yana site. Morphologically they cannot be called dogs, but there are certain indicators of the wolves' relationship with people, favorable to the start of domestication. The sample is dominated by animals with worn, partially missing teeth and various bone pathologies. Often these animals are medium-sized. One skull of a nearly adult individual demonstrates juvenile characteristics. The morphologic and morphometric anomalies observed can be explained by commensalism (deficient and young animals using the resources of human settlement as an alternative food source). On the other hand, pathologies could have been an indirect result of commensalism, rather than its cause. Due to the risk of conflict with humans, only the most tolerant animals could live near their settlement. Experiments with living animals show, that tolerance comes at the cost of accumulating morphologic pathologies, genetically associated with tolerance, which was observed in many Yana wolves. High sociality and vocal behavior allowed wolves to approach human settlements, becoming some of the earliest domesticated animals. The site yielded evidence of a special attitude towards wolves, perhaps indicating a totemic cult. The Yana site material, interpreted in light of the biological characteristics of wolves, demonstrates for the first time the earliest stages of domestication, which can be characterized as self-domestication. © Stratum plus

    Mixtures of the Biologically Active Substances as Model Systems for Animal Blood Diagnostics

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    There are numerous biochemical and physical methods for agrobio- and nanomedical sciences. The real-time interfacial tension (RTIT) of various liquids is a powerful analytical method. The main aims of the present work are the following: to study the parameters of the RTIT of the mixtures based on some proteins, lipids, salts as the model systems for animal blood diagnostics. The greatest differences in the RTIT values observed at different concentrations for the aqueous dispersions: albumin: lipid: salt “at the short time of existence of the surface”. The high salt concentrations have some particular effects on RTIT values for these mixtures at all times. The changes in albumin concentration influence all RTIT values, but the changes in lipid concentration have insignificant influence and only “at the long time of existence of the surface”. Such data have high importance both for fundamental studies and for possible applications in animal and human medicine

    Urbanization affects soil microbiome profile distribution in the russian arctic region

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    Urbanization in the Arctic results in considerable and still poorly known environmental consequences. The effect of urbanization on soil microbiome—an ecosystem component highly sensi-tive to anthropogenic disturbance—remains overlooked for the Arctic region. The research compared chemical and microbial properties of the natural Podzol soils and urban soils of Murmansk—the largest Arctic city. Particular attention was given to the profile distribution, which is almost com-pletely ignored by most microbial studies. Soil microbiome was investigated by the quantitative indicators based on fluorescence microscopy (microbial biomass) and PCR real-time methods (amount of rRNA genes copies of archaea, bacteria, and fungi). The principal changes in urban soils’ properties compared to the natural references included a shift in pH and an increase in C and nutrients’ contents, especially remarkable for the subsoil. The numbers of rRNA genes copies of archaea, bacteria, and fungi in urban topsoils (106 –1010, 109 –1010, and 107 –109, respectively) were lower than in Podzol; however, the opposite pattern was shown for the subsoil. Similarly, the total microbial biomass in urban topsoils (0.55–0.75 mg g−1 ) was lower compared to the 1.02 mg g−1 in Podzols, while urban subsoil microbial biomass was 2–2.5 times higher than in the natural conditions. Both for urban and natural soils and throughout the profiles, fungi were dominated by mycelium forms; however, the ratios of mycelium–spores were lower, and the amount of thin mycelium was higher in urban soils than in natural Podzols. Urbanization in the Arctic altered soil morphological and chemical properties and created a new niche for microbial development in urban subsoils; its contribution to biodiversity and nutrient cycling promises to become increasingly important under projected climate change. © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    Special aspects of the pathohistological diagnostics of familial shar-pei amyloidosis

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    Introduction: Familial Shar-Pei amyloidosis is an autoinflammatory systemic disease characterized by pathological synthesis of the fibrillary protein in the cells of the reticuloendothelial system, followed by amyloid formation. The purpose of our research is mainly focused on the investigation of specific structural histological changes in kidneys, liver, and spleen of the Shar-Pei dogs suffering from familial amyloidosis. Materials and Methods: The studies included autopsy and post-mortem examination of the Shar-Pei dogs with the presumptive diagnosis of familial amyloidosis or other diagnoses. Samples of kidney, liver, and spleen tissues of all cadavers were collected for histological examination. Results: Our studies showed that amyloid was formed within the ground substance of the connective tissue. Early amyloid deposits were observed in the spleen samples, providing the pathomorphological marker of the initial stage of the process generalization, whereas during the later stages, amyloid was found in kidneys, liver, and myocardium. Gradually increasing amyloid deposits lead to compression and atrophy of the parenchymal cells, sclerosis, and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome, manifesting as a wide range of clinical signs. Discussion: As a result of the conducted post-mortem examination, we have revealed systemic amyloidosis in the cadavers of the animals, initially admitted with various pathologies, which proves the importance and relevance of timely diagnostics, detection of clinical manifestations, and latent forms of the condition. Histological examination is one of the most accurate diagnostic methods for this pathology

    Diagnostical appreciation of physiological reaction of intravascular thrombocytes' activity of two-years-old mice to regular physical loads

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    Background: to appreciate physical loads' influence on rising intravascular thrombocytes' activity of healthy mice during the second year of their age. The investigation was fulfilled on 93 healthy males of mice taken into research at the age of 12 months. 45 of them formed an experimental group - they experienced during a year daily physical loads. The control group was composed of 48 healthy males who lived in usual vivarium conditions and didn't experience physical loads. There were applied the following methods of investigation: biochemical, hematological and statistical. Mice under control while growing up were found to have gradual rise of intravascular thrombocytes' activity. Regular daily physical loads between 12 and 24 months of life suppressed the rise of investigated mice' intravascular thrombocytes' activity connected with age. Regular physical loads are able to suppress in case of mice of the 2nd year of life rising with age inclination to the increase of thrombocyte aggregate formation in their blood