950 research outputs found

    Multiple solutions of the quasirelativistic Choquard equation

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    We prove existence of multiple solutions to the quasirelativistic Choquard equation with a scalar potential

    Continuous-flow IRMS technique for determining the 17O excess of CO2 using complete oxygen isotope exchange with cerium oxide

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    This paper presents an analytical system for analysis of all single substituted isotopologues (<sup>12</sup>C<sup>16</sup>O<sup>17</sup>O, <sup>12</sup>C<sup>16</sup>O<sup>18</sup>O, <sup>13</sup>C<sup>16</sup>O<sup>16</sup>O) in nanomolar quantities of CO<sub>2</sub> extracted from stratospheric air samples. CO<sub>2</sub> is separated from bulk air by gas chromatography and CO<sub>2</sub> isotope ratio measurements (ion masses 45 / 44 and 46 / 44) are performed using isotope ratio mass spectrometry (IRMS). The <sup>17</sup>O excess (Δ<sup>17</sup>O) is derived from isotope measurements on two different CO<sub>2</sub> aliquots: unmodified CO<sub>2</sub> and CO<sub>2</sub> after complete oxygen isotope exchange with cerium oxide (CeO<sub>2</sub>) at 700 °C. Thus, a single measurement of Δ<sup>17</sup>O requires two injections of 1 mL of air with a CO<sub>2</sub> mole fraction of 390 μmol mol<sup>−1</sup> at 293 K and 1 bar pressure (corresponding to 16 nmol CO<sub>2</sub> each). The required sample size (including flushing) is 2.7 mL of air. A single analysis (one pair of injections) takes 15 minutes. The analytical system is fully automated for unattended measurements over several days. The standard deviation of the <sup>17</sup>O excess analysis is 1.7&permil;. Multiple measurements on an air sample reduce the measurement uncertainty, as expected for the statistical standard error. Thus, the uncertainty for a group of 10 measurements is 0.58&permil; for &Delta; <sup>17</sup>O in 2.5 h of analysis. 100 repeat analyses of one air sample decrease the standard error to 0.20&permil;. The instrument performance was demonstrated by measuring CO<sub>2</sub> on stratospheric air samples obtained during the EU project RECONCILE with the high-altitude aircraft Geophysica. The precision for RECONCILE data is 0.03&permil; (1&sigma;) for δ<sup>13</sup>C, 0.07&permil; (1&sigma;) for δ<sup>18</sup>O and 0.55&permil; (1&sigma;) for &delta;<sup>17</sup>O for a sample of 10 measurements. This is sufficient to examine stratospheric enrichments, which at altitude 33 km go up to 12&permil; for &delta;<sup>17</sup>O and up to 8&permil; for δ<sup>18</sup>O with respect to tropospheric CO<sub>2</sub> : &delta;<sup>17</sup>O ~ 21&permil; Vienna Standard Mean Ocean Water (VSMOW), δ<sup>18</sup>O ~ 41&permil; VSMOW (Lämmerzahl et al., 2002). The samples measured with our analytical technique agree with available data for stratospheric CO<sub>2</sub>

    Biodiversity of poly-extremophilic Bacteria: Does combining the extremes of high salt, alkaline pH and elevated temperature approach a physico-chemical boundary for life?

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    Bacterial microorganisms that grow optimally at Na+ concentrations of 1.7 M, or the equivalent of 10% (w/v) NaCl, and greater are considered to be extreme halophiles. This review focuses on the correlation between the extent of alkaline pH and elevated temperature optima and the extent of salt tolerance of extremely halophilic eubacteria; the focus is on those with alkaline pH optima, above 8.5, and elevated temperature optima, above 50°C. If all three conditions are required for optimal growth, these microorganisms are termed "poly-extremophiles". However, only a very few extreme halophiles able to grow optimally under alkaline conditions as well as at elevated temperatures have been isolated so far. Therefore the question is: do the combined extreme growth conditions of the recently isolated poly-extremophiles, i.e., anaerobic halophilic alkalithermophiles, approach a physico-chemical boundary for life? These poly-extremophiles are of interest, as their adaptive mechanisms give insight into organisms' abilities to survive in environments which were previously considered prohibitive to life, as well as to possible properties of early evolutionary and extraterrestrial life forms

    Thermodynamic properties of confined interacting Bose gases - a renormalization group approach

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    A renormalization group method is developed with which thermodynamic properties of a weakly interacting, confined Bose gas can be investigated. Thereby effects originating from a confining potential are taken into account by periodic boundary conditions and by treating the resulting discrete energy levels of the confined degrees of freedom properly. The resulting density of states modifies the flow equations of the renormalization group in momentum space. It is shown that as soon as the characteristic length of confinement becomes comparable to the thermal wave length of a weakly interacting and trapped Bose gas its thermodynamic properties are changed significantly. This is exemplified by investigating characteristic bunching properties of the interacting Bose gas which manifest themselves in the second order coherence factor

    Single polymer adsorption in shear: flattening versus hydrodynamic lift and corrugation effects

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    The adsorption of a single polymer to a flat surface in shear is investigated using Brownian hydrodynamics simulations and scaling arguments. Competing effects are disentangled: in the absence of hydrodynamic interactions, shear drag flattens the chain and thus enhances adsorption. Hydrodynamic lift on the other hand gives rise to long-ranged repulsion from the surface which preempts the surface-adsorbed state via a discontinuous desorption transition, in agreement with theoretical arguments. Chain flattening is dominated by hydrodynamic lift, so overall, shear flow weakens the adsorption of flexible polymers. Surface friction due to small-wavelength surface potential corrugations is argued to weaken the surface attraction as well.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Entropy, time irreversibility and Schroedinger equation in a primarily discrete space-time

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    In this paper we show that the existence of a primarily discrete space-time may be a fruitful assumption from which we may develop a new approach of statistical thermodynamics in pre-relativistic conditions. The discreetness of space-time structure is determined by a condition that mimics the Heisenberg uncertainty relations and the motion in this space-time model is chosen as simple as possible. From these two assumptions we define a path-entropy that measures the number of closed paths associated with a given energy of the system preparation. This entropy has a dynamical character and depends on the time interval on which we count the paths. We show that it exists an like-equilibrium condition for which the path-entropy corresponds exactly to the usual thermodynamic entropy and, more generally, the usual statistical thermodynamics is reobtained. This result derived without using the Gibbs ensemble method shows that the standard thermodynamics is consistent with a motion that is time-irreversible at a microscopic level. From this change of paradigm it becomes easy to derive a HtheoremH-theorem. A comparison with the traditional Boltzmann approach is presented. We also show how our approach can be implemented in order to describe reversible processes. By considering a process defined simultaneously by initial and final conditions a well defined stochastic process is introduced and we are able to derive a Schroedinger equation, an example of time reversible equation.Comment: latex versio

    Why is the DNA Denaturation Transition First Order?

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    We study a model for the denaturation transition of DNA in which the molecules are considered as composed of a sequence of alternating bound segments and denaturated loops. We take into account the excluded-volume interactions between denaturated loops and the rest of the chain by exploiting recent results on scaling properties of polymer networks of arbitrary topology. The phase transition is found to be first order in d=2 dimensions and above, in agreement with experiments and at variance with previous theoretical results, in which only excluded-volume interactions within denaturated loops were taken into account. Our results agree with recent numerical simulations.Comment: Revised version. To appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Statistical field theory for simple fluids: the collective variables representation

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    An alternative representation of an exact statistical field theory for simple fluids, based on the method of collective variables, is presented. The results obtained are examined from the point of another version of theory that was developed recently by performing a Hubbard-Stratonovich transformation of the configurational Boltzmann factor [J.-M. Caillol, Mol. Phys. 101 (2003) 1617]. The analytical expressions for the pressure and the free energy are derived in two-loop approximation for both versions of theory and it is shown that they are indeed equivalent.The results yield a new type approximation within an untested approximation scheme

    Path Integral Approach to the Non-Relativistic Electron Charge Transfer

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    A path integral approach has been generalized for the non-relativistic electron charge transfer processes. The charge transfer - the capture of an electron by an ion passing another atom or more generally the problem of rearrangement collisions is formulated in terms of influence functionals. It has been shown that the electron charge transfer process can be treated either as electron transition problem or as elastic scattering of ion and atom in the some effective potential field. The first-order Born approximation for the electron charge transfer cross section has been reproduced to prove the adequacy of the path integral approach for this problem.Comment: 19 pages, 1 figure, to appear in Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular & Optical, vol.34, 200

    Threefold onset of vortex loops in superconductors with a magnetic core

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    A magnetic inclusion inside a superconductor gives rise to a fascinating complex of {\it vortex loops}. Our calculations, done in the framework of the Ginzburg-Landau theory, reveal that {\it loops always nucleate in triplets} around the magnetic core. In a mesoscopic superconducting sphere, the final superconducting state is characterized by those confined vortex loops and the ones that eventually spring to the surface of the sphere, evolving into {\it vortex pairs} piercing through the sample surface.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures (low resolution), latex2