18 research outputs found

    Роль российских и советских ученых в разработке сибиреязвенных вакцин

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    In Russia in the second half of the XIX century research schools, developing anthrax vaccines for agriculture were formed. Their level was highly competitive with the Western analogues. At the end of the 1930 Soviet military scientists were the first in the world to create the anthrax vaccine for medical use on the basis of the spores of unencapsulated live strains of B. anthracis. In the 1940-1960-ies Russian scientists determined the principles of the development of anthrax vaccines, which allowed to avoid failures of their Western colleagues, when developing the vaccines capable of protecting the population from biological weapons with anthrax spores as the harmful agent. Russian military scientists in the 1990s managed to keep the vaccine strains of anthrax bacteria and restore the technological capability for their manufacture, which helps to protect the population of the Russian Federation from natural anthrax outbreaks and from biological terror. At a time when there is a need in creating immunity in humans against infection caused by inhalation of anthrax spores, the most reasonable decision for the upcoming decades is to use the domestic combined vaccine that combines unencapsulated live strains of Bacillus anthracis and anthrax toxin protective antigen.В России во второй половине XIX в. сформировались школы исследователей, разрабатывающие сибиреязвенные вакцины для нужд сельского хозяйства. По своему уровню они не уступали западным аналогичным школам. В конце 1930-х гг. советскими военными учеными первыми в мире была создана сибиреязвенная вакцина на основе спор живых бескап-сульных штаммов Bacillus anthracis, предназначенная для медицинского применения. Выбранные в 1940-1960-е гг. отечественными учеными направления разработки сибиреязвенных вакцин позволили избежать неудач, с которыми столкнулись западные исследователи при разработке вакцин, способных защитить население от биологического оружия, использующего в качестве поражающего агента споры возбудителя сибирской язвы. Благодаря усилиям российских военных ученых в 1990-е гг. удалось сохранить вакцинные штаммы сибиреязвенного микроба и восстановить технологические мощности по их производству, что позволяет защитить население Российской Федерации от природных вспышек сибирской язвы и возможных актов биологического террора. В условиях, когда необходимо создать у человека иммунитет к ингаляционному заражению спорами возбудителя сибирской язвы, в ближайшие десятилетия наиболее оптимальным будет применение отечественной комбинированной вакцины, сочетающей споры живых бескапсульных штаммов B. anthracis и протективный антиген сибиреязвенного токсина

    The role of Russian and Soviet scientists in the development of anthrax vaccines

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    In Russia in the second half of the XIX century research schools, developing anthrax vaccines for agriculture were formed. Their level was highly competitive with the Western analogues. At the end of the 1930 Soviet military scientists were the first in the world to create the anthrax vaccine for medical use on the basis of the spores of unencapsulated live strains of B. anthracis. In the 1940-1960-ies Russian scientists determined the principles of the development of anthrax vaccines, which allowed to avoid failures of their Western colleagues, when developing the vaccines capable of protecting the population from biological weapons with anthrax spores as the harmful agent. Russian military scientists in the 1990s managed to keep the vaccine strains of anthrax bacteria and restore the technological capability for their manufacture, which helps to protect the population of the Russian Federation from natural anthrax outbreaks and from biological terror. At a time when there is a need in creating immunity in humans against infection caused by inhalation of anthrax spores, the most reasonable decision for the upcoming decades is to use the domestic combined vaccine that combines unencapsulated live strains of Bacillus anthracis and anthrax toxin protective antigen

    Liquid crystal polymer networks : preparation, properties, and applications of films with patterned molecular alignment

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    Monolithically ordered liquid crystal polymer networks are formed by the photoinitiated polymerization of multifunctional liquid crystal monomers. This paper describes the relevant principles and methods, the basic structure–property relationships in terms of mesogenic properties of the monomers, and the mechanical and optical properties of the polymers. Strategies are discussed to control the molecular orientation by various means and in all three dimensions. The versatility of the process is demonstrated by two examples of films with a patterned molecular order. It is shown that patterned retarders can be made by a two-step polymerization process which is successfully employed in a transflective display principle. A transflective display is a liquid crystal display that operates in both a reflective mode using ambient light and a transmissive mode with light coming from a backlight system. Furthermore, a method is discussed to create a patterned film in a single polymerization process. This film has alternating planar chiral nematic areas next to perpendicularly oriented (so-called homeotropic) areas. When applied as a coating to a substrate, the film changes its surface texture. During exposure to UV light, it switches from a flat to a corrugated state

    Generational Diversity at Work: A Systematic Review of the Research

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    The Interaction of Activated Integrin Lymphocyte Function-associated Antigen 1 with Ligand Intercellular Adhesion Molecule 1 Induces Activation and Redistribution of Focal Adhesion Kinase and Proline-rich Tyrosine Kinase 2 in T Lymphocytes

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    Integrin receptors play a central role in the biology of lymphocytes, mediating crucial functional aspects of these cells, including adhesion, activation, polarization, migration, and signaling. Here we report that induction of activation of the β2-integrin lymphocyte function-associated antigen 1 (LFA-1) in T lymphocytes with divalent cations, phorbol esters, or stimulatory antibodies is followed by a dramatic polarization, resulting in a characteristic elongated morphology of the cells and the arrest of migrating lymphoblasts. This cellular polarization was prevented by treatment of cells with the specific tyrosine kinase inhibitor genistein. Furthermore, the interaction of the activated integrin LFA-1 with its ligand intercellular adhesion molecule 1 induced the activation of the cytoplasmic tyrosine kinases focal adhesion kinase (FAK) and proline-rich tyrosine kinase 2 (PYK-2). FAK activation reached a maximum after 45 min of stimulation; in contrast, PYK-2 activation peaked at 30 min, declining after 60 min. Upon polarization of lymphoblasts, FAK and PYK-2 redistributed from a diffuse localization in the cytoplasm to a region close to the microtubule-organizing center in these cells. FAK and PYK-2 activation was blocked when lymphoblasts were pretreated with actin and tubulin cytoskeleton-interfering agents, indicating its cytoskeletal dependence. Our results demonstrate that interaction of the β2-integrin LFA-1 with its ligand intercellular adhesion molecule 1 induces remodeling of T lymphocyte morphology and activation and redistribution of the cytoplasmic tyrosine kinases FAK and PYK-2