537 research outputs found

    Recursive numerical calculus of one-loop tensor integrals

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    A numerical approach to compute tensor integrals in one-loop calculations is presented. The algorithm is based on a recursion relation which allows to express high rank tensor integrals as a function of lower rank ones. At each level of iteration only inverse square roots of Gram determinants appear. For the phase-space regions where Gram determinants are so small that numerical problems are expected, we give general prescriptions on how to construct reliable approximations to the exact result without performing Taylor expansions. Working in 4+epsilon dimensions does not require an analytic separation of ultraviolet and infrared/collinear divergences, and, apart from trivial integrals that we compute explicitly, no additional ones besides the standard set of scalar one-loop integrals are needed.Comment: Typo corrected in formula 79. 22 pages, Latex, 1 figure, uses axodraw.st

    Extending CKKW-merging to One-Loop Matrix Elements

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    We extend earlier schemes for merging tree-level matrix elements with parton showers to include also merging with one-loop matrix elements. In this paper we make a first study on how to include one-loop corrections, not only for events with a given jet multiplicity, but simultaneously for several different jet multiplicities. Results are presented for the simplest non-trivial case of hadronic events at LEP as a proof-of-concept

    The Polar Bear Management Agreement for the Southern Beaufort Sea : An Evaluation of the First Ten Years of a Unique Conservation Agreement

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    Polar bears (Ursus maritimus) of the southern Beaufort Sea population, distributed from approximately Icy Cape, west of Point Barrow, Alaska, to Pearce Point, east of Paulatuk in Canada, are harvested by hunters from both countries. In Canada, quotas to control polar bear hunting have been in place, with periodic modifications, since 1968. In Alaska, passage of the United Sates Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA) of 1972 banned polar bear hunting unless done by Alaska Natives for subsistence hunt, leaving open the potential for an overharvest with no possible legal management response until the population was declared depleted. Recognizing that as a threat to the conservation of the shared polar bear population, the Inuvialuit Game Council from Canada and the North Slope Borough from Alaska negotiated and signed a user-to-user agreement, the Polar Bear Management Agreement for the Southern Beaufort Sea, in 1988. We reviewed the functioning of the agreement through its first 10 years and concluded that, overall, it has been successful because both the total harvest and the proportion of females in the harvest have been contained within sustainable limits. However, harvest monitoring needs to be improved in Alaska, and awareness of the need to prevent overharvest of females needs to be increased in both countries. This agreement is a useful model for other user-to-user conservation agreements.Les ours polaires (Ursus maritimus) constituant la population de la mer de Beaufort méridionale sont répartis d'environ Icy Cape, à l'ouest de Point Barrow (Alaska), à Pearce Point, à l'est de Paulatuk (Canada). Ils sont prélevés par des chasseurs des deux pays. Au Canada, les quotas visant le contrôle de la chasse à l'ours polaire sont en vigueur - avec des modifications périodiques - depuis 1968. En Alaska, l'adoption en 1972 de la loi américaine (MMPA) visant la protection des mammifères marins a interdit la chasse à l'ours polaire sauf la chasse de subsistance pratiquée par les Autochtones alaskiens. La MMPA n'a toutefois placé aucune restriction sur le nombre ou la composition de la chasse de subsistance, laissant la porte ouverte à une éventuelle surexploitation sans possibilité d'une réaction de gestion sur le plan légal jusqu'à ce que la population soit déclarée décimée. Reconnaissant en cela une menace à la conservation de la population commune d'ours polaires, le Conseil canadien de gestion du gibier et le North Slope Borough de l'Alaska ont négocié et signé en 1988 une entente entre usagers, le Polar Bear Management Agreement pour la mer de Beaufort méridionale. On a examiné le fonctionnement de l'entente durant sa première décennie pour conclure que, dans l'ensemble, elle a porté fruit car le total des prises et la proportion de femelles prélevées ont été maintenus dans des limites viables. Il faut toutefois améliorer le contrôle du prélèvement en Alaska et accroître dans les deux pays la sensibilisation à la nécessité de prévenir une surexploitation des femelles. Cette entente constitue un modèle pour d'autres accords entre usagers en matière de conservation

    General subtraction method for numerical calculation of one-loop QCD matrix elements

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    We present a subtraction scheme for eliminating the ultraviolet, soft, and collinear divergences in the numerical calculation of an arbitrary one-loop QCD amplitude with an arbitrary number of external legs. The subtractions consist of local counter terms in the space of the four-dimensional loop momentum. The ultraviolet subtraction terms reproduce MSbar renormalization. The key point in the method for the soft and collinear subtractions is that, although the subtraction terms are defined graph-by-graph and the matrix element is also calculated graph-by-graph, the sum over graphs of the integral of each the subtraction term can be evaluated analytically and provides the well known simple pole structure that arises from subtractions from real emission graphs, but with the opposite sign.Comment: 38 pages, 10 figures, axodraw styl

    Light-induced mass transport in amorphous chalcogenides/gold nanoparticles composites

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    We have established that mass-transport processes in two types of amorphous materials, based on light-sensitive inorganic compounds like Se and As₂₀Se₈₀ chalcogenide glasses (ChG), can be enhanced at the nanoscale in the presence of localized plasmonic fields generated by visible light in gold nanoparticles (GNPs), if the condition of surface plasmon resonance (SPR) is fulfilled. It was found that irradiation by light in the presence of SPR produces profound surface nanostructurizations, and variation in topography follows closely and permanently the underlying near field intensity pattern. We have proposed a model of mass-transport in which the existence of moving anisotropic dipolar units and internal electric field in ChG as a main driving force of this movement is suggested

    Hadronic final states in deep-inelastic scattering with Sherpa

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    We extend the multi-purpose Monte-Carlo event generator Sherpa to include processes in deeply inelastic lepton-nucleon scattering. Hadronic final states in this kinematical setting are characterised by the presence of multiple kinematical scales, which were up to now accounted for only by specific resummations in individual kinematical regions. Using an extension of the recently introduced method for merging truncated parton showers with higher-order tree-level matrix elements, it is possible to obtain predictions which are reliable in all kinematical limits. Different hadronic final states, defined by jets or individual hadrons, in deep-inelastic scattering are analysed and the corresponding results are compared to HERA data. The various sources of theoretical uncertainties of the approach are discussed and quantified. The extension to deeply inelastic processes provides the opportunity to validate the merging of matrix elements and parton showers in multi-scale kinematics inaccessible in other collider environments. It also allows to use HERA data on hadronic final states in the tuning of hadronisation models.Comment: 32 pages, 22 figure

    PYTHIA 6.4 Physics and Manual

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    The PYTHIA program can be used to generate high-energy-physics `events', i.e. sets of outgoing particles produced in the interactions between two incoming particles. The objective is to provide as accurate as possible a representation of event properties in a wide range of reactions, within and beyond the Standard Model, with emphasis on those where strong interactions play a role, directly or indirectly, and therefore multihadronic final states are produced. The physics is then not understood well enough to give an exact description; instead the program has to be based on a combination of analytical results and various QCD-based models. This physics input is summarized here, for areas such as hard subprocesses, initial- and final-state parton showers, underlying events and beam remnants, fragmentation and decays, and much more. Furthermore, extensive information is provided on all program elements: subroutines and functions, switches and parameters, and particle and process data. This should allow the user to tailor the generation task to the topics of interest.Comment: 576 pages, no figures, uses JHEP3.cls. The code and further information may be found on the PYTHIA web page: http://www.thep.lu.se/~torbjorn/Pythia.html Changes in version 2: Mistakenly deleted section heading for "Physics Processes" reinserted, affecting section numbering. Minor updates to take into account referee comments and new colour reconnection option

    Application of information entropy to nuclei

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    Shannon's information entropies in position- and momentum- space and their sum SS are calculated for various ss-pp and ss-dd shell nuclei using a correlated one-body density matrix depending on the harmonic oscillator size b0b_0 and the short range correlation parameter yy which originates from a Jastrow correlation function. It is found that the information entropy sum for a nucleus depends only on the correlation parameter yy through the simple relation S=s0A+s1AyλsAS= s_{0A} + s_{1A} y^{-\lambda_{sA}}, where s0As_{0A}, s1As_{1A} and λsA\lambda_{sA} depend on the mass number AA. A similar approximate expression is also valid for the root mean square radius of the nucleus as function of yy leading to an approximate expression which connects SS with the root mean square radius. Finally, we propose a method to determine the correlation parameter from the above property of SS as well as the linear dependence of SS on the logarithm of the number of nucleons.Comment: 10 pages, 10 EPS figures, RevTeX, Phys.Rev.C accepted for publicatio

    Standard Model backgrounds to supersymmetry searches

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    This work presents a review of the Standard Model sources of backgrounds to the search of supersymmetry signals. Depending on the specific model, typical signals may include jets, leptons, and missing transverse energy due to the escaping lightest supersymmetric particle. We focus on the simplest case of multijets and missing energy, since this allows us to expose most of the issues common to other more complex cases. The review is not exhaustive, and is aimed at collecting a series of general comments and observations, to serve as guideline for the process that will lead to a complete experimental determination of size and features of such SM processes.Comment: To appear in the J. Wess memorial volume, "Supersymmetry on the Eve of the LHC", to be published in European Physical Journal