185 research outputs found

    Protozoans; (Coccidia and Myxosporea;) infections in some fishes of Aras and Mahabad Dams (Northwest of Iran)

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    During a protozoological study on the fishes of West-Azarbayejan province (Northwest of Iran) in 1998, three different protozoans were revealed. Myxobolus musayevi from Capoeta capoeta, Myxobolus dispar from Aspius aspius taeniatus and Goussia carpelli from Cyprinus carpio. Altogether 13 different fish specimen were examined. The fishes including: Aspius aspius taeniatus (2), Rutilus ruti/us (3), Capoeta cpoeta (2) and Cyprinus carpio (6). They were caugth from Aras and Mahabad Dams and transported alive to the laboratory where they were wieghted and measured. Then, they were examined for protozoan infections when their spinal cord was cut. Myxobolus musayevi had already reported from Capoeta capoeta from Taj an in Mazandaran province. This is the first record of Myxobolus dispar from Aspius aspius taeniatus from Iranian freshwaters. Goussia carpelli also had already recorded (unpublished) from the Cyprinus carpio from Sepeedroud River in Guilan province. In this study, three of C. carpio which were caught from Aras Dam had been infected by the oocyst of the Goussia carpelli in the mocus of the intestine


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    Protozoan from freshwater fishes from North West of Iran

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    During a parasitological investigation on the fresh water fishes of North West of Iran (West Azerbaijan Province), 266 specimens of 11 fishes were examined. Fishes were collected from seven stations from Aras, Zangbar and Sarysou Rivers between summer 2001 to summer 2002. Nine protozoan species were detected; eight Cilliophora and one Rhizopoda. Cilliophora are: Chilodonella sp., Apiosoma sp.,Vorticella sp. Ichthyophthirius multifiliis, Trichodina perphorata, Amphileptus branchiarum, Tetrahymena pyriformis, Stylonchia pustulata, and the Rhizopoda species is Arcella vulgaris. Results show that five of those species are for the first time being reported from Iranian fresh water fishes

    Survey on enrichment of Artemia urmiana nauplii with oxolinic acid and determination of its accumulation rate in different dosages and times

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    The nauplii of Artemia urmiana was enriched with oxolinic acid and the accumulation rate of this antibacterial drug in different times and dosages was determined. The nauplii which were hatched out of cysts from Urmia Lake's Artemia were incubated in the antibiotic/ seawater suspension with dosages of 25, 50, 75 and 100mg/l of oxolinic acid, in intervals of 2, 4, 6 and 8 hours. All factors including salinity, pH, aeration, dosage and enrichment time were kept the same for all treatments. Each treatment was repeated three times. After enrichment, the concentration of oxolinic acid per sample was determined by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). One way ANOVA and Duncan's tests were implemented to analyze the data

    Commensalism and parasitic infestation in crayfish (Astacus leptodactylus Eschscholtz, 1823) of Aras Dam Reservoir, Iran

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    The freshwater crayfish of the Aras Reservoir is an important economic fisheries resource of West Azarbaijan, Iran. This study was conducted to evaluate the prevalence of parasitic infestation of Crayfish seasonally in this area in 2010. Among 390 different sizes of Astacus leptodactylus which were examined, a range of ectocommensals or ectosymbionts from a number of different phyla including 9 orders and 11 classes infested the different anatomic units of the surface and appendages such as gills, head, thorax, abdomen, walking legs, uropod, telson, antennae and antennulae of freshwater crayfish. Common groups such as peritrich ciliates, suctorian ciliates, free living nematodes, branchiobdellids, and algae, copepods, rotifers and oligochaetes have also been observed in association with freshwater crayfish

    The results of biplanar distal femoral osteotomy; a case series study

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    Background: Distal femur wedge osteotomies for varus or valgus alignment of the lower extremity could be done in either uniplanar or biplanar fashion. Union time and stability of the osteotomy site has been considered important in this anatomic region. In this study, clinical and radiographic findings of biplane distal femur osteotomy were reported. Methods: Clinical, functional, and radiological findings of eight patients (10 knees) underwent biplane distal femur osteotomy were evaluated. Visual analogue score (VAS) and Lysholm-Tegner knee score were used for the assessment of pain and function before and three months after surgery. Results: In this study, eight patients were included. All patients were female. The mean age was 28±6.3. The mean pre-operative mechanical angle was 8.7±2.2° and the post-operative angle was 1.4±0.53° in patients with valgus alignment whileit was 7.0±1.0°preoperatively and 0.66±1.2° postoperatively in patients with varus alignment. The mean lateral distal femoral angle (LDFA) was 85±8.0° before surgery and was 88±1.3° after surgery. According to Lysholm-Tegner knee score, in the post-operative visit, six knees were good and four were excellent. The mean union time was 9.2±2.3 weeks. Conclusions: Biplane distal femur osteotomy is a reliable technique that creates larger surfaces and more stability at the osteotomy site with further rapid union. © 2015 BY THE ARCHIVES OF BONE AND JOINT SURGERY

    Causal trajectories description of atom diffraction by surfaces

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    9 pages, 7 figures -- PACS numbers: 79.20.Rf, 03.65.Sq, 03.65.BzThe method of quantum trajectories proposed by de Broglie and Bohm is applied to the study of atom diffraction by surfaces. As an example, a realistic model for the scattering of He off corrugated Cu is considered. In this way, the final angular distribution of trajectories is obtained by box-counting, which is in excellent agreement with the results calculated by standard S-matrix methods of scattering theory. More interestingly, the accumulation of quantum trajectories at the different diffraction peaks is explained in terms of the corresponding quantum potential. This non-local potential "guides" the trajectories causing a transition from a distribution near the surface, which reproduces its shape, to the final diffraction pattern observed in the asymptotic region, far from the diffracting object. These two regimes are homologous to the Fresnel and Fraunhofer regions described in undulatory optics. Finally, the turning points of the quantum trajectories provide a better description of the surface electronic density than the corresponding classical ones, usually employed for this task.This work was supported by DGES (Spain) under contracts No PB95-71, PB95-425 and PB96-76. A.S. Sanz also acknowledges the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid for a doctoral grant.Peer reviewe

    Arterial blood gas and spirometry parameters affect the length of stay in hospitalized asthmatic patients

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    Background: Asthma is a common condition in general medical practice, and it accounts for about 1 of all ambulatory hospital visits. Nowadays, hospitalization rates for asthma have actually been increased in some demographic subgroups despite recent advances in treatment. Understanding the underlying factors that contribute to hospitalization and especially duration of the hospitalization of asthmatics could help elucidate the recent rise in morbidity and also reduce the high demand on health care systems of the disease. The aim of this study was to evaluate factors affecting the duration of hospitalization for Iranian patients with asthma. Methods: This study was conducted on 55 asthmatic patients (diagnosis of asthma was in accordance with the criteria of the American Thoracic Society). The study was performed on patients hospitalized in Rasoul-e- Akram hospital in Tehran, Iran during the period 2005-2006. During hospitalization, the patients' most common complaints were recorded as the symptoms and signs of the medical condition, results of physical examinations, spirometry, arterial blood gas analysis (ABG), and ICU admission. Results: There were 18(32.7) male and 37(67.3) female patients with a mean age of 54.96 (SD=17.54) years. The mean duration of hospitalization was 8.31(SD=4.69) days that ranged between 2 and 23 days. The mean baseline arterial PH (p=0.039, RPearso = -0.362), baseline arterial HCO3 (p=0.042, RPearson = 0.361), changes of FEV1 after bronchodilator (p=0.041, RPearson = -0.363) and patient's age (p=0.002, RPearson=0.0433) were determined as factors affecting duration of hospitalization. Conclusion: Our results showed that more attention needs to be given to the findings of arterial blood gas and spirometry which can potentially affect the duration of hospitalization of asthmatic patients

    Neurological soft signs in mentally disordered offenders

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    The study used the Neurological Evaluation Scale to assess neurological soft signs in 351 offenders and 80 healthy comparison subjects. Offenders were also interviewed using the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV and the Hare Psychopathy Checklist. Neurological signs were significantly increased in offenders compared with healthy subjects. Offenders with repeated misdemeanors had higher rates of neurological signs than those with a single felony. Neurological scores were significantly predicted by lifetime diagnoses of psychotic, anxiety, and substance use disorders. Each diagnostic category was associated with a distinct pattern of neurological abnormalities. Copyright © 2007 American Psychiatric Publishing, Inc

    Identification of native fishes of west Azarbaijan province phase 2

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    The aim of this research was to identify the species of freshwater fishes in the water rssoureces located at Urmieh Lake and Zagros catchment area of West Azarbaiigan Province. Sampling was done seasonally with the determination and selection of sampling station on main and secondary branches of different rivers including; Zarineh rud, Simineh rud, Mahabad chay, Shahr chay, Nazlu chay, Baranduz chay, Godar and Zab river. Fish samples catched with different tools include Electroshoker, Cast net and buy from local fisherman, fixed in 10 % formalin and transferred to the laboratory for biological and identify hnvestigation. 42 fish species belonging to 7 family comprising of Syprinidae, Balitoridae, Cobitidae, Siluridae, Poeciliidae, Salmonidae and Mastacembelidae have been identified. Among them Syprinidae family with 32 species had a highest diversity