3 research outputs found

    Pengendalian Frekuensi Dengan Menggunakan Kontrol Fuzzy Prediktif Pada Simulator Plant Turbin-Generator Pada PLTU

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    Sistem pembangkit dirasakan sangat perlu guna memenuhi kebutuhan tenaga listrik yang semakin meningkat, kestabilan sangat dibutuhkan pada proses pembangkit sehingga sistem pengendalian digunakan untuk menjaga variabel proses tersebut tetap stabil. Salah satunya adalah dengan melakukan pengendali frekuensi pada tubin-generator suatu pembangkit listik, contohnya PLTU (Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Uap). Frekuensi dari turbin uap harus dijaga kestabilannya agar keluaran daya listrik di generator berjalan dengan baik. Fluktuasi frekuensi adalah salah satu kendala penyampaian daya listrik ke beban, juga waktu kembali yang tidak segera ke kondisi normal akan mengakibatkan kerusakan pada sistem seperti patahnya poros turbin-generator dan kemungkinan terjadi gangguan pada jaringan listrik, sehingga perlu dilakukan pengaturan laju aliran uap yang masuk ke turbin. Kontroler yang digunakan untuk menjaga Perubahan frekuensi adalah kontrol fuzzy prediktif, dengan penambahan gain K1 pada kontrol fuzzy prediktif sebesar 42.35 yang bekerja secara sucsessive kontroler ini dapat mengurangi error sebesar 1,04% jika sistem hanya menggunakan kontroler fuzzy pada saat terjadi Perubahan beban

    Respiratory complex I is essential to induce a Warburg profile in mitochondria-defective tumor cells

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    Background: Aerobic glycolysis, namely the Warburg effect, is the main hallmark of cancer cells. Mitochondrial respiratory dysfunction has been proposed to be one of the major causes for such glycolytic shift. This hypothesis has been revisited as tumors appear to undergo waves of gene regulation during progression, some of which rely on functional mitochondria. In this framework, the role of mitochondrial complex I is still debated, in particular with respect to the effect of mitochondrial DNA mutations in cancer metabolism. The aim of this work is to provide the proof of concept that functional complex I is necessary to sustain tumor progression. Methods: Complex I-null osteosarcoma cells were complemented with allotopically expressed complex I subunit 1 (MT-ND1). Complex I re-assembly and function recovery, also in terms of NADH consumption, were assessed. Clones were tested for their ability to grow in soft agar and to generate tumor masses in nude mice. Hypoxia levels were evaluated via pimonidazole staining and hypoxia-inducible factor-1\u3b1 (HIF-1\u3b1) immunoblotting and histochemical staining. 454-pyrosequencing was implemented to obtain global transcriptomic profiling of allotopic and non-allotopic xenografts. Results: Complementation of a truncative mutation in the gene encoding MT-ND1, showed that a functional enzyme was required to perform the glycolytic shift during the hypoxia response and to induce a Warburg profile in vitro and in vivo, fostering cancer progression. Such trigger was mediated by HIF-1\u3b1, whose stabilization was regulated after recovery of the balance between \u3b1-ketoglutarate and succinate due to a recuperation of NADH consumption that followed complex I rescue. Conclusion: Respiratory complex I is essential for the induction of Warburg effect and adaptation to hypoxia of cancer cells, allowing them to sustain tumor growth. Differently from other mitochondrial tumor suppressor genes, therefore, a complex I severe mutation such as the one here reported may confer anti-tumorigenic properties, highlighting the prognostic values of such genetic markers in cancer