61 research outputs found

    Analysis of initial velocity influence on a state of secondary flows occurring in a centrifugal-settling vat

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    Operacja kłarowania brzeczki piwnej w kadzi wirowo-osadowej realizowana jest poprzez styczne napełnianie zbiornika. W dostępnej literaturze występują rozbieżności dotyczące optymalnej wartości prędkości napełniania. Praca przedstawia analizę wyników modelowania ruchu ptynu w zbiorniku kadzi wirowo-osadowej dla wybranych wartości prędkości początkowych. Analiza dotyczyła wpływu maksymalnej wartości prędkości początkowej na występowanie i kinetykę przepływów wtórnych.Ctearing beer wort operation in a centrifugal-settling vat is realized by tangential tankege. Discrepancies between the optima] filling veloci-ties occurred in available literaturę. A scope of this work comprises the analysis of fluid flow modeling in a centrifugal-settling vat for the se-iected initial velocity values. The analysis regards an influence of ma-xima] initiat veiocity on secondary flows' kinetic

    The Slope above the Odra River: Szczecin Landscape's Unexploited Potential

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    Szczecin and its surroundings is outstanding for its varied physiography and is divided into smaller lands. In the lowestpartofthe region, situated 0,5 meters above sea level, called Międzyodrze, the Landscape Park of Dolna Odra Valley was instituted. The slope above the Odra River reaches the valley with sharply shaped highly laid land. The central part has been the basis for the city and its fortifications formation and it is now a kind of visiting-card of Szczecin - the complex of Wały Chrobrego. The northern and southern partsofthe slope, which crossthe city borders, are seen in the river-city relation only occasionally. It is the northern part of the slope between two motorway bridges: Poznańska Motorway and the A6 motorway which was examined. The examination included physiographical conditions of the area, its history and history of villages. Many historical and natural objects of great worth, both commemorative and landscape value,were distinguished. The suggestions of creating a bicycle-path, a foot path and a river route were madę. On height a scenie point was created, which is possible to access by the newly created bicycle-path and easy to get from place to moor by the river route. The point, with wide variety of funetions, enables great visibility to the examined area

    Gminy wedlug funkcji gospodarczych obszarow wiejskich [na przykladzie regionu polnocno-zachodniego]

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    W artykule spojrzano na region północno-zachodni poprzez pryzmat gmin. Region obejmujący 36,1% obszaru kraju, skupia na swoim terenie 29,1% wszystkich gmin. Z tego tytułu są to gminy większe obszarowo, a przy tym koncentrujące większe zasoby pracy. Gminy mają charakter na ogół wielofunkcyjny, z przewagą rolnictwa (45,1%). W gminach występuje zjawisko problemowości, które sprowadza się do niskiego wykorzystania czynników produkcji. Charakterystyczną cechą regionu jest największe skoncentrowanie gospodarstw wielkoobszarowych.The paper looks at the north-west region through a prism of communes. The region covers 36.1% of the country area, and assembles 29.1% of all communes. The communes are bigger and concentrate more work resources. The communes are of multifunctional character, with the advantage of agriculture (45.1%). There are some specific problems which lead to lower usage of production factors. The characteristic feature of this region is the highest concentration of large-acreage farms

    Modeling of VLSI RC parasitics based on the network reduction algorithm

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    Probabilistic cytoarchitectonic map of Area Fo6 (OFC) (v2.1)

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    This dataset contains the distinct architectonic Area Fo6 (OFC) in the MNI Colin 27 and MNI ICBM 152 reference spaces. As part of the JuBrain atlas, the area was identified using cytoarchitectonic analysis on cell-body-stained histological sections of 10 human postmortem brains obtained from the body donor program of the University of Düsseldorf. Subsequently the results of the cytoarchitectonic analysis are mapped to the MNI Colin 27 and MNI ICBM 152 reference spaces where each voxel is assigned with the probability to belong to Area Fo6 (OFC). The probability map of Area Fo6 (OFC) are provided in the NifTi format for each brain reference space and hemisphere. The JuBrain atlas relies on a modular, flexible and adaptive framework containing workflows to create the probabilistic brain maps for these structures. Note that methodological improvements and integration of new brain structures may lead to small deviations in earlier released datasets