417 research outputs found

    Topology Change in (2+1)-Dimensional Gravity

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    In (2+1)-dimensional general relativity, the path integral for a manifold MM can be expressed in terms of a topological invariant, the Ray-Singer torsion of a flat bundle over MM. For some manifolds, this makes an explicit computation of transition amplitudes possible. In this paper, we evaluate the amplitude for a simple topology-changing process. We show that certain amplitudes for spatial topology change are nonvanishing---in fact, they can be infrared divergent---but that they are infinitely suppressed relative to similar topology-preserving amplitudes.Comment: 19 pages of text plus 4 pages of figures, LaTeX (using epsf), UCD-11-9

    Dynamo effect in parity-invariant flow with large and moderate separation of scales

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    It is shown that non-helical (more precisely, parity-invariant) flows capable of sustaining a large-scale dynamo by the negative magnetic eddy diffusivity effect are quite common. This conclusion is based on numerical examination of a large number of randomly selected flows. Few outliers with strongly negative eddy diffusivities are also found, and they are interpreted in terms of the closeness of the control parameter to a critical value for generation of a small-scale magnetic field. Furthermore, it is shown that, for parity-invariant flows, a moderate separation of scales between the basic flow and the magnetic field often significantly reduces the critical magnetic Reynolds number for the onset of dynamo action.Comment: 44 pages,11 figures, significantly revised versio

    Ultrafast dynamics in the presence of antiferromagnetic correlations in electron-doped cuprate La2−x_{2-x}Cex_xCuO4±δ_{4\pm\delta}

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    We used femtosecond optical pump-probe spectroscopy to study the photoinduced change in reflectivity of thin films of the electron-doped cuprate La2−x_{2-x}Cex_xCuO4_4 (LCCO) with dopings of x==0.08 (underdoped) and x==0.11 (optimally doped). Above Tc_c, we observe fluence-dependent relaxation rates which onset at a similar temperature that transport measurements first see signatures of antiferromagnetic correlations. Upon suppressing superconductivity with a magnetic field, it is found that the fluence and temperature dependence of relaxation rates is consistent with bimolecular recombination of electrons and holes across a gap (2ΔAF\Delta_{AF}) originating from antiferromagnetic correlations which comprise the pseudogap in electron-doped cuprates. This can be used to learn about coupling between electrons and high-energy (ω>2ΔAF\omega>2\Delta_{AF}) excitations in these compounds and set limits on the timescales on which antiferromagnetic correlations are static

    ARPES studies of cuprate Fermiology: superconductivity, pseudogap, and quasiparticle dynamics

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    We present angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) studies of the cuprate high-temperature superconductors which elucidate the relation between superconductivity and the pseudogap and highlight low-energy quasiparticle dynamics in the superconducting state. Our experiments suggest that the pseudogap and superconducting gap represent distinct states, which coexist below Tc_c. Studies on Bi-2212 demonstrate that the near-nodal and near-antinodal regions behave differently as a function of temperature and doping, implying that different orders dominate in different momentum-space regions. However, the ubiquity of sharp quasiparticles all around the Fermi surface in Bi-2212 indicates that superconductivity extends into the momentum-space region dominated by the pseudogap, revealing subtlety in this dichotomy. In Bi-2201, the temperature dependence of antinodal spectra reveals particle-hole asymmetry and anomalous spectral broadening, which may constrain the explanation for the pseudogap. Recognizing that electron-boson coupling is an important aspect of cuprate physics, we close with a discussion of the multiple 'kinks' in the nodal dispersion. Understanding these may be important to establishing which excitations are important to superconductivity.Comment: To appear in a focus issue on 'Fermiology of Cuprates' in New Journal of Physic

    Fold-Saddle Bifurcation in Non-Smooth Vector Fields on the Plane

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    This paper presents results concerning bifurcations of 2D piecewise-smooth dynamical systems governed by vector fields. Generic three parameter families of a class of Non-Smooth Vector Fields are studied and its bifurcation diagrams are exhibited. Our main result describes the unfolding of the so called Fold-Saddle singularity
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