380 research outputs found

    Anisotropic Fluid Modeling of Ionospheric Upflow: Effects of Low‐Altitude Anisotropy and Thermospheric Winds

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    A new anisotropic fluid model is developed to describe ionospheric upflow responses to magnetospheric forcing by electric fields and broadband ELF waves at altitudes of 90–2500 km. This model is based on a bi‐Maxwellian ion distribution and solves time‐dependent, nonlinear equations of conservation of mass, momentum, parallel energy, and perpendicular energy for six ion species important to E, F, and topside ionospheric regions. It includes chemical and collisional interactions with the neutral atmosphere, photoionization, and electron impact ionization. This model is used to examine differences between isotropic and anisotropic descriptions of ionospheric upflow driven by DC electric fields, possible effects of low‐altitude (km) wave heating, and impacts of neutral winds on ion upflow. Results indicate that isotropic models may overestimate field‐aligned ion velocity responses by as much as ∌48%. Simulations also show significant ionospheric responses at low altitudes to wave heating for very large power spectral densities, but ion temperature anisotropies below the F region peak are dominated by frictional heating from DC electric fields. Neutral winds are shown to play an important role regulating ion upflow. Thermospheric winds can enhance or suppress upward fluxes driven by DC and BBELF fields by 10–20% for the cases examined. The time history of the neutral winds also affects the amount of ionization transported to higher altitudes by DC electric fields

    Ionospheric Plasma Transport and Loss in Auroral Downward Current Regions

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    A detailed study of the effects of auroral current systems on thermal ionospheric plasma transport and loss is conducted using a new ionospheric model. The mathematical formulation of the model is a variation on the 5‐moment approximation which describes the temporal evolution of density, drift, and temperature for five different ion species in two spatial dimensions. The fluid system is closed through a 2‐D electrostatic treatment of the auroral currents. This model is used to examine the interplay between ion heating, perpendicular transport, molecular ion generation, and type‐1 ion upflows in a self‐consistent way for the first time. Simulations confirm that the depletion of E‐region plasma due to current closure occurs on extremely fast time scales (5–30 s), and that it is dependent on current system scale size. Near the F‐region peak, the loss is mostly due to enhanced recombination from the conversion of the plasma to molecular ions. The F‐region loss process is fairly slow (120–300 s) by comparison to lower altitude processes and is highly electric field dependent. On similar time scales, transient ion upflows from frictional heating move plasma from the near topside ionosphere (∌500 km) to higher regions, leaving depletions and enhancing plasma densities at very high altitudes. Results indicate the existence of large molecular ion upflows near the F‐region peak and may shed some light on ionospheric source regions for outflowing molecular ions. Neutral atmospheric winds and densities are also shown to play an important role in modulating molecular ion densities, frictional heating, and currents

    Ionospheric Signatures of Acoustic Waves Generated by Transient Tropospheric Forcing

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    Acoustic waves generated by tropospheric sources may attain significant amplitudes in the thermosphere and overlying ionosphere. Although they are weak precursors to gravity waves in the mesosphere below, acoustic waves may achieve temperature and vertical wind perturbations on the order of approximately tens of Kelvin and m/s throughout the E and F regions. Their perturbations to total electron content are predicted to be detectable by groundbased radar and GPS receivers; they also drive field-aligned currents that may be detectable in situ via magnetometers. Although transient and short lived, ionospheric signatures of acoustic waves may provide new and quantitative insight into the forcing of the upper atmosphere from below

    Latitude and Longitude Dependence of Ionospheric Tec and Magnetic Perturbations From Infrasonic-Acoustic Waves Generated by Strong Seismic Events

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    A numerical study of the effects of seismically generated acoustic waves in the ionosphere is conducted using a three-dimensional (3-D) ionospheric model driven by an axisymmetric neutral atmospheric model. A source consistent with the 2011 Tohoku earthquake initial ocean surface uplifting is applied to simulate the subsequent responses. Perturbations in electron density, ion drift, total electron content (TEC), and ground-level magnetic fields are examined. Results reveal strong latitude and longitude dependence of ionospheric TEC, and of ground-level magnetic field perturbations associated with acoustic wave-driven ionospheric dynamo currents. Results also demonstrate that prior two-dimensional models can capture dominant meridional responses of TEC over latitude, even though dynamics at other longitudes are not resolved. Conclusions support that TEC and magnetic signatures can arise from nonlinear acoustic waves generated by strong earthquakes; simulations elucidate the comprehensive physics of their 3-D ionospheric responses

    Incoherent Scatter Radar Estimation of F Region Ionospheric Composition During Frictional Heating Events

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    A method is developed for estimating F region ion composition from incoherent scatter radar (ISR) measurements during times of frictional ion heating. The technique addresses ion temperature‐mass ambiguities in the IS spectra by self‐consistently modeling ion temperature profiles, including the effects of ion temperature anisotropies and altitude‐independent neutral winds. The modeled temperature profiles are used in a minimization procedure to estimate ion composition consistent with the recorded IS spectra. The proposed method is applicable to short‐integration (min) data sets from either single‐beam or multiple‐beam experiments. Application of the technique to Sondrestrom ISR measurements shows increases in F region molecular ions in response to frictional heating, a result consistent with previous theoretical and observational work. Estimates of ion composition are shown to be relatively insensitive to moderate variations in the neutral atmospheric model, which serves as input to the method. The technique developed in this work is uniquely qualified for studying highly variable ion composition near auroral arcs and associated processes such as molecular ion upflows. It also addresses a systematic source of error in standard ISR analysis methods when they are applied in such situations

    Dynamics of Density Cavities Generated by Frictional Heating: Formation, Distortion, and Instability

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    A simulation study of the generation and evolution of mesoscale density cavities in the polar ionosphere is conducted using a time-dependent, nonlinear, quasi-electrostatic model. The model demonstrates that density cavities, generated by frictional heating, can form in as little as 90 s due to strong electric fields of ∌120 mV/m, which are sometimes observed near auroral zone and polar cap arcs. Asymmetric density cavity features and strong plasma density gradients perpendicular to the geomagnetic field are naturally generated as a consequence of the strong convection and finite extent of the auroral feature. The walls of the auroral density cavities are shown to be susceptible to large-scale distortion and gradient-drift instability, hence indicating that arc-related regions of frictional heating may be a source of polar ionospheric density irregularities

    Modulation of Low-Altitude Ionospheric Upflow by Linear and Nonlinear Atmospheric Gravity Waves

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    This study examines how thermospheric motions due to gravity waves (GWs) drive ion upflow in the F region, modulating the topside ionosphere in a way that can contribute to ion outflow. We present incoherent scatter radar data from Sondrestrom, from 31 May 2003 which showed upflow/downflow motions, having a downward phase progression, in the field‐aligned velocity, indicating forcing by a thermospheric GW. The GW‐upflow coupling dynamics are investigated through the use of a coupled atmosphere‐ionosphere model to examine potential impacts on topside ionospheric upflow. Specifically, a sequence of simulations with varying wave amplitude is conducted to determine responses to a range of transient forcing reminiscent of the incoherent scatter radar data. Nonlinear wave effects, resulting from increases in amplitude of the modeled GW, are shown to critically impact the ionospheric response. GW breaking deposits energy into smaller scale wave modes, drives periods of large field‐aligned ion velocities, while also modulating ion densities. Complementary momentum transfer increases the mean flow and, through ion‐neutral drag, can increase ion densities above 300 km. Ionospheric collision frequency (cooling) and photoionization effects (heating), both dependent on ionospheric density, modify the electron temperature; these changes conduct quickly up geomagnetic field lines driving ion upflow at altitudes well above initial disturbances. This flow alters ion populations available for high‐altitude acceleration processes that may lead to outflow into the magnetosphere. We have included a representative source of transverse wave heating which, when supplemented by our GWs, illustrates strengthened upward fluxes in the topside ionosphere
