61 research outputs found

    Seasonal variation of some limnological factors of lagoa do Guarana : a varzea lake of the High Rio Parana, state of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil

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    Le lac de Guarana présente de fortes variations saisonnières des conditions physico-chimiques du milieu. Celles-ci sont attribuées à deux causes principales : d'une part, le régime hydrologique du Parana qui provoque des modifications de niveau dans le lac et l'inondation de la varzea et, d'autre part, les pluies qui augmentent les apports de carbone organique (composés humiques) et des nutriments par les petits affluents tributaires. (Résumé d'auteur

    Nutrição mineral de hortaliças: XXVI - absorção de macro e micronutrientes pelo espinafre (Tetragonia expansa Murr.)

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    Spinach plants were cultivated under field conditions. All manegement practice were observed. Periodically plants were harvested and analysed for N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S, B, Cu, Fe, Mn, Mo and Zn. - The variety presented a continuous growth expressed, in dry matter, until 120 days. - The greatest demand for nutrients occurs between 93 and 106 days. - The maximum absorption of the nutrients by leaves is around the period of 93 to 106 days. - The absorption of Fe by the spinach plants is continuous until at the end of the plant life. - At 90 days the spinach leaves presented the following concentration: N- 2.54%; P- 0.21%; K- 5.64%; Ca- 1.06%; Mg- 0.83%; S- 0.35%; B- 66 ppm; Cu- 15 ppm; Fe- 364 ppm; Mn- 297 ppm; Zn- 139 ppm and Mo- 0.83 ppm. - One plant and 22,222 spinach plants (one ha.) remove the following quantities in nutrients:O presente trabalho teve como finalidade, estudar alguns aspectos da nutrição mineral do espinafre (Tetragonia expansa Murr.) no que concerne à composição química e a avaliação das quantidades de nutrientes extraídos e exportados pela cultura, nas diversas etapas de seu desenvolvimento. Para isto foi instalado um experimento de campo usando as práticas culturais normais. Amostragens periódicas foram feitas de acordo com o desenvolvimento das plantas. Conclui-se que: - a máxima produção de matéria seca das tolhas ocorre nos 93 dias e a época de maior exigência corresponde aos 63 dias; - a época de extração máxima dos nutrientes pelas folhas está entre 93 a 106 dias; - as quantidades extraídas pela parte aérea aos 90 dias, por ha, são: N- 39,7 kg; P- 4,7 kg; K- 120,6 kg; Ca- 24,8 kg; Mg- 16,0 kg; S-5,7 kg; B- 149,4 g; Cu- 34,4 g; Fe- 592,8 g; Mn- 462,2 g; Zn- 147,9 g; Mo- 2,2 g

    Detection of periodontal pathogens in mothers of preterm birth and/or low weight

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    The present study aims to estimate the possible relationship between periodontal pathogens in the oral cavity and the birth of Preterm Birth (PTB) and/or Low Birth Weight (LBW). It?s a case- control study with the subgengival biofilm samples were collected from four sites up deeper until 48 hours postpartum and were processes by Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) for presence the periodontal pathogens Prevotella intermedia (Pi), Fusobacterium nucleatum (Fn), Porphyromonas gingivalis (Pg), Treponema denticola (Td),  Tannerella forsythia (Tf) e Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans (Aa). The mothers were divided into case grup (babies weighing < 2500g and/or gestational age < 37 weeks) and control group (babies weighing ? 2500g and gestational age ? 37 weeks). Chi-square test and the measure of association obtained by Odds Ratio (OR) were used to estimate the association between the variables. Microbial analyses results showed no significant association between PTB and LBW with most periodontal pathogens in the oral cavity, even with association with the clinical presence of periodontitis. given the high presence of periodontal pathogens in the biofilm subgengival of recent mothers, it is suggested that the findings of this research serve as the basis for future studies on the pathophysiology involved in the relationship between periodontitis and PTB and/or LBW

    Is there association between chronic kidney disease and dental caries? A case-controlled study

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    The purpose of this study was to assess the association between chronic kidney diseases (CKD) and dental caries. 107 patients with CKD and 107 with no systemic alteration were randomly included. DMFT (decayed, missing, and filled teeth), plaque index, colony-forming units (CFU) of Streptococcus mutans and salivary composition (IgA total, IgA anti- Streptococcus mutans, calcium and urea) were evaluated. McNemar and Wilcoxon tests were used to compare test and control groups. Spearman test was used to correlate time of hemodialysis and variables studied. Associations between variables were evaluated by logistic regression analysis. The number of filled teeth, the amount of IgA anti-Streptococcus mutans, salivary urea, education level, monthly income and the amount of CFU of Streptococcus mutans were statistically different between groups. There was a positive correlation between the duration of hemodialysis (Hd) and the amount of IgA anti-Streptococcus mutans, urea in saliva, and the number of CFU of Streptococcus mutans. In the adjusted model, a higher incidence of CFU mutans streptococci, elevated salivary urea, smaller number of filled teeth, lower DMFT, and less calcium salivary were associated with CKD. Programs to prevent and treat oral problems and regular follow-up at the beginning of dialysis are necessary to increase patients? awareness of their condition

    Nutrição mineral de hortaliças XXX: absorção de micronutrientes por quatro cultivares de morangueiro (Fragaria sp.)

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    The aim of this work was to estimate the differences in nutrients uptake and exportation of micronutrients by the fallowings cultivars: Campinas (IAC-2712), Camanducaia (IAC-3530); Monte Alegre (IAC-3113) and SH-2. The experimental was carried out in a soil - Terra Roxa Extruturada type, "Luiz de Queiroz", serie. The experimental design was that randomized blocks with four replications and analysed together following the design of split-plot. The soil of the plots were revolved to a deep of 12 cm. following application of 10 kg. organic matter/m². The fertilizers were applied in the groove and in the same amount for all cultivars: Ammonium sulfate (20% N); triple superpohsphate (20% P2O5); potassium chloride (60% K2O). Thirty days of ter planting, 10 g./plant of ammonium sulfate was applied. After 76 days from planting, the first sample was taken. Other samples were taken in equal intervals of 20 days, up to 216 days. The samples were devided into stems, leaves and fruits. Chemical analysis were sun for B, Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn. The followings conclusions could be drawn. The were differences our micronutrients content in stems and leaves among the cultivares (B, Cu, Fe, Zn) and in the fruits for B, Cu and Fe.Efetuou-se um estudo para avaliar a absorção e a extração de B, Cu, Fe, Mn e Zn nos cultivares Campinas (IAC-2712), Camanducaia (IAC-3530), Monte Alegre (IAC-3113), SH-2 em condições de Campo. O ensaio foi instalado em um solo pertencente ao grande grupo Terra Roxa Extruturada, na série "Luiz de Queiroz" em Piracicaba, SP. A adubação empregada foi uniforme para todos os cultivares e constou em 10 g/m linear de sulfato de amônio, superfosfato triplo e cloreto de ptoássio. Trinta dias após o transplante foram aplicados 10 g de sulfato de amônio por planta. As plantas foram amostradas aos 16 dias após o transplante e as demais amostragens feitas em intervalos regalares de vinte dias até aos 216 dias. As plantas foram divididas em caules (pecíolo + coroa), folhas e frutos e analisadas para B, Cu, Fe, Mn e Zn. O delineamento experimental foi de blocos inteiramente casualizados, com quatro repetições. Os cultivares diferem na absorção de Cu, Fe, Mm e Zn para caules, folhas e em B, Cu e Fe para os frutos. Os cultivares exportam em quantidades diferentes os micronutrientes, obedecendo a seguinte ordem decrescente: F, Zn, B, Mn e Cu