1,289 research outputs found

    Occupational safety from a behavioural perspective

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    Occurrence and characterization of shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli in raw meat, raw milk, and street vended juices in Bangladesh

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    The major objective of this study was to investigate the prevalence of Shiga toxin (Stx)–producing Escherichia coli (STEC) in different types of food samples and to compare their genetic relatedness with STEC strains previously isolated from animal sources in Bangladesh. We investigated a total of 213 food samples, including 90 raw meat samples collected from retail butcher shops, 20 raw milk samples from domestic cattle, and 103 fresh juice samples from street vendors in Dhaka city. We found that more than 68% (n=62) of the raw meat samples were positive for the stx gene(s); 34% (n=21) of buffalo meats and 66% (n=41) of beef. Approximately 10% (n=2) of the raw milk and 8% (n=8) of the fresh juice samples were positive for stx. We isolated STEC O157 from seven meat samples (7.8%), of which two were from buffalo meats and five from beef; and no other STEC serotypes could be isolated. We could not isolate STEC from any of the stx-positive raw milk and juice samples. The STEC O157 isolates from raw meats were positive for the stx2, eae, katP, etpD, and enterohemorrhagic E. coli hly virulence genes, and they belonged to three different phage types: 8 (14.3%), 31 (42.8%), and 32 (42.8%). Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) typing revealed six distinct patterns among seven isolates of STEC O157, suggesting a heterogeneous clonal diversity. Of the six PFGE patterns, one was identical and the other two were =90% related to PFGE patterns of STEC O157 strains previously isolated from animal feces, indicating that raw meats are readily contaminated with fecal materials. This study represents the first survey of STEC in the food chain in Bangladesh

    Mechanisms controlling the intra-annual mesoscale variability of SST and SPM in the southern North Sea

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    Thermal and optical remote sensing data were used to investigate the spatial and temporal distribution of sea surface temperature (SST) and of suspended particulate matter (SPM) in the southern North Sea. Monthly SST composites showed pronounced seasonal warming of the southern North Sea and delineated the English coastal and continental coastal waters. The East-Anglia Plume is the dominant feature of the English coastal waters in the winter and autumn SPM composites, and the Rhine region of freshwater influence (ROFI), including the Flemish Banks, is the dominant feature of the continental waters. These mesoscale spatial structures are also influenced by the evolution of fronts, such as the seasonal front separating well-mixed water in the southern Bight, from the seasonally stratified central North Sea waters. A harmonic analysis of the SST and SPM images showed pronounced seasonal variability, as well as spring-neap variations in the level of tidal mixing in the East Anglia Plume, the Rhine ROFI and central North Sea. The harmonic analysis indicates the important role played by the local meteorology and tides in governing the SST and near-surface SPM concentrations in the southern North Sea. In the summer, thermal stratification affects the visibility of SPM to satellite sensors in the waters to the north of the Flamborough and Frisian Fronts. Haline stratification plays an important role in the visibility of SPM in the Rhine ROFI throughout the year. When stratified, both regions typically exhibit low surface SPM values. A numerical model study, together with the harmonic analysis, highlights the importance of tides and waves in controlling the stratification in the southern North Sea and hence the visibility of SPM. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd

    Plasmonic LED device

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    Plasmonic nanostructures are known to influence the emission of near-by emitters. They can enhance the absorption and modify the external quantum efficiency of the coupled system. To evaluate the possibility of using plasmonics to enhance the light emission of a phosphor-converted LED device and create an efficient directional light source, regular arrays of aluminium nanoparticles covered with a red dye layer are investigated. In arrays of aluminum nanocylinders with a diameter of ca 140 nm combined with a thin (650 nm) layer of luminescent material, very narrow resonances have been observed, which lead to large enhancement factors of up to 70 and 20 for excitation with a directional blue laser source and a lambertian LED respectively, in a small spectral range for particular angles. The measured resonances agree very well with finite-difference time-domain numerical simulations. These changes in the angular emission profile of the red dye as well as the spectral shape of its emission can help to optimize the efficacy of phosphor-converted LED modules and increase the amount of useable light in a certain angular cone. Using Fourier microscopy, large modifications of the angular emission profile as well as spectral shaping are observed for these plasmonic LED devices if compared to reference samples without plasmonic nanostructures

    Milieueffecten van diervoeders

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    Life Cycle Analysis is used to calculate the greenhouse gas emissions, acidification, energy and land use of feed ingredients for cattle, pigs and poultry. Economic developments are explored and mitigation options are calculate
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