62 research outputs found

    Ins1 (Cre) knock-in mice for beta cell-specific gene recombination.

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    AIMS/HYPOTHESIS: Pancreatic beta cells play a central role in the control of glucose homeostasis by secreting insulin to stimulate glucose uptake by peripheral tissues. Understanding the molecular mechanisms that control beta cell function and plasticity has critical implications for the pathophysiology and therapy of major forms of diabetes. Selective gene inactivation in pancreatic beta cells, using the Cre-lox system, is a powerful approach to assess the role of particular genes in beta cells and their impact on whole body glucose homeostasis. Several Cre recombinase (Cre) deleter mice have been established to allow inactivation of genes in beta cells, but many show non-specific recombination in other cell types, often in the brain. METHODS: We describe the generation of Ins1 (Cre) and Ins1 (CreERT2) mice in which the Cre or Cre-oestrogen receptor fusion protein (CreERT2) recombinases have been introduced at the initiation codon of the Ins1 gene. RESULTS: We show that Ins1 (Cre) mice induce efficient and selective recombination of floxed genes in beta cells from the time of birth, with no recombination in the central nervous system. These mice have normal body weight and glucose homeostasis. Furthermore, we show that tamoxifen treatment of adult Ins1 (CreERT2) mice crossed with Rosa26-tdTomato mice induces efficient recombination in beta cells. CONCLUSIONS/INTERPRETATION: These two strains of deleter mice are useful new resources to investigate the molecular physiology of pancreatic beta cells

    La formación retórica del gobernante. Un imprescindible olvidado

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    Este cuaderno contiene: "Índice" "Prólogo" "La retórica en la formación del comunicador" "Ethos del orador, ethos del gobernante" "Importancia de la formación retórica del gobernante. Vigencia del modelo clásico de educación política" "Dame un balcón y seré presidente" "Bibliografía

    Humanizar emprendiendo: homenaje a Rafael Alvira

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    Este cuaderno contiene "El Instituto y Rafael Alvira" "La carta 9 de Séneca" "Rafael Alvira: la castiza filosofía del hombre que vuelve" "Añoranza del humanismo necesario" "Una reflexión filosófica sobre lo económico: comentario a un texto de Rafael Alvira" "La dimensión societaria de la economía y de la empresa" "Sobre el espíritu aristocrático y el empresario: responsabilidades de ayer, responsabilidades de hoy" "Sobre el sistema de los derechos del hombre: el punto de vista de Charles Péguy" "El hogar familiar: espacio de lo eterno" "¿Filosofar con el martillo o con la empresa?" "Qué queremos decir cuando hablamos de desarrollo" "Tipologías de la información económico-financiera en la empresa. Valores y valoración" "Rafael Alvira y la Universidad de Montevideo" "Breve introducción al examen sistemático de “Cristianismo y empresarialidad”" "La realidad del poder en la familia y en la empresa familiar" "El todo y la parte. Alabanza de la sinécdoque" "Las raíces del liderazgo auténtico. Una fenomenología básica" "Algunas consideraciones sobre el poder político

    Characterization of thermal protection elements for composites materials through thermal analysis

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    Highest level automotive competition is one of the sectors that takes the materials to the limit of their specifications in their commissioning, creating in this way knowledge in new technological fields. An example would be the use of structures made in CFRPs in competition, being gradually movin on the general automotive industry. The objective of this work is to determine the effectiveness of thermal protection elements that have to be installed in those structures of vehicles manufactured in CFRP exposed to high temperatures, such as pontoons covering the power unit and its exhaust manifolds, treating to discriminate which of them offer better protection at the lowest possible weight. In this work, 3 different protection systems have been evaluated, subjecting them to 3 types of tests, such as adhesion, weight and effectiveness of thermal protection. The method described here has made possible to evaluate the different efficacy of the systems tested, yielding additional data on the weight, adhesion and cost of the protection system