1,611 research outputs found

    The crime of aggression and public international law

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    Under customary law as well as the amendments to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court adopted in the Review Conference in Kampala in 2010, an act of aggression by a State is a part of the definition of the crime of aggression. This definition clearly encompasses two separate wrongful conducts by different actors. It is less clear how international responsibility arises for both the aggressor state and the individual, and why responsibility for the latter can be predicated only upon the former. This dissertation analyses the way in which aggression is attributed to the aggressor State and the individual, and how State and individual responsibility is delineated from each other, with a particular focus on the legal interest of the aggressed State. First, the argument considers the way in which international law prohibits and criminalizes aggression, elaborating international obligations of States and individuals in that regard (Part I). It then analyses the interconnection between obligations of States to refrain from an act of aggression and obligations of individuals to refrain from conduct relating to the crime of aggression (Part II). Finally, the enforcement against the crime of aggression in the ICC and domestic courts is explored (Part III).Exploring the Frontiers of International La

    Ballistic Performance of Coconut Shell Powder/Twaron Fabricagainst Non-armour Piercing Projectiles

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    Body armour technologists over the years are seeking to develop protective systems whichare both effective and lightweight. However these hard armour materials are very expensive andhave certain weight constraints. From this point of view, natural fibres and fillers have attractedthe attention of researchers due to their low density with high specific strengths, abundance,availability, renewability and being environmental-friendly. This paper reports the potential useof coconut shell powder-epoxy composite (COEX) panel bonded with Twaron CT716 fabric asa hard armour material and the characteristics of its fracture imprints from a specific threat levelwhen subjected to ballistic tests1 (NIJ Standard 0108.01). It was observed that the imprint patternson the particulate composite (COEX) could be identified according to effectiveness in impactenergy dissipation. COEX/Twaron test panel was found to withstand impact equivalent to NIJLevel IIIA using 9 mm FMJ ammunition but perforated at NIJ Level III of 7.62 mm FMJ bulletimpacts. Test results showed that COEX panel do possess shock absorbance characteristics andcan be utilised as  an armour component in the hard-body armour system. Dependency onTwaron fabric layers as ballistic reinforcements has been reduced up to 3-time with 170 per centimprovement on energy-absorption capabilities when using COEX composite as the frontalcomponent of the armour

    Quantum interest in two dimensions

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    The quantum interest conjecture of Ford and Roman asserts that any negative-energy pulse must necessarily be followed by an over-compensating positive-energy one within a certain maximum time delay. Furthermore, the minimum amount of over-compensation increases with the separation between the pulses. In this paper, we first study the case of a negative-energy square pulse followed by a positive-energy one for a minimally coupled, massless scalar field in two-dimensional Minkowski space. We obtain explicit expressions for the maximum time delay and the amount of over-compensation needed, using a previously developed eigenvalue approach. These results are then used to give a proof of the quantum interest conjecture for massless scalar fields in two dimensions, valid for general energy distributions.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figures; final version to appear in PR

    Neutrinos in Non-linear Structure Formation - The Effect on Halo Properties

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    We use N-body simulations to find the effect of neutrino masses on halo properties, and investigate how the density profiles of both the neutrino and the dark matter components change as a function of the neutrino mass. We compare our neutrino density profiles with results from the N-one-body method and find good agreement. We also show and explain why the Tremaine-Gunn bound for the neutrinos is not saturated. Finally we study how the halo mass function changes as a function of the neutrino mass and compare our results with the Sheth-Tormen semi-analytic formulae. Our results are important for surveys which aim at probing cosmological parameters using clusters, as well as future experiments aiming at measuring the cosmic neutrino background directly.Comment: 20 pages, 8 figure

    CdSe tetrapod synthesis using cetyltrimethylammonium bromide and heat transfer fluids

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    The synthesis of CdSe tetrapod-shaped quantum dots using phenyl-based heat transfer fluids as inexpensive alternatives to octadecene solvent was studied. The CdSe tetrapods were synthesized using the hot-injection method, in which the trioctylphosphine selenide precursor and the shape-inducing cetyltrimethylammonium bromide surfactant were injected into a cadmium oleate-containing solvent at 190 degrees C. At a synthesis temperature of 160 degrees C, the resulting quantum dot particles were found to grow more slowly in heat transfer fluids and pure phenyl-type solvents than in octadecene. With synthesis time, the selectivity to tetrapods increased, and the arms grew proportionally in width and length. The use of heat transfer fluids provides a convenient means to control growth of shaped nanoparticles

    Allowed Gamow-Teller Excitations from the Ground State of 14N

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    Motivated by the proposed experiment 14N(d,2He)14C^{14}N(d,{^2He})^{14}C, we study the final states which can be reached via the allowed Gamow-Teller mechanism. Much emphasis has been given in the past to the fact that the transition matrix element from the Jπ=1+T=0J^{\pi}=1^+ T=0 ground state of 14N^{14}N to the Jπ=0+T=1J^{\pi}=0^+ T=1 ground state of 14C^{14}C is very close to zero, despite the fact that all the quantum numbers are right for an allowed transition. We discuss this problem, but, in particular, focus on the excitations to final states with angular momenta 1+1^+ and 2+2^+. We note that the summed strength to the Jπ=2+T=1J^{\pi}=2^+ T=1 states, calculated with a wide variety of interactions, is significantly larger than that to the Jπ=1+T=1J^{\pi}=1^+ T=1 final states.Comment: Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Elastic Scattering by Deterministic and Random Fractals: Self-Affinity of the Diffraction Spectrum

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    The diffraction spectrum of coherent waves scattered from fractal supports is calculated exactly. The fractals considered are of the class generated iteratively by successive dilations and translations, and include generalizations of the Cantor set and Sierpinski carpet as special cases. Also randomized versions of these fractals are treated. The general result is that the diffraction intensities obey a strict recursion relation, and become self-affine in the limit of large iteration number, with a self-affinity exponent related directly to the fractal dimension of the scattering object. Applications include neutron scattering, x-rays, optical diffraction, magnetic resonance imaging, electron diffraction, and He scattering, which all display the same universal scaling.Comment: 20 pages, 11 figures. Phys. Rev. E, in press. More info available at http://www.fh.huji.ac.il/~dani

    Effects of the Spin-Orbit and Tensor Interactions on the M1M1 and E2E2 Excitations in Light Nuclei

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    The effects of varying the spin-orbit and tensor components of a realistic interaction on M1M1 excitation rates and B(E2)sB(E2)'s are studied on nuclei in the 0p0p and 1s0d1s-0d shells. Not only the total M1M1 but also the spin and orbital parts separately are studied. The single-particle energies are first calculated with the same interaction that is used between the valence nucleons. Later this stringent condition is relaxed somewhat and the 1s1s level is raised relative to 0d0d. For nuclei up to 28Si^{28}Si, much better results i.e stronger B(M1)B(M1) rates are obtained by increasing the strength of the spin-orbit interaction relative to the free value. This is probably also true for 32S^{32}S, but 36Ar^{36}Ar presents some difficulties. The effects of weakening the tensor interaction are also studied. On a more subtle level, the optimum spin-orbit interaction in the lower half of the sds-d shell, as far as M1M1 excitations are concerned, is substantially larger than the difference E(J=3/2+)1E(J=5/2+)1=5.2 MeVE(J=3/2^+)_1-E(J=5/2^+)_1=5.2~MeV in 17O^{17}O. A larger spin-orbit splitting is also needed to destroy the triaxiality in 22Ne^{22}Ne. Also studied are how much M1M1 orbital and spin strength lies in an observable region and how much is buried in the grass at higher energies. It is noted that for many nuclei the sum B(M1)orbital+B(M1)spinB(M1)_{orbital}+B(M1)_{spin} is very close to B(M1)totalB(M1)_{total}, indicating that the summed cross terms are very small.Comment: 39 pages, revtex 3.