29 research outputs found

    Регулирование информационного взаимодействия государственных органов с гражданами и организациями Украины

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    The system of a uniform information support of authorities and local management units is the integral part of information society and "E-government" of Ukraine. Its main objective is to provide efficiency for collection of information, creation of information resources, access to the information of authorities and the citizens, rise of efficiency of accepted solutions, support of information interactions of authorities; rendering real services from the state authorities to its citizens. Creation of such a system calls for enforcement issues inside the state bodies of the defined functions, development projects to define the rules in using interaction with citizens, implementations of the methods of process concepts and analysis of economic and social information

    Moerasbufferstroken langs watergangen: haalbaarheid en functionaliteit in Nederland

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    Internationale regelgeving, zoals de Kaderrichtlijn Water en de nitraatrichtlijn, versterkt de aandacht voor bufferstroken, bemestingsvrije zones, helofytenfilters en natuurvriendelijke oevers als voorzieningen voor de reductie van de emissie van nutriënten en voor de vergroting van natuurwaarden. In dit rapport ligt de focus op natte bufferzones (moerasbufferstroken) langs landbouwpercelen. In tegenstelling tot droge bufferstroken heeft dit type bufferstroken een grote potentie voor het waterbeheer. In combinatie met drainagesystemen leveren ze mogelijk een relevante bijdrage in de zuivering van nutriëntenrijk grondwater. Daarmee is het aanleggen van dit soort voorzieningen een mogelijke maatregel in het kader van het stroomgebiedsbeheer (KRW). Om de claims van effectiviteit te onderzoeken is twee jaar lang onderzoek gedaan naar het functioneren van moerasbufferstroken. Dit onderzoek is gecombineerd met een kosten- baten analyse

    Nitrous oxide emission and denitrification in chronically nitrate-loaded riparian buffer zones

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    Numerical relationships between archaeal and bacterial amoA genes vary by Icelandic Andosol classes

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    Bacterial amoA genes had not been detectable by qPCR in freshly sampled Icelandic Andosols thus far. Hence, a new primer set yielding shorter gene fragments has been designed to verify the absence of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria in different Icelandic Andosol classes. At the same time, a new primer set was also constructed for archaeal amoA genes that should improve the quality of PCR products. Although a large part of the soil samples were found to be amoA-negative, bacterial amoA genes were detectable with new as well as old primer sets. The same results were obtained for the archaeal amoA genes. The relative distribution of archaeal and bacterial amoA genes varied between Andosol classes. Archaeal amoA genes were significantly more abundant in Brown than in Histic Andosols, while the opposite was observed for bacterial amoA genes. The numbers of archaeal and bacterial amoA genes in Gleyic Andosols were not significantly different from those in Histic and Brown Andosols. The numbers of bacterial amoA genes, but not the numbers of archaeal amoA genes, correlated significantly and positively with potential ammonia oxidation activities. The presence of the bacterial nitrification inhibitor allylthiourea inhibited the potential ammonia oxidation activities during the first 12 h of incubation. Hence, it was concluded that ammonia-oxidizing bacteria profited most from the conditions during the measurements of potential ammonia oxidation activities

    Spatial patterns of methanotrophic communities along a hydrological gradient in a riparian wetland

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    Microbial communities display a variety of biogeographical patterns mainly driven by large-scale environmental gradients. Here, we analysed the spatial distribution of methane-oxidizing bacteria (MOB) and methane oxidation in a strongly fluctuating environment. We investigated whether the spatial variability of the MOB community can be explained by an environmental gradient and whether this changes with different plot sizes. We applied a pmoA-specific microarray to detect MOB, measured methane oxidation, methane emissions and soil properties. All variables were measured in a 10 × 10 m, 1 × 1 m and 20 × 20 cm plot and interpreted using a geostatistical approach. Methane oxidation as well as MOB displayed spatial patterns reflected in the underlying flooding gradient. Overlapping and contrasting spatial patterns for type I and type II MOB suggested different ecological life strategies. With smaller plot size, the environmental gradient could not explain the variability in the data and local factors became more important. In conclusion, environmental gradients can generally explain variability in microbial spatial patterns; however, we think that this does not contribute to a mechanistic explanation for microbial diversity because the relevant scales for microorganisms are much smaller than those normally measured.

    Moerasbufferstroken: potenties voor nutriëntenverwijdering en economisch rendement - een case study in westelijk Noord-Brabant

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    Diffuse belasting van het oppervlaktewater met nutriënten vormt een probleem voor het waterbeheer in Nederland. De inzet van ecotechnologische maatregelen kan bijdragen aan de reductie van de emissies. Met name moerasbufferstroken, waarbij het te zuiveren water in contact komt met de bovenste bodemlagen, laten een hoge verwijdering zien. In dit artikel staat een onderzoek centraal naar de werking van een moerasbufferstrook langs de Strijbeekse beek (Noord-Brabant), waarbij het drainagewater direct in de bufferstrook uitkomt, én het economische rendement van zo’n systeem. De verwijdering van stikstof blijkt beperkt door de hoge kweldruk en daaruitvolgende lage infiltratie van drainagewater. De verwijdering van fosfaten is juist hoog vanwege de hoge adsorptiecapaciteit van de bodem door de aanwezigheid van ijzerionen. Met een alternatieve inrichting en beheer is het mogelijk ook de verwijderingsefficiëntie voor stikstof te verhogen. Uit de economische analyse komt naar voren dat de bufferstrook van 350 meter niet rendeert. Indien bufferstroken met een gezamenlijke lengte van 6,5 kilometer zouden worden aangelegd, zijn meer maatschappelijke baten te verwachten, maar dan nog zijn deze niet voldoende om op te wegen tegen de kosten van uit productie genomen landbouwgron

    Tamm Review: Sequestration of carbon from coarse woody debris in forest soils

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    Worldwide, forests have absorbed around 30% of global anthropogenic emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) annually, thereby acting as important carbon (C) sinks. It is proposed that leaving large fragments of dead wood, coarse woody debris (CWD), in forest ecosystems may contribute to the forest C sink strength. CWD may take years to centuries to degrade completely, and non-respired C from CWD may enter the forest soil directly or in the form of dissolved organic C. Although aboveground decomposition of CWD has been studied frequently, little is known about the relative size, composition and fate of different C fluxes from CWD to soils under various substrate-specific and environmental conditions. Thus, the exact contribution of C from CWD to C sequestration within forest soils is poorly understood and quantified, although understanding CWD degradation and stabilization processes is essential for effective forest C sink management. This review aims at providing insight into these processes on the interface of forest ecology and soil science, and identifies knowledge gaps that are critical to our understanding of the effects of CWD on the forest soil C sink. It may be seen as a “call-to-action” crossing disciplinary boundaries, which proposes the use of compound-specific analytical studies and manipulation studies to elucidate C fluxes from CWD. Carbon fluxes from decaying CWD can vary considerably due to interspecific and intraspecific differences in composition and different environmental conditions. These variations in C fluxes need to be studied in detail and related to recent advances in soil C sequestration research. Outcomes of this review show that the presence of CWD may enhance the abundance and diversity of the microbial community and constitute additional fluxes of C into the mineral soil by augmented leaching of dissolved organic carbon (DOC). Leached DOC and residues from organic matter (OM) from later decay stages have been shown to be relatively enriched in complex and microbial-derived compounds, which may also be true for CWD-derived OM. Emerging knowledge on soil C stabilization indicates that such complex compounds may be sorbed preferentially to the mineral soil. Moreover, increased abundance and diversity of decomposer organisms may increase the amount of substrate C being diverted into microbial biomass, which may contribute to stable C pools in the forest soil

    Decreased n(2)o reduction by low soil ph causes high n(2)o emissions in a riparian ecosystem

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