9 research outputs found

    Possibility of Various Types SNF Reprocessing at the PA Mayak exampled with AMB SNF

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    AbstractFor the purpose of reprocessing of irradiated nuclear fuel from the water-cooled graphite-moderated pressure-tube reactor named AMB from decomissioned Russian “Atom Peaceful Big”, modernization of the process flow-sheet of the RT-1 plant is being carried out at PA Mayak with participation of FSUE KRI and VNIINM. A particular AMB SNF feature is extremely broad range of fuel compounds with the main ones being the uranium-molybdenum metal, uranium oxide and uranium carbide compositions usually dispersed in magnesium or calcium. Wide range of fuel compositions required to amend SNF dissolution, extraction processing, evaporation of high-level radioactive wastes and vitrification of high-level radioactive wastes. The above set of laboratory research was completed with dynamic tests using samples of AMB from the water-cooled graphite-moderated pressure-tube reactor. Tests have shown the possibility of processing the entire range of AMB SNF at the radiochemical plant RT-1 plant of the PA Mayak. Thus, the ability of the RT-1 plant to process different fuel compositions, including the long-term research reactor fuel have been proved experimentally

    Extraction of Radionuclides from Alkaline and Carbonate Media

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