238 research outputs found

    Transition from Townsend to glow discharge: subcritical, mixed or supercritical

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    The full parameter space of the transition from Townsend to glow discharge is investigated numerically in one space dimension in the classical model: with electrons and positive ions drifting in the local electric field, impact ionization by electrons (α\alpha process), secondary electron emission from the cathode (γ\gamma process) and space charge effects. We also perform a systematic analytical small current expansion about the Townsend limit up to third order in the total current that fits our numerical data very well. Depending on γ\gamma and system size pd, the transition from Townsend to glow discharge can show the textbook subcritical behavior, but for smaller values of pd, we also find supercritical or some intermediate ``mixed'' behavior. The analysis in particular lays the basis for understanding the complex spatio-temporal patterns in planar barrier discharge systems.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    An Introduction to Hyperbolic Barycentric Coordinates and their Applications

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    Barycentric coordinates are commonly used in Euclidean geometry. The adaptation of barycentric coordinates for use in hyperbolic geometry gives rise to hyperbolic barycentric coordinates, known as gyrobarycentric coordinates. The aim of this article is to present the road from Einstein's velocity addition law of relativistically admissible velocities to hyperbolic barycentric coordinates along with applications.Comment: 66 pages, 3 figure

    Detecting new microRNAs in human osteoarthritic chondrocytes identifies miR-3085 as a human, chondrocyte-selective, microRNA

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    Objective: To use deep sequencing to identify novel microRNAs in human osteoarthritic cartilage which have a functional role in chondrocyte phenotype or function. Design: A small RNA library was prepared from human osteoarthritic primary chondrocytes using in-house adaptors and analysed by Illumina sequencing. Novel candidate microRNAs were validated by northern blot and qRT-PCR. Expression was measured in cartilage models. Targets of novel candidates were identified by microarray and computational analysis, validated using 3’-UTR-luciferase reporter plasmids. Protein levels were assessed by western blot and functional analysis by cell adhesion. Results: We identified 990 known microRNAs and 1621 potential novel microRNAs in human osteoarthritic chondrocytes, 60 of the latter were expressed in all samples assayed. MicroRNA-140-3p was the most highly expressed microRNA in osteoarthritic cartilage. Sixteen novel candidate microRNAs were analysed further, of which 6 remained after northern blot analysis. Three novel microRNAs were regulated across models of chondrogenesis, chondrocyte differentiation or cartilage injury. One sequence (novel #11), annotated in rodents as microRNA-3085-3p, was preferentially expressed in cartilage, dependent on chondrocyte differentiation and, in man, is located in an intron of the cartilage-expressed gene CRTAC-1. This microRNA was shown to target the ITGA5 gene directly (which encodes integrin alpha5) and inhibited adhesion to fibronectin (dependent on alpha5beta1 integrin). Conclusion: Deep sequencing has uncovered many potential microRNA candidates expressed in human cartilage. At least three of these show potential functional interest in cartilage homeostasis and osteoarthritis. Particularly, novel #11 (microRNA-3085-3p) which has been identified for the first time in man

    On the Study of Hyperbolic Triangles and Circles by Hyperbolic Barycentric Coordinates in Relativistic Hyperbolic Geometry

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    Barycentric coordinates are commonly used in Euclidean geometry. Following the adaptation of barycentric coordinates for use in hyperbolic geometry in recently published books on analytic hyperbolic geometry, known and novel results concerning triangles and circles in the hyperbolic geometry of Lobachevsky and Bolyai are discovered. Among the novel results are the hyperbolic counterparts of important theorems in Euclidean geometry. These are: (1) the Inscribed Gyroangle Theorem, (ii) the Gyrotangent-Gyrosecant Theorem, (iii) the Intersecting Gyrosecants Theorem, and (iv) the Intersecting Gyrochord Theorem. Here in gyrolanguage, the language of analytic hyperbolic geometry, we prefix a gyro to any term that describes a concept in Euclidean geometry and in associative algebra to mean the analogous concept in hyperbolic geometry and nonassociative algebra. Outstanding examples are {\it gyrogroups} and {\it gyrovector spaces}, and Einstein addition being both {\it gyrocommutative} and {\it gyroassociative}. The prefix "gyro" stems from "gyration", which is the mathematical abstraction of the special relativistic effect known as "Thomas precession".Comment: 78 pages, 26 figure

    Behandeling en stigmamanagement bij opzettelijke zelfverwonding: het smalle pad tussen te veel en te weinig interveniëren

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    Opzettelijke zelfverwonding wordt gedefinieerd als de intentionele directe beschadiging van het eigen lichaam, zonder bewuste suïcidale intentie. De behandeling varieert van gedwongen opname in een psychiatrische instelling (in het Britse Gemenebest), tot een permissieve aanpak zonder behandeling en uiteenlopende behandelingsmogelijkheden er tussenin. Eerst wordt de gepastheid van de mate van interveniëren besproken in functie van verschillende diagnosen. Het tweede gedeelte van het artikel bespreekt het advies dat door hulpverleners verstrekt wordt aangaande de omgang met wonden en littekens en aangaande de mogelijkheden voor een (gewezen) zelfverwonder om het stigma van een deviante identiteit te vermijden. Een rondvraag bij Belgische hulpverleners bracht aan het licht dat velen onder hen adviseren om littekens te verbergen, terwijl er anderzijds aanwijzingen zijn dat niet-verbergen een teken van herstel is. Aangezien verbergen en smoesjes verzinnen ook kunnen leiden tot de instandhouding van een deviante identiteit, wordt gewezen op meer gepaste vormen van stigmamanagement

    Prior dengue virus exposure shapes T Cell immunity to Zika Virus in humans

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    While progress has been made in characterizing humoral immunity to Zika virus (ZIKV) in humans, little is known regarding the corresponding T cell responses to ZIKV. Here we investigate the kinetics and viral epitopes targeted by T cells responding to ZIKV and address the critical question of whether pre-existing dengue virus (DENV) T cell immunity modulates these responses. We find that memory T cell responses elicited by prior infection with DENV or vaccination with Tetravalent Dengue Attenuated Vaccines (TDLAV) recognize ZIKV-derived peptides. This cross-reactivity is explained by the sequence similarity of the two viruses, as the ZIKV peptides recognized by DENV-elicited memory T cells are identical or highly conserved in DENV and ZIKV. DENV exposure prior to ZIKV infection also influences the timing and magnitude of the T cell response. ZIKV-reactive T cells in the acute phase of infection are detected earlier and in greater magnitude in DENV-immune patients. Conversely, the frequency of ZIKV-reactive T cells continues to rise in the convalescent phase in DENV-naive donors, but declines in DENV pre-exposed donors, compatible with more efficient control of ZIKV replication and/or clearance of ZIKV antigen. The quality of responses is also influenced by previous DENV exposure, and ZIKV-specific CD8 T cells form DENV pre-exposed donors selectively up-regulated granzyme B and PD1, as compared to DENV-naïve donors. Finally, we discovered that ZIKV structural proteins (E, prM and C) are major targets of both the CD4 and CD8 T cell responses, whereas DENV T cell epitopes are found primarily in nonstructural proteins

    Irish cardiac society - Proceedings of annual general meeting held 20th & 21st November 1992 in Dublin Castle

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