392 research outputs found

    3D Millimeter-Wave Peer-to-Peer Networks With Boundary Located Destination

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    This letter presents a theoretical analysis for estimating the coverage probability and the average link capacity of an interfered peer-to-peer millimeter-wave communication, when the destination lies at the boundary of a three-dimensional cell. The proposed model provides closed-form expressions for the statistics of the desired and undesired signal powers, by accounting for the impact of directional antenna gains, path-loss attenuation, mid-scale fading, interference, and noise

    Impact of the neighbor’s order on the capacity of millimeter-wave links with Poisson-distributed nodes in line of sight conditions

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    This paper presents a theoretical model for investigating the average capacity of a millimeter wave (mmWave) communication link in line of sight conditions, when a fixed binary phase-shift keying (BPSK) or a quadrature PSK (QPSK) modulation is used and the nodes are distributed according to a homogeneous Poisson point process (PPP). In particular, as compared to the existing PPP approaches, which often consider the sole nearest neighbor as a possible destination, the proposed analysis enables to evaluate the link performance for a neighbor of any order, thus providing a more complete view of the achievable capacity. Besides, the adoption of the BPSK/QPSK modulations helps to obtain a more realistic estimation with respect to the ideal one provided by the usually adopted Shannon bound. Moreover, the derived formulas, which are expressed in analytical form and checked by extensive simulations, include the influence of all the main mmWave propagation phenomena: path-loss attenuation, small- and mid-scale fading. The developed model is specifically exploited to explore the impact of the average cell radius and of the selected frequency band on the sustainability of the mmWave link as the destination becomes farther from the source

    New Fourier Transform Approach to the Synthesis of Shaped Patterns by Linear Antenna Arrays

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    A new Fourier Transform (NFT) approach is developed for the synthesis of shaped patterns radiated by linear antenna arrays. The proposed method exploits in an innovative way the FT relation between the source distribution and the radiated pattern. Precisely, the finite dimension of real sources is firstly taken into account by using the sampling theorem to approximate the desired pattern as a band-limited function. It is this step that allows one to obtain an important performance improvement. Then, a continuous source is evaluated from the approximate desired pattern to finally obtain the element excitations. Numerical examples validate the method

    Random Directional Access with and without Feedback for 5G/6G Peer-to-Peer Networks

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    This paper theoretically analyzes the usage of directional slotted Aloha schemes for managing the peer-to-peer random access in fifth and sixth generation (5G/6G) systems. To this aim, the physical layer is modeled by accounting for interference and noise, while a Markov chain approach is developed to investigate the network behavior in the presence and in the absence of a separate feedback channel, which provides information concerning the success or not of each transmission attempt. Closed-form expressions for the coverage probability and for the transition matrices with and without feedback are derived to then evaluate the corresponding throughput. The analytical results, which are validated by independent Monte Carlo simulations, are used to estimate the impact of the antenna gain, of the burst length, and of the node density on the achievable performance, as well as to discuss the directional random access benefit/complexity tradeoff

    Coverage and Throughput Analysis for Peer-to-Peer 6G Directional Slotted Aloha Bursty Networks

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    This paper presents a theoretical framework for investigating the coverage and throughput behavior of sixth generation (6G) peer-to-peer (P2P) directional slotted Aloha (DirSA) networks managing bursty traffic flows. Proper channel models, accounting for interference, noise, path-loss, random node location, power fluctuation, and beam pointing error, are adopted to derive analytical expressions for the statistic of the received power in ground, air, and space propagation contexts. The resulting coverage probability, obtained in simple integral form for different omnidirectional/directional transmission/reception modes, is exploited to derive multidimensional Markov chains for estimating the throughput in the absence and in the presence of a feedback mechanism, considering also the impact of the initial access procedure and of the beam training overhead. The theoretical results, which are validated by exhaustive Monte Carlo simulations, are used to evaluate the influence of the code-modulation scheme, of the operating signal to interference plus noise ratio (SINR), and of the burst length on the performance of 6G terrestrial, aerial, and satellite P2P DirSA subnets

    Explicitly Invertible Approximations of the Gaussian Q-Function: A Survey

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    Communications and information theory use the Gaussian QQ -function, a positive and decreasing function, across the literature. Its approximations were created to simplify mathematical study of the Gaussian QQ -function expressions. This is important since the QQ -function cannot be represented in closed-form terms of elementary functions. In a noise model with the Gaussian distribution function and various digital modulation schemes, closed-form approximations of the Gaussian QQ -function are used to predict a digital communications system's symbol error probability (SEP) or bit error probability (BEP). Another significant scenario pertains to fading channels, whereby it is important to accurately determine, through a closed-form expression, the precise evaluations of complex integrals involved in the computations of SEP or BEP. In addition to the aforementioned scenarios, it is imperative for a communications system designer to ascertain the requisite operational signal-to-noise ratio for the specific application, based on the target SEP (or BEP). In this scenario, the crucial role of the explicit invertibility of the Gaussian QQ -function approximation is of significant importance in achieving this objective. In this paper we propose a survey of the approximations of the Gaussian QQ -function found in the literature, reviewing also the approximations originally given for the 4 classical special functions related to it, restricting the analysis to the explicitly invertible ones, and classifying them on the basis of their accuracy (on the significant range), simplicity, and easiness of inversion, also distinguishing the bounds from approximations. We also list the inverses of some of them, already published or newly found in this research

    Role of the product \u3bb\u2032(0)\u3c1\u2032(1) in determining ldpc code performance

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    The objective of this work is to analyze the importance of the product \u3bb\u2032 (0)\u3c1\u2032 (1) in determining low density parity check (LDPC) code performance, as far as its influence on the weight distribution function and on the decoding thresholds. This analysis is based on the 2006 paper by Di et al., as far as the weight distribution function is concerned, and on the 2018 paper by Vatta et al., regarding the LDPC decoding thresholds. In particular, the first paper Di et al. analyzed the relation between the above mentioned product and the minimum weight of an ensemble of random LDPC codewords, whereas in the second some analytical upper bounds to the LDPC decoding thresholds were determined. In the present work, besides analyzing the performance of an ensemble of LDPC codes through the outcomes of Di et al.\u2019s 2006 paper, we give the relation between one of the upper bounds found in Vatta et al.\u2019s 2018 paper and the above mentioned product \u3bb\u2032 (0)\u3c1\u2032 (1), thus showing its role in also determining an upper bound to LDPC decoding thresholds

    Performance Study of a Class of Irregular Near Capacity Achieving LDPC Codes

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    This paper investigates the performance of a class of irregular low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes through a recently published low complexity upper bound on their beliefpropagation decoding thresholds. Moreover, their performance analysis is carried out through a recently published algorithmic method, presented in Babich et al. 2017 paper. In particular, the class considered is characterized by variable node degree distributions λ(x) of minimum degree i1 > 2: being, in this case, λ0(0) = λ2 = 0, this is useful to design LDPC codes presenting a linear minimum distance growth with the block length with probability 1, as shown in Di et al.'s 2006 paper. These codes unfortunately cannot reach capacity under iterative decoding, since the achievement of capacity requires λ2 ≠ 0. However, in this latter case, the block error probability might converge to a constant, as shown in the aforementioned paper

    A new accurate approximation of the Gaussian Q-function with relative error less than 1 thousandth in a significant domain

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    The approximations of the Gaussian Q-function found in the literature have been often developed with the goal of obtaining high estimation accuracies in deriving the error probability for digital modulation schemes. Unfortunately, the obtained mathematical expressions are often too complex, even difficultly tractable. A new approximation for the Gaussian Q-function is presented in the form of the standard normal density multiplied by a rational function. The rational function is simply a linear combination of the first 5 integer negative powers of the same term, linear in x, using only 4 decimal constants. In this paper we make some considerations about the significant interval where to consider the Q-function in telecommunication theory. The relative error in absolute value of the given approximation is less than 0.06% in the considered significant interval

    A Method of Synthesis for Multi-Frequency Smart Antenna Arrays for Coastal Monitoring

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    Thanks to their versatility, smart antenna arrays are used in a wide variety of contexts, including, in particular, coastal monitoring. Within this framework, operating in multi-frequency modality might reveal a fundamental requirement. So, in this paper the problem of synthesis of multi-frequency antenna arrays is addressed. Precisely, a fixed grid array is considered, having an arbitrary but known geometry. The excitation vectors are optimized in such a way that the radiation patterns belong to a prescribed mask at certain assigned frequencies. Moreover, in order to have a simpler, cheaper and more efficient antenna, the phase-only synthesis is performed. In fact, thanks to this requirement, variable attenuators are not necessary and only phase-shifters are used in the feeding network. Numerical examples are provided, which validate the effectiveness of the method
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