5 research outputs found

    35,37,39^{35,37,39}S isotopes in sd−pfsd-pf space : Shell-model interpretation

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    The structure of 35,37,39^{35,37,39}S isotopes is described by performing comprehensive shell model calculations with SDPF-U and SDPFMW interactions. Protons and neutrons are restricted to the sdsd-shell for N<20N < 20, neutrons start to fill the pfpf-shell for N>20N > 20. Natural parity states are described by only in-shell mixing, unnatural parity states with 1p-1h inter-shell neutron excitations. With SDPF-U interaction, reported are the results for natural parity states only because this interaction is not suitable for cross shell excitations. Calculated energy levels, electromagnetic properties and spectroscopic factors are in good agreement with the recently available experimental data.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures, 3 tables; Accepted for publication in Nuclear Physics

    Ground-state, β and K = 11/2− γ bands in 163, 165Er

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    The Bohr Hamiltonian prescription for collective behavior in heavy nuclei is used with the ground state, vibrational and rotational bands each allowed unique mass parameter values. Excited-state energies and E2 transition probabilities of the nuclei 163, 165Er are calculated, these nuclei being selected for their particular relevance to the model, and their topical nature in both theoretical and experimental studies

    The NUMEN project: NUclear Matrix Elements for Neutrinoless double beta decay

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