6,159 research outputs found

    Constraints on the Energy Content of the Universe from a Combination of Galaxy Cluster Observables

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    We demonstrate that constraints on cosmological parameters from the distribution of clusters as a function of redshift (dN/dz) are complementary to accurate angular diameter distance (D_A) measurements to clusters, and their combination significantly tightens constraints on the energy density content of the Universe. The number counts can be obtained from X-ray and/or SZ (Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect) surveys, and the angular diameter distances can be determined from deep observations of the intra-cluster gas using their thermal bremsstrahlung X-ray emission and the SZ effect. We combine constraints from simulated cluster number counts expected from a 12 deg^2 SZ cluster survey and constraints from simulated angular diameter distance measurements based on the X-ray/SZ method assuming a statistical accuracy of 10% in the angular diameter distance determination of 100 clusters with redshifts less than 1.5. We find that Omega_m can be determined within about 25%, Omega_Lambda within 20%, and w within 16%. We show that combined dN/dz + D_A constraints can be used to constrain the different energy densities in the Universe even in the presence of a few percent redshift dependent systematic error in D_A. We also address the question of how best to select clusters of galaxies for accurate diameter distance determinations. We show that the joint dN/dz + D_A constraints on cosmological parameters for a fixed target accuracy in the energy density parameters are optimized by selecting clusters with redshift upper cut--offs in the range 0.5 < z < 1.Comment: LateX, 6 pages, 5 figures. Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    Sleep disorders, depressive symptoms and health-related quality of life-a cross-sectional comparison between kidney transplant recipients and waitlisted patients on maintenance dialysis

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    BACKGROUND: Kidney transplantation is believed to improve health-related quality of life (HRQoL) of patients requiring renal replacement therapy (RRT). Recent studies suggested that the observed difference in HRQoL between kidney transplant recipients (Tx) vs patients treated with dialysis may reflect differences in patient characteristics. We tested if Tx patients have better HRQoL compared to waitlisted (WL) patients treated with dialysis after extensive adjustment for covariables. METHODS: Eight hundred and eighty-eight prevalent Tx patients followed at a single outpatient transplant clinic and 187 WL patients treated with maintenance dialysis in nine dialysis centres were enrolled in this observational cross-sectional study. Data about socio-demographic and clinical parameters, self-reported depressive symptoms and the most frequent sleep disorders assessed by self-reported questionnaires were collected at enrollment. HRQoL was assessed by the Kidney Disease Quality of Life Questionnaire. RESULTS: Patient characteristics were similar in the Tx vs WL groups: the proportion of males (58 vs 60%), mean +/- SD age (49 +/- 13 vs 49 +/- 12) and proportion of diabetics (17 vs 18%), respectively, were all similar. Tx patients had significantly better HRQoL scores compared to the WL group both in generic (Physical function, General health perceptions, Energy/fatigue, Emotional well-being) and in kidney disease-specific domains (Symptoms/problems, Effect- and Burden of kidney disease and Sleep). In multivariate regression models adjusting for clinical and socio-demographic characteristics, sleep disorders and depressive symptoms, the modality of RRT (WL vs Tx) remained independently associated with three (General health perceptions, Effect- and Burden of kidney disease) out of the eight HRQoL dimensions analysed. CONCLUSIONS: Kidney Tx recipients have significantly better HRQoL compared to WL dialysis patients in some, but not all, dimensions of quality of life after accounting for differences in patient characteristics. Utilizing multidimensional disease-specific questionnaires will allow better understanding of treatment, disease and patient-related factors potentially affecting quality of life in patients with chronic medical conditions

    Исследование конформации и электронной структуры N-метилмочевины методом функционала плотности

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    В настоящей работе методами DFT и HF с использованием пакета программ для квантово-химических расчетов Gaussian проведен конформационный анализ N-метилмочевины в растворе ДМСО. Окружение молекулы учитывалось в рамках модели непрерывной поляризуемой среды PCM. Выполнено исследование стереоэлектронных взаимодействий методом NBO, произведен расчет энергий граничных орбиталей

    Meson and baryon elliptic flow at high pT from parton coalescence

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    The large and saturating differential elliptic flow v2(pT) observed in Au+Au reactions at RHIC so far could only be explained assuming an order of magnitude denser initial parton system than estimated from perturbative QCD. Hadronization via parton coalescence can resolve this ``opacity puzzle'' because it enhances hadron elliptic flow at large pT relative to that of partons at the same transverse momentum. An experimentally testable consequence of the coalescence scenario is that v2(pT) saturates at about 50% higher values for baryons than for mesons. In addition, if strange quarks have weaker flow than light quarks, hadron v2 at high pT decreases with relative strangeness content.Comment: Talk at SQM2003 [7th Int. Conf. on Strangeness in Quark Matter (Atlantic Beach, NC, USA, Mar 12-17, 2003)] - 6 pages, 5 eps figs, IOP style file

    Sociodemographic factors and patient perceptions are associated with attitudes to kidney transplantation among haemodialysis patients

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    Background. Treatment decisions made by patients with chronic kidney disease are crucial in the renal transplantation process. These decisions are influenced, amongst other factors, by attitudes towards different treatment options, which are modulated by knowledge and perceptions about the disease and its treatment and many other subjective factors. Here we study the attitude of dialysis patients to renal transplantation and the association of sociodemographic characteristics, patient perceptions and experiences with this attitude. Methods. In a cross-sectional study, all patients from eight dialysis units in Budapest, Hungary, who were on haemodialysis for at least 3 months were approached to complete a self-administered questionnaire. Data collected from 459 patients younger than 70 years were analysed in this manuscript. Results. Mean age of the study population was 53 +/- 12 years, 54% were male and the prevalence of diabetes was 22%. Patients with positive attitude to renal transplantation were younger (51 +/- 11 versus 58 +/- 11 years), better educated, more likely to be employed (11% versus 4%) and had prior transplantation (15% versus 7%)(P < 0.05 for all). In a multivariate model, negative patient perceptions about transplantation, negative expectations about health outcomes after transplantation and the presence of fears about the transplant surgery were associated, in addition to incre- asing age, with unwillingness to consider transplantation. Conclusions. Negative attitudes to renal transplantation are associated with potentially modifiable factors. Based on this we suggest that it would be necessary to develop standardized, comprehensible patient information systems and personalized decision support to facilitate modality selection and to enable patients to make fully informed treatment decisions

    Anaphe - OO Libraries and Tools for Data Analysis

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    The Anaphe project is an ongoing effort to provide an Object Oriented software environment for data analysis in HENP experiments. A range of commercial and public domain libraries is used to cover basic functionalities; on top of these libraries a set of HENP-specific C++ class libraries for histogram management, fitting, plotting and ntuple-like data analysis has been developed. In order to comply with the user requirements for a command-line driven tool, we have chosen to use a scripting language (Python) as the front-end for a data analysis tool. The loose coupling provided by the consequent use of (AIDA compliant) Abstract Interfaces for each component in combination with the use of shared libraries for their implementation provides an easy integration of existing libraries into modern scripting languages thus allowing for rapid application development. This integration is simplified even further using a specialised toolkit (SWIG) to create "shadow classes" for the Python language, which map the definitions of the Abstract Interfaces almost at a one-to-one level. This paper will give an overview of the architecture and design choices and will present the current status and future developments of the project