36 research outputs found

    Closing the window on the axigluon mass using top quark production data

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    The contribution of axigluons (the massive color-octet gauge bosons in all chiral color models) to top quark pair production in hadronic collisions is considered. The agreement between the experimental values of the ttbar production cross-section at the TEVATRON and recent QCD predictions is used to discuss limits on the axigluon mass. Specifically,intermediate mass axigluons, those in the mass range 50 GeV < M_A < 120 GeV which has not already been excluded, would increase the tree-level qqbar -> ttbar cross-section by a factor of >= 2, thereby increasing the theoretical predictions for sigma_{ttbar} by Delta sigma_{ttbar} = 3.2-3.7 pb (2.7-3.1 pb) using leading-order (next-to-leading order) parton distributions over this mass range, independent of the axigluon decay width. Such an increase is roughly 1.3-1.6 (0.9-1.2) standard deviations larger than that suggested by the apparent good agreement between combined experimental results and recent theoretical calculations and so is not ruled out, but is definitely disfavored. Future high-statistics top-quark production runs will likely make a more definitive statement. The forward-backward asymmetry in ttbar production induced by axigluons in this mass window is also discussed and found to be quite large and so could provide another constraint.Comment: 9 pages, LaTeX, 2 separate postscript file

    Radiation zeros and scalar particles beyond the standard model

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    Standard radiation zeros arise from the factorization properties of tree-level amplitudes involving a massless photon and can occur when all charged particles in the initial and final state have the same sign. We investigate how several different processes involving new scalar particles beyond the standard model may exhibit radiation zeros and how this structure might be exploited to probe their electromagnetic structure. We focus on (i) unnoticed aspects of angular zeros in the process e- + e- --> Delta-- + gamma for doubly charged Higgs boson (or any bilepton) production and (ii) the process gamma + e- --> q + S/V for scalar (S) or vector (V) leptoquarks (LQs). We also discuss how factorized amplitudes and radiation zeros may appear in the gauge boson fusion production of non-conjugate leptoquark pairs via gamma + W --> S_i + S_j* in high energy ee reactions and how the zeros affect the production cross-sections for various types of scalar leptoquarks.Comment: 18 pages (LaTeX) plus 5 postscript figure

    QCD-supression by Black Hole Production at the LHC

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    Possible consequences of the production of small black holes at the LHC for different scenarios with large extra dimensions are investigated. The effects from black hole production on some standard jet observables are examined, concentrating on the reduction of the QCD cross section. It is found that black hole production of partons interacting on a short enough distance indeed seem to generate a drastic drop in the QCD cross section. However from an experimental point of view this will in most cases be camouflaged by energetic radiation from the black holes

    Zeroing in on more photons and gluons

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    We discuss radiation zeros that are found in gauge tree amplitudes for processes involving multi-photon emission. Previous results are clarified by examples and by further elaboration. The conditions under which such amplitude zeros occur are identical in form to those for the single-photon zeros, and all radiated photons must travel parallel to each other. Any other neutral particle likewise must be massless (e.g. gluon) and travel in that common direction. The relevance to questions like gluon jet identification and computational checks is considered. We use examples to show how certain multi-photon amplitudes evade the zeros, and to demonstrate the connection to a more general result, the decoupling of an external electromagnetic plane wave in the ``null zone". Brief comments are made about zeros associated with other gauge-boson emission.Comment: 26 page

    Third-generation leptoquark decays and collider searches

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    Collider searches for first-, second-, and third-generation scalar (S) or vector (V) leptoquarks (LQs) focus on the quark-lepton decay modes S,V -> q l. For SU(2)-doublet and -triplet leptoquarks with a sufficiently large splitting between the components, decays involving real W-boson emission (such as S_2^{(+5/3)} -> S_2^{(+2/3)} W^{+} and others) become possible and can change the patterns of leptoquark decays. For third-generation leptoquarks, where these mass splittings might be large, such modes could dominate certain leptoquark decays as they are (if kinematically allowed) guaranteed to be of order g^2 where g is the electroweak coupling. We calculate the decay rates for all such processes involving SU(2)-doublet and triplet, scalar and vector leptoquarks. Standard limits on mass splittings from precision electroweak measurements imply that only such decays involving SU(2)-doublet scalar LQs are likely kinematically possible.Comment: 13 pages, LaTeX, 2 separate postscript figure

    Quantum mechanical analysis of the equilateral triangle billiard: periodic orbit theory and wave packet revivals

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    Using the fact that the energy eigenstates of the equilateral triangle infinite well (or billiard) are available in closed form, we examine the connections between the energy eigenvalue spectrum and the classical closed paths in this geometry, using both periodic orbit theory and the short-term semi-classical behavior of wave packets. We also discuss wave packet revivals and show that there are exact revivals, for all wave packets, at times given by Trev=9μa2/4πT_{rev} = 9 \mu a^2/4\hbar \pi where aa and μ\mu are the length of one side and the mass of the point particle respectively. We find additional cases of exact revivals with shorter revival times for zero-momentum wave packets initially located at special symmetry points inside the billiard. Finally, we discuss simple variations on the equilateral (60606060^{\circ}-60^{\circ}-60^{\circ}) triangle, such as the half equilateral (30609030^{\circ}-60^{\circ}-90^{\circ}) triangle and other `foldings', which have related energy spectra and revival structures.Comment: 34 pages, 9 embedded .eps figure

    Wave packet revivals and the energy eigenvalue spectrum of the quantum pendulum

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    The rigid pendulum, both as a classical and as a quantum problem, is an interesting system as it has the exactly soluble harmonic oscillator and the rigid rotor systems as limiting cases in the low- and high-energy limits respectively. The energy variation of the classical periodicity (τ\tau) is also dramatic, having the special limiting case of τ\tau \to \infty at the 'top' of the classical motion (i.e. the separatrix.) We study the time-dependence of the quantum pendulum problem, focusing on the behavior of both the (approximate) classical periodicity and especially the quantum revival and superrevival times, as encoded in the energy eigenvalue spectrum of the system. We provide approximate expressions for the energy eigenvalues in both the small and large quantum number limits, up to 4th order in perturbation theory, comparing these to existing handbook expansions for the characteristic values of the related Mathieu equation, obtained by other methods. We then use these approximations to probe the classical periodicity, as well as to extract information on the quantum revival and superrevival times. We find that while both the classical and quantum periodicities increase monotonically as one approaches the 'top' in energy, from either above or below, the revival times decrease from their low- and high-energy values until very near the separatrix where they increase to a large, but finite value.Comment: 27 pages, 8 embedded .eps figures; to appear, Annals of Physic

    Heavy quark production via leptoquarks at a neutrino factory

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    The proposed neutrino factory (NF) based on a muon storage ring (MSR) is an ideal place to look for heavy quark production via neutral current (NC) and charged current (CC) interactions. In this article, we address the issue of contribution coming from mediating leptoquarks (LQ) in νμ(νˉe)N\nu_\mu (\bar\nu_e)-{\rm N} interactions leading to the production of b(bˉ)b(\bar b) at a MSR and investigate the region where LQ interactions are significant in the near-site experiments.Comment: 12 pages latex, 10 ps figures, uses axocolour.sty, Slightly revised version to appear in PR

    Bohmian mechanics, the quantum-classical correspondence and the classical limit: the case of the square billiard

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    Square billiards are quantum systems complying with the dynamical quantum-classical correspondence. Hence an initially localized wavefunction launched along a classical periodic orbit evolves along that orbit, the spreading of the quantum amplitude being controlled by the spread of the corresponding classical statistical distribution. We investigate wavepacket dynamics and compute the corresponding de Broglie-Bohm trajectories in the quantum square billiard. We also determine the trajectories and statistical distribution dynamics for the equivalent classical billiard. Individual Bohmian trajectories follow the streamlines of the probability flow and are generically non-classical. This can also hold even for short times, when the wavepacket is still localized along a classical trajectory. This generic feature of Bohmian trajectories is expected to hold in the classical limit. We further argue that in this context decoherence cannot constitute a viable solution in order to recover classicality.Comment: Figures downgraded to low resolution; To be published in Found. Phys. (2009)

    Effective Lagrangian description of the lepton flavor violating decays Z-->li lj

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    A comprehensive analysis of the lepton flavor violating (LFV) decays Z-->li lj is presented within the effective Lagrangian approach. Both the decoupling and nondecoupling scenarios are explored. The experimental constraints from li --> lj lk \bar{lk} and li -->lj gamma as well as some relationships arising from the gauge invariance of the effective Lagrangian are used to put constraints on Z-->li lj. It is found that while current experimental data impose very strong constraints on Z-->mu e, the channel Z --> tau mu (e)still may be at the reach of the planned TESLA collider.Comment: References added, final version to appear in Physical Review