78 research outputs found

    Effects of freeze-drying on cytology, ultrastructure, DNA fragmentation, and fertilizing ability of bovine sperm

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    Freeze-drying sperm is an alternative to cryopreservation. Although sperm from various species has been freeze-dried, there are few reports for bovine sperm. The primary objective of this study was to evaluate the protective effect of various freeze-drying media on the structural and functional components of bovine sperm. The media tested were composed of TCM 199 with Hanks salts supplemented with 10% fetal calf serum (FCS) and TCM 199 with Hanks salts supplemented with 10% FCS and 0.2 M trehalose and EGTA solution. The efficiency of each medium on the preservation of freeze-dried sperm structures was evaluated with conventional and electron microscopy, DNA integrity was analyzed by a TUNEL assay, and fertilizing ability of lyophilized sperm was determined with ICSI. Although the plasma membrane was damaged in all media tested, mitochondria were similarly preserved in all freeze-drying treatments. The acrosome was best preserved in the media that contained trehalose (other treatments also conserved this structure). In contrast, media containing EGTA or trehalose most effectively preserved the nuclei in freeze-dried sperm, with only 2 and 5%, respectively, of cells with fragmented DNA. Furthermore, sperm conserved with these media also had higher (P < 0.05) rates of sperm head decondensation (32.5 and 27.5%), pronucleus formation (37.5 and 45.0%) and blastocyst formation (19.4 and 18.3%) than medium supplemented with FCS (15.0, 20.0 and 10.2%, respectively). In conclusion, media with EGTA and trehalose adequately protected bovine sperm during freeze-drying by preserving the viability of their nuclei

    Assessment of genetic parameters of degradability in maize grains due to indentation scores

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    Maize (Zea mays L.) cultivars with dent grains present higher starch and dry matter ruminal degradability than those with flint grains. This study aimed to assess genetic parameters of degradability in maize grains of different textures and to verify whether there is an association between grain indentation score and ruminal dry matter (RDM) degradability. The evaluated progenies were obtained from the cross between the varieties Cristal (flint) and Cunha (dent), previously selected for grain hardness. Progenies were evaluated for an indentation score using a visual grading scale ranging from 1 (flint) to 5 (dent). To assess the RDM degradability, 5 g were cut into halves, weighed (five grams), stored in bags made of 100% "failet" cloth and incubated for 24 h in the rumen of three ruminally cannulated cows. There was genetic variability for RDM degradability and heritability was 46%, indicating the possibility of success using a selection. There was no association between indentation score and RDM degradability percentage; thus, visual evaluation not always reflects grain hardness per se since it indicates the pericarp aspect but not the endosperm constitution.Cultivares de milho (Zea mays L.) com grãos do tipo dentado possuem maior porcentagem de amido e degradabilidade ruminal da matéria seca do que os com grãos do tipo duro. Estimaram-se parâmetros genéticos da degradabilidade de grãos de milho com diferentes texturas e verificou-se se ocorre associação entre o escore de identação dos grãos visualmente avaliados e a degradabilidade in situ da matéria seca (DISMS). Foram avaliadas progênies oriundas do cruzamento entre a variedade Cristal, de grãos duros, e a variedade Cunha de grãos dentados, previamente selecionadas para a dureza dos grãos. As progênies foram avaliadas com relação ao escore de identação por meio de uma escala visual de notas variando de 1 (duro) a 5 (mole). Para a avaliação da DISMS os grãos foram cortados ao meio, pesados 5 g colocados em saquinhos de tecido "failet" e incubados no rúmen, por 24 h, em três vacas portadoras de cânula ruminal. Há variabilidade genética para a DISMS, com herdabilidade de 46%, indicando ser possível o sucesso com a seleção. Não há associação entre o escore de identação e a porcentagem de DISMS. Assim, a avaliação visual nem sempre reflete a dureza per se dos grãos, pois o que se vê é o aspecto do pericarpo e não a constituição do endosperma