14 research outputs found

    Certification of methylmercury content in two fresh-frozen reference materials: SRM 1947 Lake Michigan fish tissue and SRM 1974b organics in mussel tissue (Mytilus edulis)

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    cited By 19International audienceThis paper describes the development of two independent analytical methods for the extraction and quantification of methylmercury from marine biota. The procedures involve microwave extraction, followed by derivatization and either headspace solid-phase microextraction (SPME) with a polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS)-coated silica fiber or back-extraction into iso-octane. The identification and quantification of the extracted compounds is carried out by capillary gas chromatography/mass spectrometric (GC/MS) and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometric (GC/ICP-MS) detection. Both methods were validated for the determination of methylmercury (MeHg) concentrations in a variety of biological standard reference materials (SRMs) including fresh-frozen tissue homogenates of SRM 1946 Lake Superior fish tissue and SRM 1974a organics in mussel tissue (Mytilus edulis) and then applied to the certification effort of SRM 1947 Lake Michigan fish tissue and SRM 1974b organics in mussel tissue (Mytilus edulis). While past certifications of methylmercury in tissue SRMs have been based on two independent methods from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and participating laboratories, the methods described within provide improved protocols and will allow future certification efforts to be based on at least two independent analytical methods within NIST. © Springer-Verlag 2007

    Standardization of dot-ELISA for the serological diagnosis of toxocariasis and comparision of the assay with ELISA Padronização do teste dot-ELISA para o diagnóstico da toxocaríase, estudo comparativo com o teste imunoenzimático ELISA

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    The dot-enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (dot-ELISA) was standardized using somatic (S) and excretory-secretory (ES) antigens of Toxocara-canis for the detection of specific antibodies in 22 serum samples from children aged 1 to 15 years, with clinical signs of toxocariasis. Fourteen serum samples from apparently normal individuals and 28 sera from patients with other pathologies were used as controls. All samples were used before and after absorption with Ascaris suum extract. When the results were evaluated in comparison with ELISA, the two tests were found to have similar sensitivity, but dot-ELISA was found to be more specific in the presence of the two antigens studied. Dot-ELISA proved to be effective for the diagnosis of human toxocariasis, presenting advantages in terms of yield, stability, time and ease of execution and low cost.<br>Padronizou-se o teste imunoenzimático dot-ELISA, empregando-se os antígenos somático (S) e excretor-secretor (ES) de Toxocara canis, para pesquisa de anticorpos específicos em 22 soros de pacientes com idades entre 5 a 15 anos, com dados clínicos de toxocaríase. Como grupo controle, foram estudados 14 soros de indivíduos supostamente normais e 28 soros de pacientes com outras patologias. Todas as amostras em estudo foram empregadas antes e após absorção com extrato de Ascaris suum. Os resultados obtidos foram avaliados comparativamente com o teste ELISA evidenciando, nos dois testes estudados, comportamento semelhante quanto à sensibilidade e maior especificidade para o dot-ELISA, com qualquer dos dois antígenos estudados. O teste dot-ELISA mostrou-se eficiente para o diagnóstico da toxocaríase humana, apresentando vantagens quanto ao rendimento, estabilidade, tempo e facilidade de execução e baixo custo