25 research outputs found

    The (pro)renin receptor. A decade of research: What have we learned?

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    The discovery of a (pro)renin receptor ((P)RR) in 2002 provided a long-sought explanation for tissue renin-angiotensin system (RAS) activity and a function for circulating prorenin, the inactive precursor of renin, in end-organ damage. Binding of renin and prorenin (referred to as (pro)renin) to the (P)RR increases angiotensin I formation and induces intracellular signalling, resulting in the production of profibrotic factors. However, the (pro)renin concentrations required for intracellular signalling in vitro are several orders of magnitude above (patho)physiological plasma levels. Moreover, the phenotype of prorenin-overexpressing animals could be completely attributed to angiotensin generation, possibly even without the need for a receptor. The efficacy of the only available putative (pro)renin receptor blocker handle region peptide remains doubtful, leading to inconclusive results. The fact that, in contrast to other RAS components, (P)RR knock-outs, even tissue-specific, are lethal, points to an important, (pro)renin-independent, function of the (P)RR. Indeed, recent research has highlighted ancillary functions of the (P)RR as an essential accessory protein of t

    Insights into the mechanism of MCT8 oligomerization

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    Mutations in the thyroid hormone transporter monocarboxylate transporter 8 (MCT8) result in MCT8 deficiency, characterized by severe intellectual and motor disability. The MCT8 protein is predicted to have 12 transmembrane domains (TMDs) and is expressed as monomers, homodimers, and homo-oligomers. This study aimed to delineate the mechanism o

    Insights into the mechanism of MCT8 oligomerization

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    Colocalization of the (Pro)renin receptor/Atp6ap2 with H+-AT pases in mouse kidney but prorenin does not acutely regulate intercalated cell H+-ATPase activity

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    The (Pro)renin receptor (P)RR/Atp6ap2 is a cell surface protein capable of binding and nonproteolytically activate prorenin. Additionally, (P)RR is associated with H+-ATPases and alternative functions in H+-ATPase regulation as well as inWnt signalling have been reported. Kidneys express very high levels of H+-ATPases which are involved in multiple functions such as endocytosis, membrane protein recycling as well as urinary acidification, bicarbonate reabsorption, and salt absorption. Here, we wanted to localize the (P)RR/Atp6ap2 along the murine nephron, exmaine whether the (P)RR/Atp6ap2 is co

    Anemia in Patients With Resistance to Thyroid Hormone α: A Role for Thyroid Hormone Receptor α in Human Erythropoiesis

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    Context: Patients with resistance to thyroid hormone (TH) α (RTHα) are characterized by growth retardation, macrocephaly, constipation, and abnormal thyroid function tests. In addition, almost all RTHα patients have mild anemia, the pathogenesis of which is unknown. Animal studies suggest an important role for TH and TH receptor (TR)α in erythropoiesis.Objective: To investigate whether a defect in TRα affects the maturation of red blood cells in RTHα patients.Design, Setting, and Patients: Cultures of primary human erythroid progenitor cells (HEPs), from peripheral blood of RTHα patients (n = 11) harboring different inactivating mutations in TRα (P398R, F397fs406X, C392X, R384H, A382fs388X, A263V, A263S), were compared with healthy controls (n = 11). During differentiation, erythroid cells become smaller, accumulate hemoglobin, and express different cell surface markers. We assessed cell number and cell size, and used cell staining and fluorescence-activated cell sorter analysis to monitor maturation at different time points.Results: After ∼14 days of ex vivo expansion, both control and patient-derived progenitors differentiated spontaneously. However, RTHα-derived cells differentiated more slowly. During spontaneous differentiation, RTHα-derived HEPs were larger, more positive for c-Kit (a proliferation marker), and less positive for glycophorin A (a differentiation marker). The degree of abnormal spontaneous maturation of RTHα-derived progenitors did not correlate with severity of underlying TRα defect. Both control and RTHα-derived progenitors responded similarly when differentiation was induced. T3 exposure accelerated differentiation of both control- and RTHα patient-derived HEPs.Conclusions: Inactivating mutations in human TRα affect the balance between proliferation and differentiation of progenitor cells d

    Clinical and functional consequences of C-terminal variants in MCT8

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    CONTEXT: Genetic variants in SLC16A2, encoding the thyroid hormone transporter MCT8, can cause intellectual and motor disability and abnormal serum thyroid function tests, known as MCT8 deficiency. The C-terminal domain of MCT8 is poorly conserved, which complicates prediction of the deleteriousness of variants in this region. We studied the functional consequences of 5 novel variants within this domain and their relation to the clinical phenotypes. METHODS: We enrolled male subjects with intellectual disability in whom genetic variants were identified in exon 6 of SLC16A2. The impact of identified variants was evaluated in transiently transfected cell lines and patient-derived fibroblasts. RESULTS: Seven individuals from 5 families harbored potentially deleterious variants affecting the C-terminal domain of MCT8. Two boys with clinical features considered atypical for MCT8 deficiency had a missense variant [c.1724A>G;p.(His575Arg) or c.1796A>G;p.(Asn599Ser)] that did not affect MCT8 function in transfected cells or patient-derived fibroblasts, challenging a causal relationship. Two brothers with classical MCT8 deficiency had a truncating c.1695delT;p.(Val566*) variant that completely inactivated MCT8 in vitro. The 3 other boys had relatively less-severe clinical features and harbored frameshift variants that elongate the MCT8 protein [c.1805delT;p.(Leu602HisfsTer680) and c.del1826-1835;p.(Pro609GlnfsTer676)] and retained ~50% residual activity. Additional truncating variants within transmembrane domain 12 were fully inactivating, whereas those within the intracellular C-terminal tail were tolerated. CONCLUSIONS: Variants affecting the intracellular C-terminal tail of MCT8 are likely benign unless they cause frameshifts that elongate the MCT8 protein. These findings provide clinical guidance in the assessment of the pathogenicity of variants within the C-terminal domain of MCT8

    Removing critical gaps in chemical test methods by developing new assays for the identification of thyroid hormone system-disrupting chemicals—the athena project

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    The test methods that currently exist for the identification of thyroid hormone system-disrupting chemicals are woefully inadequate. There are currently no internationally validated in vitro assays, and test methods that can capture the consequences of diminished or enhanced thyroid hormone action on the developing brain are missing entirely. These gaps put the public at risk and risk assessors in a difficult position. Decisions about the status of chemicals as thyroid hormone system disruptors currently are based on inadequate toxicity data. The ATHENA project (Assays for the identification of Thyroid Hormone axis-disrupting chemicals: Elaborating Novel Assessment strategies) has been conceived to address these gaps. The project will develop new test methods for the disruption of thyroid hormone transport across biological barriers such as the blood–brain and blood–placenta barriers. It will also devise methods for the disruption of the downstream effects on the brain. ATHENA will deliver a testing strategy based on those elements of the thyroid hormone system that, when disrupted, could have the greatest impact on diminished or enhanced thyroid hormone action and therefore should be targeted through effective testing. To further enhance the impact of the ATHENA test method developments, the project will develop concepts for better international collaboration and development in the area of thyroid hormone system disruptor identification and regulation

    Insight Into Molecular Determinants of T3 vs T4 Recognition From Mutations in Thyroid Hormone Receptor alpha and beta

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    Context: The two major forms of circulating thyroid hormones (THs) are T3 and T4. T3 is regarded as the biologically active hormone because it binds to TH receptors (TRs) with greater affinity than T4. However, it is currently unclear what structural mechanisms underlie this difference in affinity.Objective: Prompted by the identification of a novel M256T mutation in a resistance to TH (RTH)alpha patient, we investigated Met256 in TR alpha 1 and the corresponding residue (Met310) in TR beta 1, residues previously predicted by crystallographic studies in discrimination of T3 vs T4.Methods: Clinical characterization of the RTH alpha patient and molecular studies (in silico protein modeling, radioligand binding, transactivation, and receptor-cofactor studies) were performed.Results: Structural modeling of the TR alpha 1-M256T mutant showed that distortion of the hydrophobic niche to accommodate the outer ring of ligand was more pronounced for T3 than T4, suggesting that this substitution has little impact on the affinity for T4. In agreement with the model, TR alpha 1-M256T selectively reduced the affinity for T3. Also, unlike other naturally occurring TR alpha mutations, TR alpha 1-M256T had a differential impact on T3- vs T4-dependent transcriptional activation. TR alpha 1-M256A and TR beta 1-M310T mutants exhibited similar discordance for T3 vs T4.Conclusions: Met256-TR alpha 1/Met310-TR beta 1 strongly potentiates the affinity of TRs for T3, thereby largely determining that T3 is the bioactive hormone rather than T4. These observations provide insight into the molecular basis for underlying the different affinity of TRs for T3 vs T4, delineating a fundamental principle of TH signaling.Genetics of disease, diagnosis and treatmen