844,690 research outputs found
Letter from Kashmir
Colonel S.W. “Syd” Thomson, D.S.O., M.C., CD. Joined the Rocky Mountain Rangers in the 1930s transferring to the Seqforth Highlanders at the outbreak of war. Wounded in Sicily, he returned to serve as Company Commander, Second-in-Command and Commanding Officer of the Battalion.
In October 1944 he was promoted to Acting Colonel and sent to England to command an infantry training unit at Aldershot.
In April 1945 he reverted to Lieut.-Colonel to take command of the Black Watch.
Colonel Thomson volunteered for the Pacific Force and remained in the Army until 1946. He rejoined the forces to serve with the United Nations Military Observers Group in Pakistan. This letter to “Big” Jim Stone (Lieut.-Colonel Jim Stone D.S.O., M.C., CD.) is one of several colourful accounts of his service in Kashmir. Colonel Thomson’s letters will be a regular feature in CMH
Has Dark Energy really been discovered in the Lab?
We show that Dark Energy contributions can not be determined from noise
measurements of Josephson junctions, as was recently suggested in a paper by C.
Beck and M.C. Mackey.Comment: The paper is accepted for publication in Physics Letters B; added
Factorization, charming penguins, and all that
We discuss few selected topics related to the calculation of hadronic
amplitudes relevant for two-body non-leptonic B decays.Comment: LaTeX, 9 pages, 1 eps figure included, uses psfig.sty. Talk given by
M.C. at Beauty '97, UCLA, USA, October 13-17, 199
M.C. Compton\u27s, 1981-1991
Front Text: M.C. Compton\u27s; M.C. Compton\u27s; M.C. Compton\u27s; Doug; 1981-1991
Back Text: n/a
Description: White sweatshirt with black lettering; image of a girl sitting on the moonhttps://digitalcommons.buffalostate.edu/lgbtq_shirts/1086/thumbnail.jp
Upregulation of Polyamine Transport in Human Colorectal Cancer Cells
Funding: M.C. was funded by CONACyT, Mexico with the PhD scholarship 237771/411030. Acknowledgments: We would like to thank Mark Burns of Aminex Therapeutics for kindly providing the AMXT compounds and P.M. Woster from Medical University of South Carolina for DFMO and Gary Cameron for LC-MS analyes Author Contributions: M.C. and H.M.W. designed the study. M.C. performed the experiments, interpreted the data and wrote the manuscript. H.M.W. interpreted the data and revised the manuscript. Conceptualisation, Heather M Wallace; funding acquisition, Heather M Wallace; investigation, Misael Corral; methodology, Misael Corral and Heather M Wallace; resources, H.M.W.; supervision, H.M.W.; validation, M.C.; visualisation, M.C.; writing—original draft, M.C.; writing—review and editing, H.M.W.. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.Peer reviewedPublisher PD
Law of the Iterated Logarithm for some Markov operators
The Law of the Iterated Logarithm for some Markov operators, which converge
exponentially to the invariant measure, is established. The operators
correspond to iterated function systems which, for example, may be used to
generalize the cell cycle model examined by A. Lasota and M.C. Mackey, J. Math.
Biol. (1999).Comment: 23 page
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