909 research outputs found

    Las profecías son noticia. El uso del futuro en la información televisiva española sobre la crisis de Irak (24 de febrero-20 de marzo 2003).

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    Este artículo analiza el recurso a la anticipación del futuro en la cobertura informativa que las cadenas generalistas de televisión españolas hicieron de la crisis de Irak hasta el estallido de la guerra (24 de febrero al 20 de marzo de 2003). Se realiza un análisis cuantitativo y cualitativo de los informativos de prime time de la cadena pública TVE 1 y de dos cadenas privadas, Telecinco y Antena 3. Se analiza el estilo, fuentes y consecuencias que estas referencias sobre lo venidero tuvieron en el modo de presentar la crisis en general. Se mostrará cómo utiliza el periodismo televisivo, en este período y sobre este tema, los presagios y cómo muchos de ellos fueron especulaciones sin base real. Su papel, en algunos casos, fue mantener el interés por el tema con un tono sensacionalista. En otros, adelantaba la guerra como única salida de la crisis

    Does TikTok allow quality debate? A case study on poverty

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    This study analyses temporary employees’ perceptions and This article analyzes whether the features of TikTok allow for meaningful debates and how they are conducted. To do so, we used a case study approach: user conversations about socially excluded individuals in a context marked by the Covid-19 pandemic and subsequent economic crisis, which have exacerbated hardships in developing countries. A total of 100 videos published in Spain since 2020 on this topic, along with 38,462 comments, are examined. We performed a content analysis of the videos, considering their thematic, technical, and stylistic characteristics. Additionally, we conducted a textual analysis of the comments taking into account the authorial and conversational dimensions. The study concludes that the structure of TikTok does not enable high-quality debates in this case study. The videos provide an episodic view of the topics, and on average users participate only once expressing opinions based on personal experiences or existing biases. Moreover, the debate is muddled in this specific topic due to intergenerational conflicts. Judgmental attitudes lead to messages that are both cruel in the form of advice and expressions of humor. The analysis reveals a strong sentiment of aporophobia in the opinions expressed on this platform. Therefore, it is advisable to recommend the inclusion of this marginalized group among the protected groups in the community guidelines.Este artículo analiza si las características de TikTok permiten debates significativos y cómo se realizan. Para ello se utiliza un caso de estudio: las conversaciones de los usuarios sobre las personas en riesgo de exclusión social en un contexto, el de la pandemia y la crisis económica, en el que se han incrementado las privaciones en los países en desarrollo. Se examinan 100 vídeos publicados en España y producidos desde 2020 con este tema, así como 38.462 comentarios. Se aplica un análisis de contenido a los vídeos que incluye características temáticas, técnicas y de estilo; y un análisis textual a los comentarios en el que se tiene en cuenta la dimensión autoral y conversacional. Se concluye que la estructura de TikTok no permite un debate de calidad en este caso de estudio, porque los vídeos ofrecen una visión episódica de los temas, porque los usuarios intervienen, de media, una vez y lo hacen para expresar una opinión basada en experiencias propias o en prejuicios existentes, y porque el debate se enturbia, en este tema concreto, por la existencia de un enfrentamiento generacional. El enjuiciamiento conduce a posturas que generan mensajes crueles, tanto en forma de consejos como en expresiones de humor. El análisis permite afirmar que, en la opinión evidenciada en esta plataforma, existe un fuerte sentimiento de aporofobia. Conviene por ello recomendar la inclusión de este colectivo entre los grupos protegidos en las normas de esta comunidad

    The Spanish Civil War on Televisión Española during the Franco era (1956-1975)

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    The evolution of the discourse offered by Spanish public television broadcaster TVE on the Civil War will be analysed from the station’s beginnings until Franco's death. The study was carried out by viewing all the relevant audiovisual materials that are available from the RTVE archive. The authors have studied documentaries and, to a lesser extent, news programmes. Some of the materials solely focused on the conflict, others dealt with it only tangentially. No fiction productions about the Civil War were kept in the archive, even though a number were broadcast. This paper sheds some light on the reasons for the change in the way the Spanish Civil War was presented

    Decoherence of Histories and Hydrodynamic Equations for a Linear Oscillator Chain

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    We investigate the decoherence of histories of local densities for linear oscillators models. It is shown that histories of local number, momentum and energy density are approximately decoherent, when coarse-grained over sufficiently large volumes. Decoherence arises directly from the proximity of these variables to exactly conserved quantities (which are exactly decoherent), and not from environmentally-induced decoherence. We discuss the approach to local equilibrium and the subsequent emergence of hydrodynamic equations for the local densities.Comment: 37 pages, RevTe

    The Effectiveness of Maintenance Pharmacotherapies for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer

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    Although current recommendations for the treatment of advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) include a maximum of six cycles of platinum-based combination therapy as a first-line approach, most patients experience progression within 3–4 months. Therefore, a new treatment strategy, maintenance therapy, has been proposed, and several large randomized prospective controlled trials have shown benefits with maintenance therapy. Maintenance therapy can be classified as either continuation maintenance, which is defined as a prolongation of a part of the first-line chemotherapy or molecularly targeted agent until progression, or switch-maintenance, which is defined as the administration of a different cytotoxic chemotherapy or molecularly targeted agent immediately after induction therapy. In this article, recent results from large randomized phase III trials regarding maintenance therapy are reviewed in order to evaluate the role of maintenance therapy in NSCLC

    The Localization of ss-Wave and Quantum Effective Potential of a Quasi-Free Particle with Position-Dependent Mass

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    The properties of the s-wave for a quasi-free particle with position-dependent mass(PDM) have been discussed in details. Differed from the system with constant mass in which the localization of the s-wave for the free quantum particle around the origin only occurs in two dimensions, the quasi-free particle with PDM can experience attractive forces in DD dimensions except D=1 when its mass function satisfies some conditions. The effective mass of a particle varying with its position can induce effective interaction which may be attractive in some cases. The analytical expressions of the eigenfunctions and the corresponding probability densities for the s-waves of the two- and three-dimensional systems with a special PDM are given, and the existences of localization around the origin for these systems are shown.Comment: 12pages, 8 figure

    Quantum computers in phase space

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    We represent both the states and the evolution of a quantum computer in phase space using the discrete Wigner function. We study properties of the phase space representation of quantum algorithms: apart from analyzing important examples, such as the Fourier Transform and Grover's search, we examine the conditions for the existence of a direct correspondence between quantum and classical evolutions in phase space. Finally, we describe how to directly measure the Wigner function in a given phase space point by means of a tomographic method that, itself, can be interpreted as a simple quantum algorithm.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figures, to appear in Phys Rev

    On the power of the semi-separated pair decomposition

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    A Semi-Separated Pair Decomposition (SSPD), with parameter s > 1, of a set is a set {(A i ,B i )} of pairs of subsets of S such that for each i, there are balls and containing A i and B i respectively such that min ( radius ) , radius ), and for any two points p, q S there is a unique index i such that p A i and q B i or vice-versa. In this paper, we use the SSPD to obtain the following results: First, we consider the construction of geometric t-spanners in the context of imprecise points and we prove that any set of n imprecise points, modeled as pairwise disjoint balls, admits a t-spanner with edges which can be computed in time. If all balls have the same radius, the number of edges reduces to . Secondly, for a set of n points in the plane, we design a query data structure for half-plane closest-pair queries that can be built in time using space and answers a query in time, for any ε> 0. By reducing the preprocessing time to and using space, the query can be answered in time. Moreover, we improve the preprocessing time of an existing axis-parallel rectangle closest-pair query data structure from quadratic to near-linear. Finally, we revisit some previously studied problems, namely spanners for complete k-partite graphs and l

    Influence of coffee/water ratio on the final quality of espresso coffee

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    Espresso coffee is a polyphasic beverage in which the physico-chemical and sensory characteristics obviously depend on both the selection of ground roasted coffee and the technical conditions of the percolation process. The aim of this work was to evaluate the influence of the coffee/water ratio on the physico-chemical and sensory quality of espresso coffee. Furthermore, the influence of botanical varieties (Arabica and Robusta) and the type of roast (conventional and torrefacto) on the selection of coffee/water ratio was studied. The relationship between pH and the perception of acidity intensity is discussed in relation to the influence of the coffee/water ratio, type of coffee and roast. The optimisation of other technical parameters in previous studies seemed to minimise the influence of an increase in the coffee/water ratio on the extraction of soluble and solid compounds. In fact, only some sensory attributes, such as bitterness, astringency and burnt, acrid and earthy/musty flavours were proposed as relevant to the selection of 6.5 g 40 mL(-1) or 7.5 g 40 mL(-1) in conventional roasted coffees (Arabica 100% and Robusta blend), and 6.5 g 40 mL(-1) in torrefacto roasted coffees. On the other hand, the addition of sugar during the roasting process in torrefacto roast coffees seemed to contribute to a higher generation of acids, melanoidins and other compounds by the Maillard reaction or caramelisation, which led us to select the lowest coffee/water ratio
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