152 research outputs found

    Preparation of glucosamine hydrochloride from the chitin of Penaeus monodon

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    The present work gives some information on use of shrimp wastes of processing industries of Bangladesh in preparation of valuable chitin products such as glucosamine hydrochloride

    Bioaccumulation of arsenic(As) and phosphorous by transplanting Aman rice in arsenic-contaminated clay soils.

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    Arsenic pollution in soil and water has aroused a considerable attention. Inorganic species of arsenic are associated with various internal cancers and create other health problems. An experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of soil arsenic (As) concentration on arsenic and phosphorous accumulation in root, straw, husk and grain of rice (Oryza sativa). BRRI dhan 33 and BR 11 rice varieties were planted on six levels of As contaminated growth media (T1=3.2, T2=11.6, T3=18.7, T4=38.6, T5=57.8 and T6=80.3 ppm As) in a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with six replications (Completely Randomized Design). Arsenic concentrations in root, straw, husk and grain were increased significantly with increasing soil As concentration. It was observed that As was highly concentrated in the roots, whereas, phosphorous was high in the grain. Among the treatments, T6 showed highest As accumulation. Arsenic contents in grain and husk of BR 11 were found higher than those of grain and husk of BRRI dhan 33. The straw and root of BRRI dhan 33 showed higher concentration of As than straw and root of BR 11. Phosphorous concentrations in straw, husk and grain were also increased with increase of soil As concentrations. Oryza sativa showed high bioconcentration factor (BCF) and low translocation factor (TF). Therefore, As content in grains did not exceed the maximum permissible limit of 1 mg As kg-1, but straw As is highly risky for animal health as well as human food-chain. It could be concluded that BRRI dhan 33 can be cultivated instead of BR11 in As contaminated soil

    Study of the effect of rare-earth oxide addition on the magnetic and dielectric properties of Sr-hexaferrites

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    Magnetic and dielectric properties of M-type Sr-hexaferrites of composition (SrO)1-x (La2O3)x 5.7 Fe2O3, where x = 0.00, 0.04, 0.08 prepared by conventional ceramic technology at different sintering temperatures using magnetite of Cox’s Bazar beach sand, Bangladesh have been investigated in the present work. Investigations have been carried out by permeability, loss tangent, quality factor and dielectric constant measurements of various samples of Sr-hexaferrites with the addition of La2O3. In our entire study, magnetic and dielectric properties of Srhexaferrites have been found to be strongly dependent upon the additives, temperature and frequency

    Dissimilar materials laser welding characteristics of stainless steel and titanium alloy

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    Welding parameters are directly influenced by the work material properties. Thermal properties such as thermal conductivity and melting point are very important to estimate the range of power required and the allowable scanning speed. However, when two or more different materials are involved, modifying lasing parameters are not enough to counter the problems such as imbalance melting region and weak adhesion of contact surface. To counter this problem, the characteristics of welding beads formation for both materials need to be clarified. In this study, comparison of welding beads constructed using the same scanning parameters were done to understand the different and similarity of melted region for the both materials. Actual welding of the both materials were done under different offset distance to obtain a balanced melting area and well mixed melting region

    Faktor-Faktor Ketertarikan Menghafal Al Qur’an Pada Mahasiswauniversitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

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    Ketertarikan menghafal Al Qur’an pada mahasiswa muncul dikarenakan adanya objek ketertarikan yang menarik perhatian mahasiswa untuk mengikuti pelatihan menghafal Al Qur’an yang diadakan oleh UKM (Unit Kegiatan Mahasiwa) MPQ (Mahasiswa Pecinta Al Qur’an). Ketertarikan merupakan sebab akibat dari perhatian, maka kemudian akan ada faktor ketertarikan yang diikuti oleh motivasi pada mahasiswa yang mengikuti pelatihan menghafalAl Qur’an. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggali, memahami dan mendiskripsikan faktor-faktor ketertarikan menghafal Al Qur’an pada mahasiswa UMS. Responden dalam penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa aktif UMS antara semester 2-4 rentang usia 18-21 tahun yang memiliki latar belakang pendidikan bukan alumni Pondok Pesantren Tahfidzhul Qur’an, aktif dalam pelatihan menghafal Al Qur’an yang diadakan oleh MPQ, minimal pernah bergabung dalam MPQ selama 6 bulan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan teknik wawancara dan observasi. Metode analisis data menggunakan analisis deskriptif, sedangkan pengumpulan data dengan teknik purposive sampling. Kesimpulan dari hasil penelitian tentang faktor-faktor ketertarikan menghafal Al Qur’an pada mahasiswa UMS, yaitu: data yang diperoleh dari keempat subjek dapat disimpulkan bahwa faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi ketertarikan subjek menghafal Al Qur’an dibagi menjadi dua faktor, yaitu faktor intrinstik dan faktor ekstrinsik. Faktor intrinsik meliputi keyakinan, bekal kehidupan, mengasah kemampuan menghafal. Adapun faktor ekstrinsik meliputi, keluarga, status sosial, konformitas, dan modeling. Sedangkan motivasi subjek dalam menghafal Al Qur’an dibedakan menjadi dua yaitu motivasi internal dan motivasi eksternal. Motivasi internal meliputi ingin memperoleh kesuksesan didunia maupun diakherat, memiliki dasar agama, meraih derajat kemuliaan, mewujudkan cita-cita, bentuk bakti kepada orang tua, dan memberi contoh bagi orang lain untuk menghafal Al Qur’an. Adapun motivasi eksternal meliputi dorongan, saran, dan arahan dari orang tua, teman, dan ustadz saat menyampaikan ceramah seputar keutamaan menghafal Al Qur’an dan mendapatkan beasiswa. Kata kunci: ketertarikan menghafal Al Qur’a

    Hubungan Antara Motivasi Berprestasi Dengan Manajemen Waktu Pada Asisten Mata Kuliah Praktikum

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    This study aims to determine the relationship between achievement motivation and time management, achievement motivation level, time management level and effective contribution of achievement motivation to time management. Researchers use the subject of research as much as 90 lab assistant at faculty of psychology university of muhammadiyah surakarta with population study techniques. Methods of data collection using Achievement Motivation Scale and Time Management Scale. Data analysis was performed by product moment analysis. The result of correlation coefficient value (r) is 0.611 with sig. (1-tailed) = 0,000; p <0.01 shows there is a very significant positive relationship between achievement motivation and time management. Based on the results of analysis of achievement motivation variables has empirical mean (RE) of 119.1 and hypothetic mean (RH) of 97.5 which means achievement motivation research subject is high. Time management variable has empirical mean (RE) equal to 83,3 and hypothetic mean (RH) equal to 70 which mean time management of research subject is high. Effective contribution of achievement motivation by 37.3% to time management

    إجماعات الشوكاني في نيل الأوطار جمعاً ودراسة من أول كتاب الطهارة إلى نهاية كتاب الصلاة رسالة مقدمة لنيل درجة الماجستير في الفكر الإسلامي Imam Syawkany’s Consensus in His Book Naylul Author, from the chapter of Thaharah to the Chapter of Salah

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    Actually in quoting of ijma’(consensus), it is in desperate need of studying and researching its validity. The consensus often solves many disagreed reasons. Because it’s appointed reasoning is stronger and more accurate than Al Quran and Al Hadith but unfortunately, ijma’has little attention in the study and test. The Ummah need to know the truth of quoting ijma’ and it is not wise to leave the matter floating in uncertainty. This is the role of the scholars and researchers, wherein they can restore the understanding of kholaf generation to the understanding of the salaf generation as well as move the attention of the people towards the scholars dispute to their agreement.This study uses the deductive method, that discusses the problem from its roots, rules and their application in the book Naylul Author, and the inductive method which concludes many opinions in various matters. Including the important result of this study is that Imam Syawkany insists consensus in the book of Thaharah and Salahas many as forty three problems, thirty seven of them are proven valid but six of them are proven invalid. Keywords : Ijma, Shawkany, Naylul Autho

    Clostridium Perfpringens and Sulphite Reducing Clostridia Densities in Selected Tropical Malaysian Rivers

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    Clostridium perfringens (CP) and sulphite reducing clostridia (SRC) densities in the Selangor River, Bernam River and Tengi River Canal were examined between April 2007 and January 2008. Water samples were taken from two or three locations along each river, using either depth-integration or grab sampling methods. The downstream sampling site of the Selangor River, Rantau Panjang, reported the highest arithmetic mean of CP and SRC densities (583.45 and 8,120.08 cfu/100 ml, respectively). Both CP and SRC densities in the Selangor River increased further downstream, but the reverse was true in the Bernam River. The SRC densities in these rivers were significantly different from each other (p0.05). SRC densities were significantly correlated (p0.05). River discharge had no significant correlation with SRC or CP densities by study site (p>0.05). Since the Selangor River has a denser human population along its banks, this study confirms CP as a suitable indicator of human fecal contamination. However, tracing CF distribution along the river is more difficult than SRC. To our knowledge, this is the first study of CP and SRC densities from Malaysian rivers. CP densities found in this study were within the range of general water bodies reported from other countries

    Creating the conditions for scaling up the integration of reproductive health services for men in health and family welfare centers in Bangladesh

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    An operations research study, supported by the Population Council’s Frontiers in Reproductive Health (FRONTIERS) program, showed that reproductive health services for men could be feasibly and acceptably integrated within the Health and Family Welfare Centres in Bangladesh, which have been primarily women-centered health facilities. Given these findings, a follow-up study was implemented to create the conditions for scaling up the model through identifying and piloting the operational details to consider when taking the intervention to scale. The findings presented in this report suggest that this model of service delivery and training can be scaled up countrywide, preferably in stages. To ensure compliance with systematic screening by all providers, the report recommends instituting supportive supervision, especially during the early stages of expansion, and holding clinical training in a facility where many RTI/STI cases are treated (such as a district hospital)

    Helicoidal instability of a scroll vortex in three-dimensional reaction-diffusion systems

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    We study the dynamics of scroll vortices in excitable reaction-diffusion systems analytically and numerically. We demonstrate that intrinsic three-dimensional instability of a straight scroll leads to the formation of helicoidal structures. This behavior originates from the competition between the scroll curvature and unstable core dynamics. We show that the obtained instability persists even beyond the meander core instability of two-dimensional spiral wave.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, revte