178 research outputs found

    The role of peripheral vision in implicit contextual cuing

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    Brain areas involved in spatial working memory

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    Spatial working memory entails the ability to keep spatial information active in working memory over a short period of time. To study the areas of the brain that are involved in spatial working memory, a group of stroke patients was tested with a spatial search task. Patients and healthy controls were asked to search through a number of boxes shown at different locations on a touch-sensitive computer screen in order to find a target object. In subsequent trials, new target objects were hidden in boxes that were previously empty. Within-search errors were made if a participant returned to an already searched box; between-search errors occurred if a participant returned to a box that was already known to contain a target item. The use of a strategy to remember the locations of the target objects was calculated as well. Damage to the right posterior parietal and right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex impaired the ability to keep spatial information [`]on-line', as was indicated by performance on the Corsi Block-Tapping task and the within-search errors. Moreover, patients with damage to the right posterior parietal cortex, the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and the hippocampal formation bilaterally made more between-search errors, indicating the importance of these areas in maintaining spatial information in working memory over an extended time period.http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6T0D-4HM7WH2-2/1/b6b13c7b404377bae2b8cf632eb61fe

    Photocatalysed (Meth)acrylate Polymerization by (Antimony-Doped) Tin Oxide Nanoparticles and Photoconduction of Their Crosslinked Polymer Nanoparticle Composites

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    In the absence of another (photo)radical initiator Sb:SnO 2 nanoparticles (0 ≤ Sb ≤ 13 at %) photocatalyze during irradiation with UV light the radical polymerization of (meth)acrylate monomers. When cured hard and transparent (>98%) films with a low haze (<1%) are required, when these particles are grafted in advance with 3-methacryloxypropyltrimethoxysilane (MPS) and doped with Sb. Public knowledge about the photocatalytic properties of Sb:SnO 2 nanoparticles is hardly available. Therefore, the influence of particle concentration, surface groups, and Sb doping on the rate of C=C (meth)acrylate bond polymerization was determined with aid of real-time FT-IR spectroscopy. By using a wavelength of irradiation with a narrow bandgab (315 ± 5 nm) the influence of these factors on the quantum yield (Φ) and on polymer and particle network structure formation was determined. It is shown that Sb doping and MPS grafting of the particles lowers Φ. MPS grafting of the particles also influences the structure of the polymer network formed. Without Sb doping of these particles unwanted, photocatalytic side reactions occur. It is also shown that cured MPS-Sb:SnO 2 /(meth)acrylate nanocomposites have photoconduction properties even when the particle concentration is as low as 1 vol.%. The results suggest that the Sb:SnO 2 (Sb > 0 at %) nanoparticles can be attractive fillers for other photocatalytic applications photorefractive materials, optoelectronic devices and sensors

    Dosimetric evaluation of off-axis fields and angular transmission for the 1.5 T MR-linac

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    Objective. GPU-oriented Monte Carlo dose (GPUMCD) is a fast dose calculation algorithm used for treatment planning on the Unity MR-linac. Treatments for the MR-linac must be calculated quickly and accurately, and must account for two important MR-linac aspects: off-axis positions and angular transmission through the cryostat, couch and MR-coils. Therefore, the aim of this research is to quantify the system-related errors for GPUMCD calculations over the range of clinically-relevant field configurations and gantry angles. Approach. Dose profiles (crossline, inline and PDD) were measured and calculated for varying field sizes, off-axis positions and depths. Eleven different (off-axis) positions were included. The angular transmission was investigated by measuring and calculating the transmission for multiple angles, taking the cryostat, couch and coils into account. Main results. Differences between absolute point doses were found to be within 1.7% for field sizes 2 × 2 cm2 and larger. The relative dose profiles in the crossline, inline and PDD direction illustrated maximum mean dose differences of 0.9pp, 0.8pp and 0.7pp of D max in the central region for field sizes 2 × 2 cm2 and larger. The 1 × 1 cm2 field size showed larger dosimetric errors for absolute point doses and relative dose profiles. The maximum mean DTA in the penumbra was 0.7 mm. The mean difference in angular transmission ranged from −0.33% ± 0.60% to 0.27% ± 0.91% using three treatment machines. Additionally, 77.1%-93.7% of the datapoints remained within 1% transmission difference. The largest transmission differences were present at the edges of the table. Significance. This research showed that the GPUMCD algorithm provides reliable dose calculations with a low uncertainty for field sizes 2 × 2 cm2 and larger, focusing on off-axis fields and angular transmission

    Pre-segmented 2-Step IMRT with subsequent direct machine parameter optimisation – a planning study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Modern intensity modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) mostly uses iterative optimisation methods. The integration of machine parameters into the optimisation process of step and shoot leaf positions has been shown to be successful. For IMRT segmentation algorithms based on the analysis of the geometrical structure of the planning target volumes (PTV) and the organs at risk (OAR), the potential of such procedures has not yet been fully explored. In this work, 2-Step IMRT was combined with subsequent direct machine parameter optimisation (DMPO-Raysearch Laboratories, Sweden) to investigate this potential.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>In a planning study DMPO on a commercial planning system was compared with manual primary 2-Step IMRT segment generation followed by DMPO optimisation. 15 clinical cases and the ESTRO Quasimodo phantom were employed. Both the same number of optimisation steps and the same set of objective values were used. The plans were compared with a clinical DMPO reference plan and a traditional IMRT plan based on fluence optimisation and consequent segmentation. The composite objective value (the weighted sum of quadratic deviations of the objective values and the related points in the dose volume histogram) was used as a measure for the plan quality. Additionally, a more extended set of parameters was used for the breast cases to compare the plans.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The plans with segments pre-defined with 2-Step IMRT were slightly superior to DMPO alone in the majority of cases. The composite objective value tended to be even lower for a smaller number of segments. The total number of monitor units was slightly higher than for the DMPO-plans. Traditional IMRT fluence optimisation with subsequent segmentation could not compete.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>2-Step IMRT segmentation is suitable as starting point for further DMPO optimisation and, in general, results in less complex plans which are equal or superior to plans generated by DMPO alone.</p

    Refining Treatment Planning in STereotactic Arrhythmia Radioablation (STAR): Benchmark Results and Consensus Statement from the STOPSTORM.eu Consortium.

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    BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE STereotactic Arrhythmia Radioablation (STAR) showed promising results in patients with refractory ventricular tachycardia (VT). However, clinical data is scarce and heterogeneous. The STOPSTORM.eu consortium was established to investigate and harmonize STAR in Europe. The primary goal of this benchmark study was to investigate current treatment planning practice within the STOPSTORM project as a baseline for future harmonization. METHODS Planning target volumes (PTV) overlapping extra-cardiac organs-at-risk and/or cardiac substructures were generated for three STAR cases. Participating centers were asked to create single fraction treatment plans with 25 Gy dose prescription based on in-house clinical practice. All treatment plans were reviewed by an expert panel and quantitative crowd knowledge-based analysis was performed with independent software using descriptive statistics for ICRU report 91 relevant parameters and crowd dose-volume-histograms. Thereafter, treatment planning consensus statements were established using a dual-stage voting process. RESULTS Twenty centers submitted 67 treatment plans for this study. In most plans (75%) Intensity Modulated Arc Therapy (IMAT) with 6 MV flattening-filter-free beams was used. Dose prescription was mainly based on PTV D95% (49%) or D96-100% (19%). Many participants preferred to spare close extra-cardiac organs-at-risk (75%) and cardiac substructures (50%) by PTV coverage reduction. PTV D0.035cm3 ranged 25.5-34.6 Gy, demonstrating a large variety of dose inhomogeneity. Estimated treatment times without motion compensation or setup ranged 2-80 minutes. For the consensus statements, strong agreement was reached for beam technique planning, dose calculation, prescription methods and trade-offs between target and extra-cardiac critical structures. No agreement was reached on cardiac substructure dose limitations and on desired dose inhomogeneity in the target. CONCLUSION This STOPSTORM multi-center treatment planning benchmark study showed strong agreement on several aspects of STAR treatment planning, but also revealed disagreement on others. To standardize and harmonize STAR in the future, consensus statements were established, however clinical data is urgently needed for actionable guidelines for treatment planning

    Spatial and nonspatial implicit motor learning in Korsakoff’s amnesia: evidence for selective deficits

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    Patients with amnesia have deficits in declarative memory but intact memory for motor and perceptual skills, which suggests that explicit memory and implicit memory are distinct. However, the evidence that implicit motor learning is intact in amnesic patients is contradictory. This study investigated implicit sequence learning in amnesic patients with Korsakoff’s syndrome (N = 20) and matched controls (N = 14), using the classical Serial Reaction Time Task and a newly developed Pattern Learning Task in which the planning and execution of the responses are more spatially demanding. Results showed that implicit motor learning occurred in both groups of participants; however, on the Pattern Learning Task, the percentage of errors did not increase in the Korsakoff group in the random test phase, which is indicative of less implicit learning. Thus, our findings show that the performance of patients with Korsakoff’s syndrome is compromised on an implicit learning task with a strong spatial response component

    Acceptance procedure for the linear accelerator component of the 1.5 T MRI-linac

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    Purpose: To develop and implement an acceptance procedure for the new Elekta Unity 1.5 T MRI-linac. Methods: Tests were adopted and, where necessary adapted, from AAPM TG106 and TG142, IEC 60976 and NCS 9 and NCS 22 guidelines. Adaptations were necessary because of the atypical maximum field size (57.4 × 22 cm), FFF beam, the non-rotating collimator, the absence of a light field, the presence of the 1.5 T magnetic field, restricted access to equipment within the bore, fixed vertical and lateral table position, and the need for MR image to MV treatment alignment. The performance specifications were set for stereotactic body radiotherapy (SBRT). Results: The new procedure was performed similarly to that of a conventional kilovoltage x-ray (kV) image guided radiation therapy (IGRT) linac. Results were acquired for the first Unity system. Conclusions: A comprehensive set of tests was developed, described and implemented for the MRI-linac. The MRI-linac met safety requirements for patients and operators. The system delivered radiation very accurately with, for example a gantry rotation locus of isocenter of radius 0.38 mm and an average MLC absolute positional error of 0.29 mm, consistent with use for SBRT. Specifications for clinical introduction were met

    Sleep-effects on implicit and explicit memory in repeated visual search

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    In repeated visual search tasks, facilitation of reaction times (RTs) due to repetition of the spatial arrangement of items occurs independently of RT facilitation due to improvements in general task performance. Whereas the latter represents typical procedural learning, the former is a kind of implicit memory that depends on the medial temporal lobe (MTL) memory system and is impaired in patients with amnesia. A third type of memory that develops during visual search is the observers’ explicit knowledge of repeated displays. Here, we used a visual search task to investigate whether procedural memory, implicit contextual cueing, and explicit knowledge of repeated configurations, which all arise independently from the same set of stimuli, are influenced by sleep. Observers participated in two experimental sessions, separated by either a nap or a controlled rest period. In each of the two sessions, they performed a visual search task in combination with an explicit recognition task. We found that (1) across sessions, MTL-independent procedural learning was more pronounced for the nap than rest group. This confirms earlier findings, albeit from different motor and perceptual tasks, showing that procedural memory can benefit from sleep. (2) Likewise, the sleep group compared with the rest group showed enhanced context-dependent configural learning in the second session. This is a novel finding, indicating that the MTL-dependent, implicit memory underlying contextual cueing is also sleep-dependent. (3) By contrast, sleep and wake groups displayed equivalent improvements in explicit recognition memory in the second session. Overall, the current study shows that sleep affects MTL-dependent as well as MTL-independent memory, but it affects different, albeit simultaneously acquired, forms of MTL-dependent memory differentially
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