114 research outputs found

    Holograms in Optical Wireless Communications

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    Adaptive beam steering in optical wireless communication (OWC) system has been shown to offer performance enhancements over traditional OWC systems. However, an increase in the computational cost is incurred. In this chapter, we introduce a fast hologram selection technique to speed up the adaptation process. We propose a fast delay, angle and power adaptive holograms (FDAPA-Holograms) approach based on a divide and conquer methodology and evaluate it with angle diversity receivers in a mobile optical wireless (OW) system. The fast and efficient fully adaptive FDAPA-Holograms system can improve the receiver signal to noise ratio (SNR) and reduce the required time to estimate the position of the receiver. The adaptation techniques (angle, power and delay) offer a degree of freedom in the system design. The proposed system FDAPA-Holograms is able to achieve high data rate of 5 Gb/s with full mobility. Simulation results show that the proposed 5 Gb/s FDAPA-Holograms achieves around 13 dB SNR under mobility and under eye safety regulations. Furthermore, a fast divide and conquer search algorithm is introduced to find the optimum hologram as well as to reduce the computation time. The proposed system (FDAPA-Holograms) reduces the computation time required to find the best hologram location from 64 ms using conventional adaptive system to around 14 ms

    Mineralogical and Spectroscopic Characterization of Some Products Resulting from the Weathering Process on the Tomb of Nakht-Djehuty (TT189), Western Thebes, Upper Egypt

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    The present study deals with the mineralogical and spectroscopic characterization of some weathering products formed on the  decorated surfaces of the tomb of Nakht-Djehuty (TT189), during the time of Ramesses II (the 19th Dynasty, c.1279-1213 BC), western Thebes, Upper Egypt. The wall paintings in the ancient tombs of western Thebes are subjected to salt weathering as a result of the geological structure of the Theban formation and the environmental conditions of the region which enhance the formation of several forms of damage. The weathering forms observed are mainly flakes, salt efflorescence, biofilms and hard crusts. Damaged layers have been collected and investigated using scanning electron microscopy equipped with energy dispersive X-ray analysis system (SEM-EDS), Powder X-ray diffraction analysis (PXRD) and Fourier transform spectroscopy (FTIR). The results showed that the main dominant salts affecting the site are sodium chloride (halite, NaCl) and phases of sulphates [gypsum, CaSO4 · 2H2O; bassanite, CaSO4 · 0.5H2O and anhydrite, CaSO4] were also detected. FTIR spectra collected on a KBr pellet of thin dark layers covering the decorated surfaces indicated the detection of calcium oxalate probably derived from biodegradation of the organic binders in tempera techniques or the organic coatings used in old restorations of the murals. RiassuntoIl presente studio si propone di trattare la caratterizzazione mineralogica e spettroscopica di alcuni prodotti atmosferici formatisi sulle superfici decorate della tomba di Nakht-Djehuty (TT189), durante il regno di Ramesses II (la XIX Dinastia, c. 1279-1213 a.C.) nella Tebe occidentale, Alto Egitto. I dipinti murali nelle antiche tombe della Tebe occidentale sono soggetti all’azione del sale a causa della struttura geologica tebana e delle condizioni ambientali della regione, che favoriscono la formazione di diverse forme di degrado. Le azioni degli agenti atmosferici osservate sono principalmente distacchi, efflorescenze saline, biofilm e croste nere. Gli strati degradati sono stati raccolti e studiati attraverso l’utilizzo di: microscopio elettronio a scansione dotato di sistema ad analisi di dispersione di energia a raggi X (SEM-EDS), analisi diffrattometrica a raggi X di campioni in polvere (PXRD) e spettroscopia con trasformata di Fourier (FTIR). I risultati dimostrano che i sali dominanti che interessano il sito sono cloruro di sodio (salgemma, NaCl) e le diverse fasi dei solfati [gesso, CaSO4 · 2H2O; bassanite, CaSO4 · 0.5H2O e anidrite, CaSO4] che pure sono stati rilevati. Gli spettri FTIR dei sottili strati scuri che ricoprono le superfici decorate, raccolti su un pellet KBr, indicano l’individuazione di ossalati di calcio derivanti probabilmente dalla biodegradazione di leganti organici impiegati nella tecnica a tempera o di rivestimenti organici usati nei restauri antichi degli affreschi. RésuméL’étude présente se propose de traiter la caractérisation minéralogique et spectroscopique de certains produits atmosphériques qui se sont formés sur les surfaces décorées de la tombe de Nakhtdjehuty (TT189), durant le règne de Ramsès II (la XIXème Dynastie, c. 1279-1213 av. J.C.) dans la Thèbes occidentale, Haut Égypte. Les peintures murales dans les tombes antiques de la Thèbes occidentale sont sujettes à l’action du sel à cause de la structure géologique thébaine et des conditions environnementales de la région, qui favorisent la formation de différentes formes de dégradation. Les actions des agents atmosphériques observées sont principalement des détachements, des efflorescences salines, des biofilms et des croûtes noires. Les couches détériorées ont été récoltées et étudiées à travers l’utilisation de: microscope électronique à balayage doté d’un système à analyse de dispersion d’énergie à rayons X (SEM-EDS), analyse diffractométrique à rayons X d’échantillons en poudre (PXRD) et spectroscopie avec transformée de Fourier (FTIR). Les résultats démontrent que les sels dominants qui intéressent le site sont chlorure de sodium (sel gemme, NaCl) et les diverses phases des sulfates [gypse, CaSO4·2H2O; bassanite, CaSO4 · 0.5H2O et anhydrite, CaSO4] qui ont aussi été relevés. Les spectres FTIR des fines couches foncées qui recouvrent les surfaces décorées, recueillies sur un pellet KBr, indiquent la détermination d’oxalates de calcium dérivant probablement de la biodégradation de liants organiques employés dans la technique à tempera ou de revêtements organiques utilisés dans les restaurations antiques des fresques. ZusammenfassungDie vorliegende Untersuchung setzt sich zum Ziel, die mineralogische und spektroskopische Charakterisierung einiger atmosphärischer Produkte zu behandeln, die sich auf den verzierten Oberflächen des Grabs von Nacht-Djehuti (TT189) während der Regierung von Ramses II. (19. Dynastie, ca. 1279-1213 v.Chr.) im westlichen Theben in Oberägypten gebildet haben. Die Wandmalereien in den antiken Gräbern des westlichen Thebens sind wegen der geologischen Struktur Thebens und der Umweltbedingungen der Gegend, die die Bildung verschiedener Verwitterungsformen begünstigten, der Einwirkung von Salz ausgesetzt. Die beobachteten Wirkungen der atmosphärischen Einflüsse sind hauptsächlich Ablösungen, Salzausblühungen, Biofilme und schwarze Krusten. Die verwitterten Schichten wurden gesammelt und mit Hilfe folgender Verfahren untersucht: Rasterelektronenmikroskopie mit Energie- und Röntgendispersionssystem (SEM-EDS), röntgendiffraktometrische Analyse von Staubproben (PXRD) und Fourier-Transformationsspektroskopie (FTIR). Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die am Fundort vorherrschenden Salze Natriumchlorid (Steinsalz, NaCl) und die verschiedenen Sulfatphasen [Gips, CaSO4 · 2H2O; Bassanit, CaSO4 · 0.5H2O und Anhydrit, CaSO4] sind, die ebenfalls festgestellt wurden. Die FTIR-Spektren der feinen dunklen Schichten, die die verzierten Oberflächen bedecken, auf einem KBr-Pressling gesammelt, zeigen die Anwesenheit von Kalziumoxalaten, die wahrscheinlich aus dem biologischen Abbau organischer Leganten stammen, die bei der Temperatechnik benutzt wurden, oder organischer Beschichtungen, die zur antiken Restaurierung der Fresken eingesetzt wurden. ResumenEl presente estudio se plantea la caracterización mineralógica y espectroscópica de algunos productos atmosféricos que se han formado sobre las superficies decoradas de la tumba de Nakht-Djehuty (TT189), durante el reinado de Ramesses II (la XIX Dinastía, c.1279-1213 a.C.) en la Tebas occidental, Alto Egipto. Las pinturas murales de las antiguas tumbas de la Tebas occidental están sujetas a la acción de la sal a causa de la estructura geológica de Tebas y las condiciones ambientales de la región, que favorecen la formación de distintas formas de deterioro. Las acciones de los agentes atmosféricos observados son principalmente efectos de desprendimiento, eflorescencias salinas, película biológica y corteza negra. Las capas degradadas se han recogido y estudiado utilizando: microscopio electrónico de barrido dotado con sistema de análisis de dispersión de energía de rayos X (SEM EDS), análisis difractométrico con rayos X de muestras en polvo (PXRD) y espectroscopía con transformada de Fourier (FTIR). los resultados demuestran que las sales dominantes que afectan al lugar son cloruro de sodio (sal gema, NaCl) y las distintas fases de los sulfatos [yeso, CaSO4 2H2O, basanita, CaSO4 0.5H2O y anhidrita, CaSO4] que también han sido detectadas. Los espectros FTIR de las sutiles capas oscuras que recubren las superficies decoradas, recogidas sobre un pellet KBr, indican la detección de oxalatos de calcio derivados probablemente de la biodegradación de ligantes orgánicos empleados en la técnica de témpera o de revestimientos orgánicos usados en las restauraciones antiguas de los frescos

    Studies with Arylhydrazono-3-oxopropanals:A novel route to synthesis of substituted pyrazoles, oxoalkanonitrile and glyoxalonitrile containing sulfa drug moieties

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    Coupling of enaminones 1 with diazonium salts gave thehydrazonopropanals 3a-h. Compound 3 react with ω-bromoacetophenone or α-chloroacetanilide to yield 5 and 8. These compounds were cyclized smoothly into 6 and 9 respectively. Reactions of 3 with phenylhydrazine gave diphenylhydrazones 10 which cyclized into arylazopyrazoles 11 in refluxing pyridine. However reaction of 3c-f with hydrazine hydrate afforded pyrazoles 12.Reactions of 3 with phenylhydrazine hydrochloride afforded 11. Finally, reactions of 3c with hydroxylamine hydrochloride afforded the aldoxime 14 that on refluxing in pyridine gave 15 not 16

    Uplink Design in VLC Systems with IR Sources and Beam Steering

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    The need for high-speed local area networks to meet the recent developments in multimedia and video transmission applications has recently focused interest on visible light communication (VLC) systems. Although VLC systems provide lighting and communications simultaneously from light emitting diodes, LEDs, the uplink channel design in such a system is a challenging task. In this paper, we propose a solution in which the uplink challenge in indoor VLC is resolved by the use of an Infrared (IR) link. We introduce a novel fast adaptive beam steering IR system (FABS-IR) to improve the uplink performance at high data rates while providing security for applications. The goal of our proposed system is to enhance the received optical power signal, speed up the adaptation process and mitigate the channel delay spread when the system operates at a high transmission rate. The channel delay spread is minimised from 0.22 ns given by hybrid diffuse IR link to almost 0.07 ns. At 2.5 Gb/s, our results show that the imaging FABS-IR system accomplished about 11.7 dB signal to noise ratio (SNR) in the presence of multipath dispersion, receiver noise and transmitter mobility

    Biochemical Study and Molecular Approaching on Eight Wild Herbals Used in Folk Medicine in Al-Baha Region, KSA

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    studies   describing   the   traditional   therapeutic   uses   of   natural   medicinal   and   aromatic   plants   have been established   in   Al-Baha   region, KSA.   In   this work, the antioxidant   activity   of   eight   herbals   plant   samples   from   Al-Baha   region   was   studied   using   different   solvents (ethanol, hexane   and water) to   evaluate   their   strong   and   total   lipid-soluble   antioxidant   and   water-soluble   antioxidant   activity (TLAC37,95 and TWAC37,95). The eight herbal plants were also molecularly   characterized   using   the   PCR-based   ISSR   markers. The studied samples demonstrated   valuable   and   variable   antioxidant   properties.   The   strong   antioxidant   capacity   of   Rumex   (Rumex   nervosus Vahl.)   samples   for   ethanolic   and   aqueous   extract   samples   was   the   highest   followed by Fringed Rue (Ruta chalepensis L.) samples (47.68 and 42.72 & 81.74 and 74.18   µmoles/g   respectively),   while   hexanic   extracts   of   Euryops   (Euryops   arabicus Steud. ex Jaub. & Spach) samples   revealed   the   highest   strong   antioxidant   capacity   followed   by   Fringed   Rue   samples   (23.67   and   13.83   µmoles/g   respectively).   Besides   that, ethanolic   extracts   of   Fringed   Rue   samples   demonstrated   the   highest   total   antioxidant   capacity   followed   by   olive   leaves (Olea europaea subsp. cuspidata (Wall. & G.Don) Cif.) samples (686.95 and 462.62 µmoles/g respectively), while aqueous   extracts   of   Rumex   samples   revealed   superior   total   antioxidant   capacity   followed   by   olive   leaves   samples   and   Fringed Rue samples (869.10, 837.21   and   743.75   µmoles/g   respectively.   But   the   hexanic   extracts   of   Fringed   Rue samples   revealed   valuable   total   antioxidant   capacity   followed by Rumex samples (127.83 and 38.00 µmoles/g respectively.   The   herbal   plants   of   Rumex, Fringed   Rue   and   olive revealed   huge   both   total   and   strong   antioxidant   activity.   In   the   present   study we began   an   initial   approach   to   authenticate   and   identify   different   plant species   in   our   study   using   inter-simple   sequence   repeats (ISSRs) molecular markers

    Evaluation of children with acute gastroenteritis in Konya region

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    Introduction: Acute gastroenteritis is a major cause of pediatric morbidity and mortality around the world. It remains a frequent reason for infection-related admissions to emergency units among all age groups. Epidemiologic knowledge about etiology of gastroenteritis in a certain area allows early and correct diagnosis. The current study aimed at evaluating the prevalence of bacterial, viral, and parasitic pathogens in children with gastroenteritis who admitted to pediatric emergency unit. Methods: The demographic, clinical and laboratory data of 450 children with acute gastroenteritis, within the age range of 0 months to 18 years who admitted to Pediatric Emergency Department of Meram Faculty of Medicine from September 2018 to September 2019 were retrospectively analyzed.Results: While 31.10% of the patients had etiological agents, 68.90% of the patients could not be identified. The identified pathogens were 2.10% bacteria, 82.20% virus, 15.70% parasite. The most common pathogen was Rotavirus with a rate of 72.90%. This was followed by E. histolytica with 15.00% and Adenovirus with 9.30%. Rotavirus was most frequently detected at the age of 2 years, and E. histolytica was most frequently detected at the age of 5 years. Rotavirus was most common in the winter season [33.7%]. 7.10% of the patients were hospitalized. The average length of hospital stay was 3.34 ± 2.19 days.Conclusion: Rotavirus, E. histolytica and Adenovirus were the most prevalent agents of diarrhea in children aged 0 month to 18 years who admitted to emergency unit in this study


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    Chemical composition, minerals content, amino acids, fiber fractions, fatty acids profile, total phenols, total flavonoids and antioxidant activity were determined in wheat flour (WF) 72%, moringa leaves powder (MLP), defatted moringa seeds powder (DMSP) and moringa seeds (MS). Pasting profile and rheological properties of blends supplemented with MLP at levels of 3, 6, 9 and 12% or DMSP at levels of 5, 10, 15 and 20% were also studied. The highest moisture and carbohydrate contents were found in WF (12.60 and 85.05%), respectively. MLP had higher ash and fiber contents (8.87 and 7.91%), respectively, while, protein and fat contents were higher in DMSP and in MS. Mineral content (Ca, K, Mg, P, Na and Fe) in MLP was the highest, while DMSP was higher in Zn content than that of other samples. Fiber fractions of WF were lower than that of both MLP and DMSP. Total essential amino acids of DMSP was higher (19.25%) than that of MLP and WF (12.45 and 4.16%), respectively. Oleic acid was the predominant fatty acid (66.85%) in moringa seeds oil. MLP had the highest value of total phenolic, total flavonoid and antioxidant activity (11.97, 8.02 and 15.87 mg/g), respectively. Color measurements showed that all of MLP, DMSP and WF blends decreased in L*, a*,however, they increased in b*, saturation, hue and ∆E values.    Supplementation with MLP and DMSP at all levels decreased the peak viscosity, trough, breakdown, final and setback viscosities. While, it increased water absorption, dough development time, mixing tolerance index and dough weakening. On contrary, arrival time and dough stability were decreased. Also, MLP and DMSP decreased the extensibility, resistance to extension, maximum resistance to extension energy of dough and the proportional number

    Index Of Instructional Sensitivity Of Holistic Approach Training Module For Malaysian TVET Instructors In Prison

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    The current correctional system under Malaysia Prison Department (Pride) has implemented technical vocational education and training (TVET) as part of their rehabilitation programme. However, training by vocational instructors for inmates requires a holistic approach, as they need to bring the inmates to go beyond employability. As part of correctional programme components, the significant role of vocational instructor is not only about delivering skills, but also to improve inmates’ attitude and perspective about life. Therefore, the Holistic Approach Training Module has been developed. This module focused on the integration of God Consciousness element as a compass of life; internally and externally without disturbing the classic objective in vocational training. The module consists of five variables or qualities which are believing in God, subjective, objective, social and cultural quality. A study was conducted on a group of 91 prisons’ vocational instructors from the East Zone of Malaysian Peninsular and Borneo under Pride. The collected data was analysed using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS for Windows) version 19.0 and Rasch Measurement Modelling with Bond & Fox Steps Software. 42 participants, manage to go through both pre-test and post-test. It was concluded that the result shows module effectiveness by identifying the index of sensitivity by both analysis

    WDM for Multi-user Indoor VLC Systems with SCM

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    A system that employs wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) in conjunction with subcarrier multiplexing (SCM) tones is proposed to realize high data rate multi-user indoor visible light communication (VLC). The SCM tones, which are unmodulated signals, are used to identify each light unit, to find the optimum light unit for each user and to calculate the level of the co-channel interference (CCI). WDM is utilized to attain a high data rate for each user. In this paper, multicolour (four colours) laser diodes (LDs) are utilized as sources of lighting and data communication. One of the WDM colours is used to convey the SCM tones at the beginning of the connection to set up the connection among receivers and light units (to find the optimum light unit for each user). To evaluate the performance of our VLC system, we propose two types of receivers: an array of non-imaging receivers (NI-R) and an array of non-imaging angle diversity receivers (NI-ADR). In this paper, we consider the effects of diffuse reflections, CCI and mobility on the system performance

    Core excitation in Coulomb breakup reactions

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    Within the pure Coulomb breakup mechanism, we investigate the one-neutron removal reaction of the type A(a,bγ\gamma)X with 11^{11}Be and 19^{19}C projectiles on a heavy target nucleus 208^{208}Pb at the beam energy of 60 MeV/nucleon. Our intention is to examine the prospective of using these reactions to study the structure of neutron rich nuclei. Integrated partial cross sections and momentum distributions for the ground as well as excited bound states of core nuclei are calculated within the finite range distorted wave Born approximation as well as within the adiabatic model of the Coulomb breakup. Our results are compared with those obtained in the studies of the reactions on a light target where the breakup proceeds via the pure nuclear mechanism. We find that the transitions to excited states of the core are quite weak in the Coulomb dominated process as compared to the pure nuclear breakup.Comment: Revtex format, five postscript figures included, to appear in Phys. Rev.