79 research outputs found

    Solid electron sources for the energy scale monitoring in the KATRIN experiment

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    Das Ziel des Tritium Beta-Zerfallsexperiments KATRIN ist die direkte modellunabhängige Bestimmung der Elektron-Antineutrinomasse. Es werden Elektronenspektrometer vom Typ MAC-E-Filter verwendet, für die eine sehr hohe Stabilität des Filterpotenzials erforderlich ist. Diese Arbeit testet erfolgreich 83Rb/83mKr Festkörperkalibrationsquellen, die für die kontinuierliche Überwachung des Filterpotenzials des Hauptspektrometers mit einem zusätzlichen Spektrometer auf derselben Hochspannung vermessen werden. Die Kalibrationsquellen basieren auf Konversionselektronen von 83mKr aus dem 83Rb Zerfall. Es wird gezeigt dass die K-32 Konversionselektronenlinie (kinetische Energie 17,8 keV, Linienbreite 2,7 eV) den Anspruch des KATRIN-Experiments von ±1,6 ppm pro Monat an die relative Energiestabilität erfüllt. Die ionenimplantierten 83Rb/83mKr-Quellen können als das Standardwerkzeug für die kontinuierliche Überwachung der KATRIN-Energieskalastabilität mit sub-ppm Präzision empfohlen werden. The KATRIN experiment aims at the direct model-independent determination of the electron antineutrino mass via the measurement of the endpoint region of tritium beta-decay spectrum. The electron spectrometer of the MAC-E filter type is used, requiring very high stability of the filtering potential. This work successfully proves the feasibility of solid 83Rb/83mKr calibration electron source which is utilized in the additional monitor spectrometer sharing the high voltage with the main spectrometer. This way the filtering potential of KATRIN is continuously monitored. The calibration source employs conversion electrons of 83mKr which is generated by 83Rb. The K-32 conversion electron line (kinetic energy 17.8 keV, line width 2.7 eV) is shown to fulfill the KATRIN requirement of the relative energy stability of ±1.6 ppm per month. The ion-implanted 83Rb/83mKr sources are recommended as a standard tool for continuous monitoring of KATRIN energy scale stability with the sub-ppm precision

    Ultra-stable implanted 83Rb/83mKr electron sources for the energy scale monitoring in the KATRIN experiment

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    The KATRIN experiment aims at the direct model-independent determination of the average electron neutrino mass via the measurement of the endpoint region of the tritium beta decay spectrum. The electron spectrometer of the MAC-E filter type is used, requiring very high stability of the electric filtering potential. This work proves the feasibility of implanted 83Rb/83mKr calibration electron sources which will be utilised in the additional monitor spectrometer sharing the high voltage with the main spectrometer of KATRIN. The source employs conversion electrons of 83mKr which is continuously generated by 83Rb. The K-32 conversion line (kinetic energy of 17.8 keV, natural line width of 2.7 eV) is shown to fulfill the KATRIN requirement of the relative energy stability of +/-1.6 ppm/month. The sources will serve as a standard tool for continuous monitoring of KATRIN's energy scale stability with sub-ppm precision. They may also be used in other applications where the precise conversion lines can be separated from the low energy spectrum caused by the electron inelastic scattering in the substrate.Comment: 30 pages, 10 figures, 1 table, minor revision of the preprint, accepted by JINST on 5.2.201

    Virulence of Mycobacterium johnei in Experimentally Infected Calves

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    Melting of Partially Fluorinated Graphene: From Detachment of Fluorine Atoms to Large Defects and Random Coils

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    The melting of fluorographene is very unusual and depends strongly on the degree of fluorination. For temperatures below 1000 K, fully fluorinated graphene (FFG) is thermo-mechanically more stable than graphene but at Tm_m\approx2800 K FFG transits to random coils which is almost twice lower than the melting temperature of graphene, i.e. 5300 K. For fluorinated graphene (PFG) up to 30 % ripples causes detachment of individual F-atoms around 2000 K while for 40-60 % fluorination, large defects are formed beyond 1500 K and beyond 60% of fluorination F-atoms remain bonded to graphene until melting. The results agree with recent experiments on the dependence of the reversibility of the fluorination process on the percentage of fluorination.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figure

    A UV LED-based fast-pulsed photoelectron source for time-of-flight studies

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    We report on spectroscopy and time-of-flight measurements using an 18 keV fast-pulsed photoelectron source of adjustable intensity, ranging from single photoelectrons per pulse to 5 photoelectrons per microsecond at pulse repetition rates of up to 10 kHz. Short pulses between 40 ns and 40 microseconds in length were produced by switching light emitting diodes with central output wavelengths of 265 nm and 257 nm, in the deep ultraviolet (or UV-C) regime, at kHz frequencies. Such photoelectron sources can be useful calibration devices for testing the properties of high-resolution electrostatic spectrometers, like the ones used in current neutrino mass searches.Comment: 16 pages, 11 figure

    Effect of a sweeping conductive wire on electrons stored in the Penning trap between the KATRIN spectrometers

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    The KATRIN experiment is going to search for the mass of the electron antineutrino down to 0.2 eV/c^2. In order to reach this sensitivity the background rate has to be understood and minimised to 0.01 counts per second. One of the background sources is the unavoidable Penning trap for electrons due to the combination of the electric and magnetic fields between the pre- and the main spectrometer at KATRIN. In this article we will show that by sweeping a conducting wire periodically through such a particle trap stored particles can be removed, an ongoing discharge in the trap can be stopped, and the count rate measured with a detector looking at the trap is reduced.Comment: Final version published in EPJ A, 14 pages, 19 figures (21 files

    Stochastic Heating by ECR as a Novel Means of Background Reduction in the KATRIN Spectrometers

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    The primary objective of the KATRIN experiment is to probe the absolute neutrino mass scale with a sensitivity of 200 meV (90% C.L.) by precision spectroscopy of tritium beta-decay. To achieve this, a low background of the order of 10^(-2) cps in the region of the tritium beta-decay endpoint is required. Measurements with an electrostatic retarding spectrometer have revealed that electrons, arising from nuclear decays in the volume of the spectrometer, are stored over long time periods and thereby act as a major source of background exceeding this limit. In this paper we present a novel active background reduction method based on stochastic heating of stored electrons by the well-known process of electron cyclotron resonance (ECR). A successful proof-of-principle of the ECR technique was demonstrated in test measurements at the KATRIN pre-spectrometer, yielding a large reduction of the background rate. In addition, we have carried out extensive Monte Carlo simulations to reveal the potential of the ECR technique to remove all trapped electrons within negligible loss of measurement time in the main spectrometer. This would allow the KATRIN experiment attaining its full physics potential

    Hematene: A sustainable 2D conductive platform for visible-light-driven photocatalytic ammonia decomposition

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    The emerging class of 2D non-van der Waals (n-vdW) materials, including 2D iron oxides, possesses unique properties and high applicability, making them attractive for various technological applications. However, the synthesis of these materials through a scalable and eco-friendly method remains a challenge, as most known chemical exfoliation processes require toxic organic solvents. In this study, we report a green synthesis of 2D hematene (α-Fe2O3) using an ultrasound-supported exfoliation method of earth-abundant iron oxide ore in a pure aqueous solution. The resulting hematene sheets, only a few nanometers thick, exhibit superior electrochemical performance in terms of charge transfer processes, making them ideal for photocatalytic applications. By doping a conductive hematene substrate with ruthenium, we demonstrate a synergistic effect for generating electrons and holes under visible light irradiation. Using this approach, we successfully decomposed ammonia into hydrogen and nitrogen, highlighting the potential of this novel class of environmentally-friendly photocatalysts for clean energy production. Overall, our water-assisted scalable synthesis of hematene offers a promising strategy for producing efficient and sustainable photocatalysts.Web of Science34art. no. 10188

    Graphene-based metal-organic framework hybrids for applications in catalysis, environmental, and energy technologies

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    Current energy and environmental challenges demand the development and design of multifunctional porous materials with tunable properties for catalysis, water purification, and energy conversion and storage. Because of their amenability to de novo reticular chemistry, metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) have become key materials in this area. However, their usefulness is often limited by low chemical stability, conductivity and inappropriate pore sizes. Conductive two-dimensional (2D) materials with robust structural skeletons and/or functionalized surfaces can form stabilizing interactions with MOF components, enabling the fabrication of MOF nanocomposites with tunable pore characteristics. Graphene and its functional derivatives are the largest class of 2D materials and possess remarkable compositional versatility, structural diversity, and controllable surface chemistry. Here, we critically review current knowledge concerning the growth, structure, and properties of graphene derivatives, MOFs, and their graphene@MOF composites as well as the associated structure- property-performance relationships. Synthetic strategies for preparing graphene@MOF composites and tuning their properties are also comprehensively reviewed together with their applications in gas storage/separation, water purification, catalysis (organo-, electro-, and photocatalysis), and electrochemical energy storage and conversion. Current challenges in the development of graphene@MOF hybrids and their practical applications are addressed, revealing areas for future investigation. We hope that this review will inspire further exploration of new graphene@MOF hybrids for energy, electronic, biomedical, and photocatalysis applications as well as studies on previously unreported properties of known hybrids to reveal potential "diamonds in the rough".Web of Science12224173381724