33 research outputs found

    Positive effects of a novel non-peptidyl low molecular weight radical scavenger in renal ischemia/reperfusion: a preliminary report

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    Ischemia/reperfusion (I/R) is one of the most common causes of acute kidney injury. Reactive oxygen species have been recognized to be an important contributor to the pathogenesis of I/R injury. We hypothesize that a non-peptidyl low molecular weight radical scavenger (IAC) therapy may counteract this factor, ultimately providing some protection after acute phase renal I/R injury. The aim of this preliminary study was to assess the ability of IAC to reduce acute kidney injury in C57BL/6 mice after 30-minute of bilateral ischemia followed by reperfusion. The rise in serum creatinine level was higher in C57BL/6 control mice after I/R when compared to IAC (1 mg)-treated mice. Control mice showed greater body weight loss compared to IAC-treated mice, and at pathology, reduced signs of tubular necrosis were also evident in IAC-treated mice. These preliminary evidences lay the basis for more comprehensive studies on the positive effects of IAC as a complementary therapeutic approach for acute phase renal I/R injury

    Discoidin domain receptor-1 and periostin: New players in chronic kidney disease

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    The incidence and prevalence of chronic kidney disease represents an important problem for public health. In renal diseases, the main histologic alterations derive from the development of renal fibrosis which results from the loss of the balance between proand anti-fibrotic factors. Tyrosine kinase receptors (RTKs) and matricellular proteins (MPs) are nowadays studied as potential modulators of renal injury. RTKs regulate cell cycle, migration, metabolism and cellular differentiation. Discoidin domain receptor-1 (DDR-1) is an RTK that has been extensively studied in cancer, and lung and renal diseases. It modulates inflammatory recruitment, extracellular matrix deposition and fibrosis; in renal diseases, it appears to act independently of the underlying disease. MPs regulate cell-matrix interactions and matrix accumulation, cellular adhesion and migration, and expression of inflammatory cells. Periostin is an MP, mainly studied in bone, heart, lung and cancer. Several studies demonstrated that it mediates cellmatrix interactions, migration of inflammatory cells and development of fibrosis. Recently, it has been reported in several nephropathies. In this review, we discuss the potential pathological roles of DDR-1 and periostin focussing on the kidney in both experimental models and human diseases

    Application of retinoic acid to obtain osteocytes cultures from primary mouse osteoblasts

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    The need for osteocyte cultures is well known to the community of bone researchers; isolation of primary osteocytes is difficult and produces low cell numbers. Therefore, the most widely used cellular system is the osteocyte-like MLO-Y4 cell line. The method here described refers to the use of retinoic acid to generate a homogeneous population of ramified cells with morphological and molecular osteocyte features. After isolation of osteoblasts from mouse calvaria, all-trans retinoic acid (ATRA) is added to cell medium, and cell monitoring is conducted daily under an inverted microscope. First morphological changes are detectable after 2 days of treatment and differentiation is generally complete in 5 days, with progressive development of dendrites, loss of the ability to produce extracellular matrix, down-regulation of osteoblast markers and up-regulation of osteocyte-specific molecules. Daily cell monitoring is needed because of the inherent variability of primary cells, and the protocol can be adapted with minimal variation to cells obtained from different mouse strains and applied to transgenic models. The method is easy to perform and does not require special instrumentation, it is highly reproducible, and rapidly generates a mature osteocyte population in complete absence of extracellular matrix, allowing the use of these cells for unlimited biological applications

    Podocyte developmental defects caused by adriamycin in zebrafish embryos and larvae: A novel model of glomerular damage

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    The zebrafish pronephros is gaining popularity in the nephrology community, because embryos are easy to cultivate in multiwell plates, allowing large number of experiments to be conducted in an in vivo model. In a few days, glomeruli reach complete development, with a structure that is similar to that of the mammalian counterpart, showing a fenestrated endothelium and a basement membrane covered by the multiple ramifications of mature podocytes. As a further advantage, zebrafish embryos are permeable to low molecular compounds, and this explains their extensive use in drug efficacy and toxicity experiments. Here we show that low concentrations of adriamycin (i.e. 10 and 20 \u3bcM), when dissolved in the medium of zebrafish embryos at 9 hours post-fertilization and removed after 48 hours (57 hpf), alter the development of podocytes with subsequent functional impairment, demonstrated by onset of pericardial edema and reduction of expression of the podocyte proteins nephrin and wt1. Podocyte damage is morphologically confirmed by electron microscopy and functionally supported by increased clearance of microinjected 70 kDa fluorescent dextran. Importantly, besides pericardial edema and glomerular damage, which persist and worsen after adriamycin removal from the medium, larvae exposed to adriamycin 10 and 20 \u3bcM do not show any myocardiocyte alterations nor vascular changes. The only extra-renal effect is a transient delay of cartilage formation that rapidly recovers once adriamycin is removed. In summary, this low dose adriamycin model can be applied to analyze podocyte developmental defects, such as those observed in congenital nephrotic syndrome, and can be taken in consideration for pharmacological studies of severe early podocyte injury

    The sclerosing glomerulus in mice and man: Novel insights

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    PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Segmental glomerulosclerosis is the end-point of a series of processes with have podocyte damage as a common denominator. This review summarizes the important advances that have been made in the past 2 years leading to the comprehension of several molecular mechanisms of regulation of podocyte physiology and pathology. RECENT FINDINGS: From recent studies it has become clear that the dynamic cytoskeleton of podocyte foot processes has to be highly regulated to maintain cell shape and function. The importance of intracellular calcium in this process has started to be revealed, together with the channels and the organelles appointed to calcium entry and buffering.Novel data highlight the centrality and the complexity of the mammalian target of rapamycin pathways, which are implicated in the regulation of autophagy. Similarities between podocytes and neuronal cells have been extended to the process of dynamin-regulated endocytosis, and further data in mice and humans provide support to the idea that podocytes can be directly targeted by old and new drugs. SUMMARY: Research is bringing numerous advances regarding the role of podocytes in the development of glomerulosclerosis, which can lead to novel and specific therapeutic approaches, as well as to a more rational use of drugs already in use. Consequently, renal biopsy becomes the indispensable instrument not only for diagnosis but also to precisely detect molecular therapeutic targets and guide personalized therapy

    Current indications to parathyroidectomy in CKD patients before and after renal transplantation

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    Secondary hyperparathyroidism (SHP) is one of the most challenging complications in the most advanced stages of end-stage renal disease. In the last decade, newly available medical tools have greatly increased the possibilities for controlling SHP. However, one of these tools, cinacalcet, has not yet been approved for its use in transplanted patients and the evidence for its safety in this clinical setting is still incomplete. For these reasons, many questions still remain open for the clinical nephrologist: when to consider a parathyroidectomy (PTX) in a patient on a waiting list for kidney transplant (KTx); when to recommend PTX after KTx; when could a regression of parathyroid hyperplasia be expected at any time after KTx. In the present paper, we will briefly deal with these questions in the light of an unusual clinical case

    L'approccio alla biopsia renale e le nuove possibilita' diagnostiche: cosa cambia nell'era postgenomica = The renal biopsy in the post-genomic era

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    Histological and immunohistological examination of renal biopsy material is the method of choice for the diagnosis of glomerular and interstitial renal disease. However, our understanding of renal damage is still largely incomplete because of the limited knowledge of the etiology and pathogenesis of numerous kidney diseases. For this reason, we still provide unspecific treatment to kidney patients, which is generally aimed at counteracting inflammatory alterations and slowing progression towards renal failure, without intervening directly in the cause of the disease. The recent development of the ''omics'' (genomics, proteomics, metabolomics) following the enormous progress of high-throughput technologies and information technology tools is profoundly transforming our knowledge in every biomedical field, including nephrology. It is expected that in a very short time a better understanding of both physiological and pathological events in the kidney will translate into different therapeutic strategies, possibly targeted to individual needs. Nephrologists and renal pathologists must take these changes into account and realize that a new approach to renal biopsy is urgently required. Renal biopsy material has in fact an enormous importance in the generation of new knowledge and in the validation of experimental results from high-throughput technologies and animal models. Furthermore, it is conceivable that a new classification of renal diseases will be needed soon as a result of the improved knowledge. For these reasons, renal biopsy material should be adequately processed and preserved according to modern methods, and collaborative projects should be fostered to achieve standardized methods and avoid a waste of energy in singular efforts